Ready Player One |

DeLorean Owners – Get Ready… for Ready Player One

DeLorean Owners – Get Ready… for Ready Player One | DeLoreanDirectory.comOkay DeLorean owners and DeLorean clubs… if you want to have some FUN with your car, you need to talk the general manager at your local movie theater NOW to setup something for March 30, 2018…

The Ready Player One movie is going to be VERY popular, and having DeLoreans parked in front of the theater on opening day will be fun for everyone. Be it a DeLorean car show, or even just a single car.

If you or your club DO coordinate with your local movie theater, be sure to create a Facebook event so that it’s easy to share, and easy for others to find out about it – and email DeLorean Directory so we can share it too. Stop by your local movie theaters and talk to a manager to see if you can work something out. Click here for a list of movie theaters in your area.

Ready Player One |