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Timestamp | Last 5 of VIN: | Location Country: | Location State/Region: | Location City: | VIN Page: | Full VIN: | Model Year: | Build date: | Odometer: | Engine: | Transmission: | Engine / Transmission notes: | Finish: | Finish Condition: | Finish Notes: | Interior: | Interior Condition: | Interior notes: | Console Clock: | Radio: | Exterior Graphics: | Hood: | Gas Flap: | Hood emblem: | Antenna: | Wheel Casting: | Wheel Color: | Car storage: | License Plate Number: | License Plate State/Country: | Registration Stickers: | Overall Vehicle Status: | Source: | Source Notes: | Date Last Seen: | General Notes / Description: | Owner Contact: | Owner Website: | Current Owner Club Affiliation: | Current Owner Purchase Date: | Owner gender: | Owner age range: | Purchased from: | Purchase notes: | Owner succession: | Owner occupation: | Miles / km driven per year: | How often driven: | Commonly Used Fuel: |
2/3/2025 16:24:53 | 03581 | USA | Iowa | Cedar Rapids | SCEDT26T5BD003581 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 12340 | Stock PRV | Manual | Fuel lines and overflow tank replaced | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Body was regrained | Black | Excellent | Original other than seats were recovered and headliners replaced. | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | MVP 692 | IA/USA | 03/24 | Excellent | Owner | 2/3/2025 | Third owner. Original owner passed on to his son in 2020 and was then purchased in Dec 2024. Car was reconditioned by Gulf Coast Motorworks in 2020 prior to son taking ownership. Work included replacing cylinder heads/gaskets, flushing fuel system and replacing fuel pump/sender, replacing distributor cap/rotor and wires, replacing belts, replacing O2 sensor, replacing air/fuel filters, replacing coolant hoses and radiator, replacing brake MC, replacing steering rack, replacing all struts, installing relay kit, replacing door inner/outer door seals and roof seals, replacing fuel accumulator, replace battery and tires. In 2013 the original owner had the Gulf Coast Motorworks perform service after the car had sat for a long time. This service included replacing fuel injectors and seals, replacing brake rotors/pads/hoses and rebuilding calipers, replace clutch MC and install flexible stainless steel clutch line and rebuild HVAC mode control switch. | Tom Shinrock ( | DeLorean Midwest Connection | 12/23/2024 | Male | 60+ | Dealership | Purchased from DMC Midwest. Had fuel lines and headliners replaced with sale. | 3rd owner | Retired | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||
1/27/2025 11:40:54 | 01769 | USA | ID | NAMPA | SCEDT26T2BD001769 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 88000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Complete engine rebuild | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Pulled the entire frame off and replaced with a stainless steel frame due to rust | Black | Excellent | Seats have been reupholstered | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | BKNTIME | United States | Excellent | Owner | 1/27/2025 | Gabriel Jackson ( | DeLorean Motor Club – Utah | 10/3/2021 | Male | 19-29 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | Investor | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | 91 octane | ||||||
1/13/2025 20:03:01 | 02417 | USA – United States of America | Florida | Trinity | SCEDT26T9BD002417 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 34402 | PRV Stage 1 | Automatic | Island Twin Turbo | Painted | Bad | Painted white. Paint is chipping. | Black | Good | Seats ripped. Headliners saggy. | No | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Parts missing | Owner | 1/13/2025 | Turbo pipes missing. KJet disconnected. Hollow bolts missing. Been in a garage for 7 years before I got it. Outside for 10 years before that. Frame solid. Body great. May or may not run. | Rob Faiella ( | 11/24/2024 | Male | 50-59 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Car was in Alabama | 3rd owner | |||||||||||
12/30/2024 14:12:37 | 05878 | USA – United States of America | Illinois | Elgin | SCEDT26T5BD005878 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 70000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA/IL | Good | Owner | 12/30/2024 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | ||||||||||||||||||
12/7/2024 19:43:02 | 03499 | USA | Kentucky | Glasgow | SCEDT26T9BD003499 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 21000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Original radio removed | No | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 11/17/2024 | My uncle owned this car from early 2000’s. | North Carolina DeLorean Group | 11/17/2024 | Male | 40-49 | Other | Inhereted. | Unknown | Education | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Monthly | 87 octane | |||||||||
10/29/2024 19:57:41 | 03440 | USA | Florida | SCEDT26T9BD003440 | 1981 | AUG 81 | Custom | Manual | 1992 3.0L PRV | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Owner | 10/29/2024 | DeLorean Club of Florida | 8/2/2021 | Male | 19-29 | Other | Unknown | ||||||||||||||||||||
10/13/2024 11:35:57 | 10469 | Czech Republic | Mlada Boleslav | | SCEDT26T0CD010469 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 10782 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Concours | ASI | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 11V5912 | Česká republika | Excellent | Owner | 10/13/2024 | 1/18/2019 | Male | 50-59 | Auction | Manager | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Car Shows / Parades only | 97/98 RON | |||||||||||||
10/13/2024 11:17:45 | 00973 | Czech Republic | Mlada Boleslav | | SCEDT26T7BD000973 | 1981 | APR 81 | 22168 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | Thin Grey Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | 11V7372 | Česká republika | Excellent | Owner | 10/13/2024 | 10/9/2019 | Male | 50-59 | Auction | 3rd owner | Manager | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Car Shows / Parades only | 97/98 RON | |||||||||||
10/9/2024 8:47:25 | 17035 | USA | Ohio | London | SCEDT26T0DD017035 | 1983 | SEP 82 | 67000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA/OH | Excellent | Owner | 10/8/0024 | Yes ( | 1/1/1983 | Male | 60+ | Other | K PAC | 1st owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 87 octane | |||||||||||
10/4/2024 4:31:14 | 06707 | Spain | Madrid | | SCEDT26T5BD006707 | 1981 | NOV 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Parts missing | Not in good condition, but currently under restoration | Grey | Grooved | No | No | Owner | 8/20/2024 | In search of history about the past of this car. I can’t find much information on it. Looks like it must have been first sold in 1981 in Clawson, MI. I don’t know what happened after that, but recently (2024) its second to last owner appears to be a Frank A. Swinich, he had it at 124 Chimney Rock RdBridgewater, NJ 08807. (I think he’s had it since 2004, but I can’t confirm). It must have been sold to some brokers, because it later appeared at the auction house “Hermans & Hermans: Automotive Auctions” at Graafseweg 23A, 5831 AA Boxmeer, The Netherlands. There it was acquired by auction and is on its way to Madrid, Spain. | DeLorean Club España | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9/12/2024 11:16:16 | 10635 | USA | North Carolina | Concord | 1981 | 19000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | No | Other | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 9/12/2024 | Restoration starter in 2022. Was in a shed for 18 years prior in NC. The owners son saw my car. He stopped and asked if I was interested in buying 2 Deloreans. This car was purchased with VIN 874 | Robert Schriever | 1/12/2023 | Male | 40-49 | Other | |||||||||||||||||||||
9/4/2024 8:16:21 | 16720 | USA | Illinois | Oak Park | 1983 | AUG 82 | 18612 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | Yes | Garaged / Inside | USA.IL | Owner | 9/4/2024 | Yes | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | ||||||||||||||||||||||
7/21/2024 5:50:51 | 20026 | Germany | Bavaria | Regensburg | SCEDT26T3DD020026 | 1983 | AUG 82 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Mileage 26000 .. good in shape .. | Grey | Good | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | R-N 1405 | D | No | Good | Owner | 7/1/2024 | 4/1/2024 | Male | 40-49 | Other | Unknown | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 97/98 RON | |||||||||||
7/4/2024 10:18:03 | 10638 | Canada | Alberta | Medicine Hat | SCEDT26T8CD010638 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 5690 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Windshield | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 7/4/2024 | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Never (Museum / Display only) | ||||||||||||||||||||
5/30/2024 20:30:34 | 01057 | USA | Alaska | Anchorage | SCEDT26T9CD001057 | 1982 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Concours | Yes | Excellent | Owner | 5/30/2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5/22/2024 5:48:37 | 06805 | USA | Pennsylvania | SCEDT26T5BD006805 | 1981 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | None | Front-Right | Thin fins | Silver | 1fly-me | pa | Excellent | Owner | 6/1/1988 | my car got stolen | Brian shapley ( | Male | 50-59 | Unknown | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
5/18/2024 19:05:33 | 05964 | USA | North Carolina | Durham | SCEDT26T9BD005964 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 16265 | Stock PRV | Manual | original | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Excellent | Yes | Craig | Thin Grey Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Outdoors | OUTAFLUX | NC | 12/24 | Excellent | Owner | Not for sale | 5/18/2024 | A car in excellent condition | Charlie Heyda ( | None | North Carolina DeLorean Group | Male | 60+ | Advertisement (paper / online) | Purchased from the original owner in California | 2nd owner | Retired | 5,001m to 15,000m / 8,047km to 24,140km | Daily | 87 octane | ||
5/2/2024 5:23:01 | 00686 | USA | North Carolina | Durham | 1981 | Stainless Steel | Parts missing | Outdoors | Parts missing | Observed in person | 5/4/2024 | The car is owned by Bob Miller. It is nearly completely disassembled. It has been sitting in the woods for probably 30+ years. He has 4 others. I will try to get VIN’s the next time I see him. | Unknown | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/7/2024 12:49:03 | 07033 | Czech Republic | Ustecky Kraj | SCEDT26T5BD007033 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 35400 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 0UTATIM3 | CZ | Excellent | Owner | 4/7/2024 | | 3/18/2023 | Male | 19-29 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Unknown | Software Developer | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Annually | 97/98 RON | |||||||||||
4/6/2024 12:50:55 | 06491 | USA | Nebraska | Lincoln | SCEDT26TBD1006491 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 28000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Original. Shows wear, needs refinishing | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Windshield | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Museum | Located in speedway museum | 4/6/2024 | Looks to be an unrestored “garage find” condition DMC | |||||||||||||||||||
4/1/2024 11:08:00 | 10045 | USA | Texas | Grapevine | 0SCEDT26T3CD10045 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 15000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Painted | Good | Grey | Excellent | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Other | Garaged / Inside | DMC 82 | Tarrant TX | Excellent | Owner | 4/1/2024 | Female | 60+ | Dealership | 1st owner | Self employed | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Car Shows / Parades only | 91 octane | ||||||||||||
4/1/2024 10:48:12 | 03133 | United Kingdom | Ken | Tonbridge | SCEDT26T0BD003133 | 1981 | APR 81 | 51200 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | NONE | Grey | Excellent | COMPLETE | Yes | Other | Thin Grey Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | SRV612E | UK | NONE | Excellent | Owner | NA | 4/1/2024 | ALL WORKS, JUST EXCELLENT CONDITION, USED ON ROADS | YES ( | NONE | DeLorean Club UK | 3/1/2019 | Male | 60+ | Dealership | NONE | Unknown | RETIRED | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Car Shows / Parades only | 89 octane | ||
4/1/2024 3:31:26 | 01632 | USA | California | San Diego | SCEDT26T8BD001632 | 1981 | JUN 81 | Automatic | PRV-6 Engine w/ automatic transmission | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | No | Craig | Flat | Yes | No | Not sure | Owner | 11/15/2011 | 2nd owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3/30/2024 4:36:49 | 03682 | Ireland | Longford | | SCEDT26T0BD003682 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 54000 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey dealer double stripe | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | Thin Grey Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Ireland | Excellent | Owner | 3/30/2024 | DeLorean Owners of Ireland | 7/30/2022 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | Dmc florida | Unknown | Business owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 95 RON | |||||||||
3/30/2024 4:18:50 | 05387 | United Kingdom | Kent | Barnt Green | SCEDT26T8BD005387 | 1983 | 42000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Engine and clutch renewal 01/04/2024 | Grey | Good | Cd multi Phillip car stereo with dedicated amp and subwoofer | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | D12 DMC | United Kingdom | Good | Owner | 2/1/2024 | Yes ( | DeLorean Owners Club UK | Male | 60+ | Dentist | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 95 RON | ||||||||||||
3/12/2024 13:25:23 | 04116 | Finland | Finland | Lappeenranta | SCEDT26T5BD004116 | 1981 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Needs repair | Yes | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | JCI-33 | Finland | 81 | Good | Owner | 3/12/2024 | No sale | ( | 10/2/2014 | Male | 50-59 | Other | Diskovery | 3rd owner | Maintenance manager | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 97/98 RON | ||||||||||
2/1/2024 9:35:11 | 05222 | United Kingdom | Derbyshire | ChesterField | SCEDT26T9BD005222 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 30316 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Engine fitted with various DPI and Dgo parts with DMCH pre-stainless stage 1 exhaust. Auto trans governor rebuilt with new components | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Regrained and Dent repairs carried out by Chris Nicholson in March 2023 after previously being painted red from collision damage | Grey | Good | Interior restored of sun damage, Console clock upgraded to led (original still intact), Pioneer cassette tape deck with multi CD changer, Speedhut speedbox under dash. | Yes | Other | Custom | Grooved | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | MKU 352W | United Kingdom | N/A | Good | Owner | 2/1/2024 | William Bollands ( | | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 7/27/2021 | Male | 19-29 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Purchased through AD on the DOCUK forum | 4th + owner | Machine operative | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Car Shows / Parades only | 95 RON | |||
1/26/2024 6:50:36 | 71119 | Canada | Ontario | Oshawa | SCEDT26T6DD0171119 | 1983 | 1941 | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Excellent | Museum | | 1/26/2024 | Canadian spec vehicle, odometer in km. | Canadian Automotive Museum ( | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1/24/2024 22:06:14 | 16859 | United Kingdom | Europe | Bath | 1982 | JAN 82 | 12569 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Car Port | Lkh63y | Excellent | Owner | 1/25/2024 | DeLorean Owners Club UK | Male | 50-59 | Other | 2nd owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | 97/98 RON | |||||||||||||||
1/11/2024 21:01:01 | 01771 | USA | Illinois | Lake Villa | SCEDT26T0BD001771 | 1981 | 31219 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Owner | 1/11/2024 | Adam Robinson | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12/31/2023 2:34:52 | 05309 | United Kingdom | Europe | Frodsham | SCEDT26TXBD005309 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Manual | Painted | Grey | No | HTU506X | UK | Website | 1/1/2012 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12/21/2023 12:41:17 | 06356 | USA | California | SCEDT26T2BD006356 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 36636 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | MCFLYO1 | USA / CA | Excellent | Owner | 12/20/2023 | Dealership | 2nd owner | Monthly | |||||||||||||||||||||
12/21/2023 0:52:57 | 05964 | USA | North Carolina | Durham | SCEDT26T9BD005964 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 14340 | Stock PRV | Manual | original | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Outdoors | OUTAFLUX | USA/NC | 12/24 | Excellent | Owner | not for sale | 12/20/2023 | a great car | Charlie Heyda ( | none | DeLorean Mid-Atlantic Club | 4/1/2009 | Male | 60+ | Advertisement (paper / online) | purchased from the original owner in CA | 2nd owner | retiree | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Daily | 87 octane | ||||
12/11/2023 7:50:24 | 10456 | USA | Ohio | SCEDT26T2CD010456 | 1982 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Bad | Owner | 12/11/2023 | Frame damage from rust | Tony Hercules | 9/4/1987 | Male | 50-59 | Dealership | Unknown | Firefighter/Medic | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Never (Museum / Display only) | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||
12/2/2023 22:45:26 | 16593 | USA | Texas | Grand Prairie | SCEDT261700016593 | 1983 | 21017 | PRV Stage 2 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | No | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | United States | Good | Owner | 12/3/2023 | Texas DeLorean Club | 11/17/2023 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 4th + owner | Diesel Technician | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||
11/30/2023 11:45:25 | 00933 | USA | Central California | SCEDT26T6BD000933 | 1981 | MAR 81 | 23000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Regraining soon | Good | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | WA6OIB | USA/CA | 07/24 | Good | Owner | 11/30/2023 | Ken Holden ( | 8/6/2001 | Male | 60+ | Other | Birthday Gift From Friend | 3rd owner | Retired Engineer/Pilot | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Car Shows / Parades only | 87 octane | ||||||||||
11/24/2023 9:48:42 | 06863 | USA | South Carolina | Anderson | SCEDT26T8BD006863 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 26255 | Custom | Manual | LS4 with G96 Porsche 6 speed manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Flat | No | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Usa SC | Excellent | Owner | 11/24/2023 | Todd Kahler ( | 9/21/2022 | Male | 50-59 | Other | Unknown | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | 91 octane | |||||||||||
11/23/2023 4:49:17 | 16919 | USA | North Carolina | Chapel Hill | SCEDT26T0DD016919 | 1983 | 43000 | Custom | Other | 5.7ls4 g96 3:1 ratio | Stainless Steel | Good | Previously owned by a dentist in Fayetteville NC | Black | Good | Alright | No | ASI | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Garaged / Inside | Not registered | Nc | Good | Owner | 11/23/2023 | Yes ( | DeLorean Mid-Atlantic Club | 11/23/2011 | Male | 19-29 | Auction | Came from Raleigh classic auction | 2nd owner | Real estate | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||
11/22/2023 18:32:41 | 10289 | USA | Arizona | Phoenix | SCEDT26T9CD010289 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 15850 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | MCFLYIN | USA | Excellent | Owner | 11/22/2023 | 7/22/2021 | Male | 50-59 | Dealership | bought from original owner | 2nd owner | ||||||||||||||
11/15/2023 23:10:56 | 03593 | USA | Florida | SCEDT26T1BD003593 | 1981 | SEP 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Bad | Black | Bad | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Outdoors | Bad | Website | 11/16/2023 | Shown on | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
11/13/2023 9:31:59 | 16201 | USA | New Jersey | Brick | SCEDT26T8DD016201 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 22766 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 11/13/2023 | 1/17/2010 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | Monthly | 89 octane | ||||||||||||||||
11/7/2023 16:13:34 | 03816 | USA | Wisconsin | Madison | SCEDT26T6BD003816 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 58000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Other | Flat | No | No | Front-Right | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 11/7/2023 | DeLorean Midwest Connection | 7/3/2023 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 4th + owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||||
11/6/2023 17:16:26 | 01659 | USA | California | Owner | 11/5/2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10/30/2023 12:51:31 | 17081 | Canada | Ontario | Kingsville | SCEDT26T7DD017081 | 1983 | SEP 82 | Stock PRV | Manual | BAE turbo | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Was painted in 1983. Just stripped Oct 2023 | Grey | Good | No | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Other | Garaged / Inside | Ontairio | Excellent | Owner | 10/30/2023 | Mike Walsh ( | Official DeLorean Owners Canada | 7/1/2015 | Male | Other | Purchased from orginal owner | 2nd owner | IT Training | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | Other | |||||||||
10/23/2023 10:33:13 | 02780 | USA | Louisiana | Mandeville | SCEDT26T6BD002780 | 1981 | 32000 | PRV Stage 3 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Excellent interior & exterior | Grey | Excellent | New seat covers and carpets | Yes | ASI | Thin Grey Stripe | Flat | Yes | Front-Right | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | YEAITIS | FL | 10/24 | Excellent | Owner | 10/5/2023 | Car has undergone extensive restoration at DMC Texas, Stage 2 + Eibach Springs & Shocks. Braided hoses, new lines, hoses etc. over $30k work done at DMC Humbolt, TX. All records and provenance. Car stored in climate controlled private storage. | Tina G Newman (TINABIRDKW@AOL.COM) | DeLorean Club of Florida | 6/16/2016 | Female | 60+ | Dealership | DMC Humbolt, TX | 3rd owner | Retired Electronics Company | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Annually | 91 octane | ||||||
10/15/2023 10:14:14 | 01318 | USA | California | Salinas | SCEDT26T2BD001318 | 1981 | MAY 81 | 44000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Work Good | Stainless Steel | Good | Still an ongoing Restoration | Black | Good | Good but still needs work. | Yes | Other | Thin Grey Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Silver | Outdoors | 1DJE400 | USA | 06/24 | Good | Owner | 10/15/2023 | Kris Machado ( | Northern California DeLorean Motor Club | 5/11/2021 | Male | 60+ | Other | Previous owner was the seller. | 3rd owner | Retired | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 89 octane | ||||
10/1/2023 23:07:04 | 10515 | USA | Missouri | Marceline | SCEDT26T3CD010515 | 1982 | NOV 81 | 35521 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | New fuel lines | Stainless Steel | Good | Small dent in the back-left panel, from the first owner. | Grey | Good | Slightly cracked binnacle, original carpet, some wear | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | EH3 H0P | USA / MO | 07/24 | Good | Owner | 10/2/2023 | Dave Tavres ( | | DeLorean Midwest Connection | 11/6/2015 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Bought from 1st owner. | 2nd owner | Geek | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||
9/22/2023 14:28:31 | 10346 | Spain | Alicante | Finestrat | 2000 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Concours | Excellent | Craig | None | No | Yes | Concours | Museum | 9/21/2023 | Museo del Motor SL ( | | DeLorean Club España | Auction | Museum | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9/15/2023 13:36:34 | 16455 | USA | California | Woodland Hills | SCEDT26T6DD016455 | 1983 | JUL 82 | 21201 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | 9FUA 083 | USA / CA | 04/24 | Excellent | Owner | 9/15/2023 | Keff Ratcliffe ( | 3/17/2023 | Male | 40-49 | Other | Purchased from a car museum | Unknown | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | 91 octane | |||||||||
9/10/2023 13:09:32 | 16367 | USA | Arizona | Sierra Vista | SCEDT26T9DD016367 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 81562 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Engine upgraded in 2022 by DMC-CA (Danny Botkin) | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Other | Garaged / Inside | USA/AZ | Good | Owner | 9/10/2023 | David Cox ( | Arizona DeLorean Club | 8/13/2000 | Male | 60+ | Other | previous owner was moving and didn’t want to take the car | 3rd owner | retired | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||||
9/7/2023 12:30:07 | 06065 | Belgium | Antwerp | SCEDT26T2BD006065 | 1981 | NOV 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Parts missing | Grey | Parts missing | Yes | Craig | Flat | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Parts missing | Observed in person | 9/7/2023 | Male | 50-59 | Unknown | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/28/2023 19:30:08 | 03349 | USA | Florida | Clewiston | SCEDT26T1BD003349 | 1981 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Custom | Excellent | Originally Grey been updated to black and gray | No | Other | Other | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Livndrm | FL | Excellent | Owner | 8/28/2023 | Sean Thompson | 5/1/2005 | Male | 40-49 | Other | Maritime | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||
8/28/2023 15:57:13 | 10909 | USA | Wisconsin | Madison | SCEDT26T2CD010909 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 25000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Formerly painted black | Grey | Good | Time Machine interior | No | Other | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 220666 | Wisconsin | Time Machine Conversion | Owner | 8/28/0023 | | DeLorean Midwest Connection | 5/25/0020 | Male | 40-49 | Other | 2nd owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 87 octane | |||||||||
8/28/2023 3:36:46 | 16625 | USA | Pennsylvania | Allentown | SCEDT26T5DD016625 | 1983 | 158 | Stock PRV | Manual | Other | Good | 24K Gold Plated | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 8/28/2023 | Male | 50-59 | 3rd owner | Engineer | |||||||||||||||||||
8/28/2023 3:30:35 | 04414 | USA | Pennsylvania | Fleetwood | SCEDT26T2BD004414 | 1981 | 40590 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 8/28/2023 | Male | 50-59 | Dealership | 2nd owner | Engineer | |||||||||||||||||||
8/26/2023 4:59:09 | 11071 | USA | Texas | Weatherford | SCEDT26T9CD011071 | 1982 | NOV 82 | 26000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Refreshed seals & Eng. exterior powder coated 2023 | Stainless Steel | Good | a few door dingd | Grey | Excellent | Original | No | Craig | Thin Grey Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | US / TX | Excellent | Owner | 8/26/2023 | M. Dismukes ( | | North Texas DeLorean Owners Association | 11/22/1982 | Male | 60+ | Dealership | 1st owner | Systems Engineering | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Car Shows / Parades only | 91 octane | ||||||
8/19/2023 4:40:06 | 05167 | USA | Connecticut | Bozrah | SCEDT26T5BD005167 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | ASI | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | N0 FLUX | USA/CT | Excellent | Owner | 8/19/2023 | Larry Donn ( | 4/1/2023 | Male | 50-59 | Dealership | Unknown | Machinist | Car Shows / Parades only | 89 octane | ||||||||||||
8/18/2023 12:38:25 | 10426 | USA | Michigan | Macomb twp. MI | SCEDT26T4CD010426 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 60375 | Stock PRV | Manual | All Original. Excellent condition. Found with 57,150 miles, and evidence shows it may have an estimated 15k miles more (cross referenced tire manufacturing date codes, tread depth left, and copy of title from 1992). Angle drive was not operational when purchased. | Stainless Steel | Good | Appears original. Would like to re-grain at some point (LH front fender and hood need it; All other body panels are excellent). Rear fascia paint is Excellent. Front fascia will need paint in the near future due to light chipping near RH headlamp. | Grey | Excellent | All original. Only shift boot and headliner updated (2022 and 2023 respectively). | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / MI | 01/2023 | Excellent | Owner | Owner | 8/18/2023 | All Original Survivor. Sorted from hibernation during 2022-2023. Reliable summer weekender. Currently being enjoyed in South-East Michigan. | Fernando Bird | 11/18/2021 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | One owner car. Vehicle was stored. Purchased from consignment dealer. | 2nd owner | Automotive Engineer | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Annually | 89 octane | ||||
8/15/2023 8:13:51 | 02203 | USA | Michigan | Farmington Hills | SCEDT26T1BD002203 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 28000 | Custom | Other | Ford Ecoboost 3.5 High Output and Porsche G96 6MT | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Excellent | Recaro seats and Momo Prototipo wheel | Yes | Craig | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | LGND 1 | USA MI | 24 | Excellent | Owner | 8/15/2023 | Jayce Delker ( | 6/13/2015 | Male | 19-29 | Other | Purchased after sitting for 20 years | 3rd owner | Engineer | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||
8/10/2023 16:45:39 | 03405 | USA | Oklahoma | Tulsa | SCEDT26T7BD003405 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Wide Black Stripe | No | Front-Right | Garaged / Inside | USA | Good | Owner | 8/10/2023 | Shared | 60+ | Advertisement (paper / online) | Unknown | Never (Museum / Display only) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/9/2023 17:37:42 | 10574 | USA | Wisconsin | Madison | SCEDT26T8CD010574 | 1982 | NOV 81 | 23500 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Painted | Good | painted black | Grey | Good | Two-tone leather | No | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Other | Garaged / Inside | DRK FUTR | USA / WI | Good | Owner | 8/5/2023 | Dennis Adams ( | 11/11/1987 | Male | 50-59 | Advertisement (paper / online) | from Souix Fall, SD | Software Engineer | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Annually | 91 octane | ||||||||||
8/8/2023 23:41:54 | 01672 | Germany | Rheinland Pfalz | Winnweiler | SCEDT26T9BD001672 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 53000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | HL 3 | Germany / Rheinland Pfalz | Good | Owner | 8/9/2023 | DeLorean Club Deutschland (Germany) | 5/20/2022 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | Unknown | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 95 RON | |||||||||||
7/24/2023 11:38:19 | 05090 | USA | Michigan | Grand Rapids | SCEDT26T7BD005090 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 62000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 7/24/2023 | Sam Briggs ( | Male | 30-39 | Other | 3rd owner | Musician | Daily | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||
7/22/2023 20:59:26 | 03028 | Canada | Alberta | Airdrie | SCEDT26T3BD003028 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 36000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Other | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 8/22/2023 | 7/25/2012 | Male | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||
7/14/2023 2:03:12 | 11744 | Italy | Italy | Piacenza | SCEDT26T1CD011744 | 1982 | 62000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | ASI | None | Flat | No | Other | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 7/14/2023 | Campelli Mirco ( | 8/4/2022 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 1st owner | Electrician Craftsman | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 95 RON | ||||||||||||||
7/13/2023 0:50:10 | 05248 | USA | Michigan | Green Oak Township | SCEDT26T5BD005248 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 13378 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Windshield | Not sure | Silver | Outdoors | 4DJC13 | USA / MI | Good | Website | | 7/13/2023 | |||||||||||||||||||
7/12/2023 13:19:24 | 02710 | United Kingdom | Buckinghamshire | Marlow UK | SCEDT26T7BD002710 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 14500 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Concours | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | MKU 785W | Uk | Excellent | Owner | 7/10/2023 | Nick Coleman ( | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 1/1/2022 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | Unknown | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||
7/12/2023 10:46:24 | 03957 | Equatorial Guinea | Texas | Austin | SCEDT26T2BD003957 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 44996 | Electric | Other | Tesla small drive unit | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Concours | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 7/12/2023 | Oscar Boykin ( | 4/14/2022 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | Purchased from DMC FL | Unknown | ||||||||||||||
7/5/2023 16:51:51 | 04883 | Australia | New South Wales | Sydney | SCEDT26T4BD004883 | 1981 | 28232 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Windshield | Not sure | Grey | Outdoors | Australia / NSW | Good | Website | | 4/20/2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||
7/3/2023 9:11:16 | 00792 | USA | South Carolina | Summerville | SCEDT26T3BD000792 | 1981 | JUN 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Bad | Found on Facebook Market June 2023. | Black | Bad | Yes | Craig | Grooved | Yes | No | Bad | Website | 6/30/2023 | Colby Gatch | Male | 15001m or more / 24141km or more | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
5/20/2023 17:25:52 | 01830 | USA | Florida | Orlando | SCEDT26T1BD001830 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 11334 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Owner | 5/20/2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5/20/2023 17:20:09 | 05386 | USA | Pennsylvania | Jim Thorpe | SCEDT26T6BD005386 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Bad | Currently black, to be modified | Yes | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Good | Owner | 5/20/2023 | Male | 60+ | Other | Unknown | |||||||||||||||||||||
5/6/2023 3:37:49 | 02444 | Germany | Bavaria | SCEDT26T1BD002444 | 1981 | JUL 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Other | Thin Grey Stripe | Grooved | Yes | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Other | Garaged / Inside | KEH TG 3 | Deutschland | Good | Owner | 5/6/2023 | DeLorean Club Deutschland (Germany) | 4/11/1994 | Male | 50-59 | Dealership | Unknown | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 95 RON | |||||||||||||
4/23/2023 0:21:31 | 01248 | Germany | Hessen | SCEDT26T7BD001248 | 1981 | APR 81 | 23500 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Yes | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | No | No | Windshield | Garaged / Inside | MR-H81H | Excellent | Owner | 4/23/2023 | DeLorean Club Deutschland (Germany) | Female | 60+ | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | |||||||||||||||||||||
4/13/2023 15:58:21 | 05070 | USA | California | Rocklin | SCEDT26T1BD005070 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 13640 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Blaupunkt | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | unlicensed pending Smog test | n/a | n/a | Good | Owner | 4/12/2023 | David Bruner ( | Northern California DeLorean Motor Club | 10/30/2022 | Male | 60+ | Auction | Ebay | 3rd owner | Retired | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 87 octane | |||||||
3/30/2023 17:00:36 | 10398 | USA | Utah | Cedar City | SCEDT26T3CD010398 | 1982 | 51000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | Other | Flat | No | Yes | Garaged / Inside | BTTF | Virginia | Excellent | Owner | 3/30/2023 | Wes | 10/3/2020 | Male | 30-39 | Auction | Unknown | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||||
3/20/2023 2:12:22 | 04890 | United Kingdom | Leicestershire | Ashby-de-la-Zouch | SCEDT26T1BD004890 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 16000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Full Body restoration carried out by Chris Nicholson | Grey | Excellent | RHD conversion | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | DWU106W | UK | Excellent | Owner | 3/20/2023 | The car was imported in 2015 from Chicago after which a frame off restoration and RHD conversion was carried out by Chris Nicholson. The car was originally black – but was restored back to original stainless finish and re-grained. | Derfel Jones ( | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 3/5/2021 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Unknown | Engineer | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 97/98 RON | ||||||
2/16/2023 22:13:52 | 16798 | USA | California | Chino Hills | SCEDT26T3DD016798 | 1983 | 16400 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Original | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Rare Factory Two Tone | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 2/16/2023 | Rare two toned interior automatic | Orange County DeLorean Club | 2/4/2023 | Male | 30-39 | Other | Purchased from original owner | 2nd owner | Film Production | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||
2/12/2023 1:21:01 | 16327 | United Kingdom | South Wales | Usk | | SCEDT26T8DD016327 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 33469 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | Other | Thin Grey Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | BLM2Y | UK | N/A | Excellent | Owner | 2/12/2023 | Benjamin Lee Matthews ( | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 12/2/2006 | Male | 40-49 | Other | Previous Owner Purchased Via Ebay from New Jersey, and imported in 2001 | 3rd owner | Engineering | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Car Shows / Parades only | 97/98 RON | ||||||
2/11/2023 20:17:03 | 01192 | USA | Indiana | Chesterton | SCEDT26T6BD001192 | 1981 | APR 81 | 24803 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Not running | Stainless Steel | Bad | Several bent panels, mossy | Black | Destroyed | Car has had no window for years. Interior is trashed. | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thick fins | Grey | Outdoors | Parts missing | Observed in person | 2/8/2023 | Not running, sitting outside. Drivers door has been replaced with just the outer skin, no window. Roof is bent, hood is bent. Tires are rotted and flat. | Male | 60+ | Other | Unknown | Retired | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | ||||||||||||
2/2/2023 14:48:19 | 03252 | United Kingdom | Hampshire | New Forest | SCEDT26T8BD003252 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 34000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Concours | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | FLY 2 1T | U.K. | Excellent | Owner | 2/2/2023 | Ryan Upward ( | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 6/2/2016 | Male | 40-49 | Other | 3rd owner | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Annually | 97/98 RON | ||||||||||
1/12/2023 19:50:27 | 11566 | USA | New York | North Bellmore | SCEDT26T3CD011566 | 1982 | JAN 82 | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | United States | Excellent | Owner | 1/12/2023 | Michael Keller ( | Orange County DeLorean Club | Male | 60+ | Other | 3rd owner | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||
1/12/2023 11:17:31 | 02427 | USA | Indiana | Chesterton | SCEDT26T1BD002427 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 21440 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Started up after sitting in a barn for several years | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 88 MPH | IN | Good | Owner | 1/12/2023 | Kevin Murray ( | 1/7/2023 | Male | 40-49 | Other | An older regular at my restaurant who traded it for food for the rest of his life, plus catering his wake. | Unknown | Restauranteur | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||
1/10/2023 2:06:17 | 02065 | Australia | New South Wales | Wingham | SCEDT26T4BD002065 | 1981 | JUN 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | DMC81 | Australia | Excellent | Owner | 1/10/2023 | Gary Cox ( | DeLorean Australia | 6/25/2015 | Male | 60+ | Other | Unknown | Energy & Financial Consultant | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 97/98 RON | ||||||||||
1/3/2023 14:43:20 | 01534 | USA | North Carolina | Concord | SCEDT26T8BD001534 | 1981 | 30500 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | United States | Good | Owner | 1/3/2023 | 6/15/2022 | Male | 40-49 | Other | Traded for a Lotus Esprit | 3rd owner | Engineer | ||||||||||||||||||
1/2/2023 18:42:21 | 11551 | USA | Alabama | Florence | SCEDT26T1CD011551 | 1982 | JAN 82 | 27425 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 121GWTS | USA/AL | 07/22 | Excellent | Owner | 1/1/2023 | Shaun Leggett ( | 3/21/2022 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | DMC Houston | 3rd owner | Retail Executive | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||||
12/28/2022 5:23:29 | 10939 | Switzerland | Solothurn | SCEDT26T0CD010939 | 1981 | DEC 81 | 49000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Time Machine Conversion | Videobob #28 | Time Machine Conversion | Excellent | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Other | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | OUTATIME | Schweiz | Excellent | Owner | 12/28/2022 | Felix Kunz | 12/27/2022 | Male | 60+ | Advertisement (paper / online) | Unknown | Never (Museum / Display only) | |||||||||||||
12/25/2022 13:22:19 | 04880 | USA | California | Marina del Rey | SCEDT26T9BD004880 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 454 | Stock PRV | Manual | Fully reconditioned fuel system | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Almost untouched in 40 years | Grey | Excellent | None | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | United States | Excellent | Owner | 12/20/2022 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12/12/2022 16:55:06 | 10373 | USA | California | Tulare | SCEDT26T9CD010373 | 1981 | DEC 81 | 14000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Windshield | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | California | Good | Owner | 12/12/2021 | Mario zamora ( | 9/1/2021 | Male | 30-39 | Dealership | Unknown | Monthly | 89 octane | |||||||||||||
12/12/2022 13:53:02 | 03741 | Norway | Viken | Nesoya | SCEDT26T1BD003741 | 1981 | 71000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Painted | Good | Painted yellow by Cadillac in LA before delivery | Black | Good | Craig | Thin Grey Stripe | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | No license plate as of December 2022 | Norway | Good | Owner | 12/12/2022 | ( | Male | 50-59 | Other | 2nd owner | 97/98 RON | ||||||||||||||||
12/11/2022 15:33:03 | 10643 | USA | Oregon | Gaston | SCEDT26T1CD010643 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 22000 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | United States | Excellent | Owner | 12/11/2022 | Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club | 7/31/2018 | 3rd owner | ||||||||||||||||||
11/28/2022 20:13:24 | 01910 | USA | California | Garden Grove | SCEDT26TXBD001910 | 1981 | JUN 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Destroyed | Potentially could be restored but I haven’t seen it in a few decades. | Black | Parts missing | No | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thick fins | Silver | Outdoors | CA | Parts missing | Owner | | 5/1/1996 | This car was used by Datsun/Nissan to create a prototype car of the future. They welded a gurney bubble on the driver side door, along with welding other items to the hood over the gas flap. The car was painted yellow. I briefly owned the car with another person and we stripped the yellow paint off and tried to restore the car. I ended up selling my share of the car to the other owner, and he ended up selling it off for parts. The car is somewhat famous because Datsun/Nissan toured this DeLorean all over Asia and I think in Europe as well. It’s currently located at DMC Motor Center in California (now DMC California) as a parts car. | |||||||||||||||||||
11/22/2022 14:13:34 | 06774 | USA | Florida | West Palm Beach | SCEDT26T98BD006774 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 31008 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Destroyed | Flood damaged car in Florida cir 2022 | Grey | Bad | Flood damage | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Thin fins | Silver | USA / FL | Bad | Website | | 11/22/2022 | Flood damage car being sold for auction as-is by Copart in Florida. | ||||||||||||||||||
11/16/2022 13:06:38 | 07047 | USA | Ohio | Sylvania | SCEDT26T5BD007047 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 15236 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | All original, excellent, no rips or tears. | No | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | OUTTIME | USA / OH | Excellent | Owner | 11/16/2022 | Purchased from original owner in April, 2019 with 11,040 miles. The car was in excellent condition, however it had not been driven for 10 to 20 years and did not run. Dave Bauerle in Delaware Ohio did the work to get this DeLorean running and driving again. In May 2022 a Power Steering upgrade was installed. In 2019 the original right fender mounted antenna was removed and power rear antenna installed. | Craig Reinbrecht | DeLorean Club of Ohio | 4/5/2019 | Male | 60+ | Other | I purchased 7047 from the original owner in April, 2019 in Lodi, Ohio. The original owner purchased this car new from DeLorean Cadillac in Cleveland Ohio in 1985 (per original owner). | 2nd owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | 87 octane | |||||||||
11/9/2022 19:02:45 | 02782 | USA | Georgia | Holly Springs | SCEDT26TXBD002782 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 18141 | PRV Stage 1 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Yes | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 11/9/2022 | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | ||||||||||||||||||||
10/4/2022 14:31:43 | 06750 | USA | Michigan | Bloomfield Hills | SCEDT26T6BD006750 | 1981 | 10000 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Garaged / Inside | USA/MI | Excellent | Owner | 10/4/2022 | Darlene Woz ( | DeLorean Motor City | 4/15/1982 | Female | 60+ | Dealership | 1st owner | retired | Monthly | 89 octane | |||||||||||||||||||||
9/26/2022 20:27:42 | 16650 | USA | Pennsylvania | Williamsport | SCEDT26T4DD016650 | 1983 | 25312 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | No | Other | Thin Grey Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 9/26/2022 | DeLorean Club of Ohio | 6/13/2022 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | Other | |||||||||||||||
8/31/2022 14:24:45 | 06917 | USA | Georgia | Atlanta | SCEDT26T5BD006917 | 1981 | 6700 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | Garaged / Inside | Off road | Good | Owner | 8/15/2022 | Shared | 60+ | Other | Unknown | Retired | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/29/2022 18:34:18 | 03433 | USA | Maryland | Delmar | SCEDT26T0BD003343 | 1981 | 41000 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Flat | No | No | Front-Right | Garaged / Inside | United States | Good | Owner | 9/29/2022 | Duston Kinley | Male | 19-29 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/23/2022 18:25:29 | 17145 | Canada | Ontario | SCEDT26T7DD017145 | 1983 | SEP 82 | 268607 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Tan | Excellent | Complete interior redone in 2019 | No | Craig | Custom | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Good | Owner | 8/22/2022 | Please change Casselman to Ontario for location, thank you | 9/9/2011 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||||
8/23/2022 7:15:44 | 10503 | USA | Texas | Leander | SCEDT26T7CD010503 | 1982 | DEC 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stock engine upper end rebuild by DeLorean Service Northwest | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | Seats need repair but otherwise excellent | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | RLM7731 | USA/TX | 02/23 | Excellent | Owner | 8/23/2022 | I’m the 3rd owner of the car. It was recently restored by DeLorean Service Northwest. | Daniel Flournoy ( | 2/9/2022 | Male | 30-39 | Other | Purchased from DeLorean Service Northwest | 3rd owner | Engineer | Daily | 89 octane | |||||||
8/12/2022 16:33:43 | 05127 | United Kingdom | Armagh | Lurgan | SCEDT26T4BD005127 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 42000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | DMC 3D | United Kingdom | Excellent | Owner | 8/13/2022 | DeLorean Club UK | 1/11/2018 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 4th + owner | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Monthly | 87 octane | |||||||||||
7/20/2022 13:52:41 | 04397 | United Kingdom | Nottinghamshire | Huthwaite Sutton in Ashfield | SCEDT26T6BD004397 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 29582 | PRV Stage 2 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | MKU 184W | UK | Good | Owner | 7/20/2022 | Yes ( | DeLorean Club UK | 12/20/2021 | Male | 60+ | Dealership | Unknown | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 95 RON | ||||||||||
7/5/2022 17:11:03 | 03764 | USA | Michigan | SCEDT26T2BD003764 | 1981 | SEP 81 | Owner | 7/5/2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7/4/2022 19:37:21 | 10549 | USA | Michigan | Shelby Township | SCEDT26T9CD010549 | 1982 | 23000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 7/4/2022 | DeLorean Motor City | Shared | 40-49 | Other | Unknown | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||||
6/9/2022 10:21:53 | 16898 | USA | Florida | Orlando | SCEDT26T7DD016898 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 9825 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Power Steering | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Not Smudge-Proof | Grey | Good | JVC Radio with Bluetooth & CD Player | No | Other | None | Flat | No | No | Other | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | FFZ843 | USA / FL | 02/23 | Excellent | Owner | Purchased 07/09/2021 | 6/1/2022 | | DeLorean Club of Florida | 7/9/2021 | Male | 60+ | Dealership | Purchased at DMC Florida | 2nd owner | Senior Military Systems Analyst | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Monthly | 87 octane | |||
6/9/2022 3:03:20 | 03866 | United Kingdom | West Sussex | SCEDT26TXBD003866 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 25000 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | An original DMC Engine, but not with this car! | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | DMC12X | UK | Good | Owner | 6/7/2022 | Mat Clarke ( | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 4/1/2004 | Male | 50-59 | Other | Chris Parnham, DOC, UK | 3rd owner | Pilot | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Annually | ||||||||||
6/5/2022 18:35:20 | 00980 | USA | Colorado | Loveland | SCEDT26T4BD000980 | 1981 | MAR 81 | 27900 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Windshield | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | United States | Good | Owner | 6/5/2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||
6/4/2022 13:55:39 | 03625 | USA | Oregon | Albany | SCEDT26TXBD003625 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 67052 | Custom | Manual | Engine is stock except it had a turbo added at McNamara Pontiac in Florida when the first owner bought it. I had it rebuilt at Zeigler exotic cars NA by Frank Zeigler in PA this year. | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Looks great, very little signs of scratching and rust | Black | Excellent | Interior in great shape with some small electrical issues seen by many deloreans such as you can’t change the clock time. Leather is in excellent shape with no tears. | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | GR8-5CT | United States | 07/24 | Excellent | Owner | I am the owner. | 6/4/2022 | I’m living the dream! | Bryce Hanson ( | 4/22/2022 | Male | 30-39 | Other | Bought on consignment at Classic Auto Mall on Morgantown, PA | 3rd owner | N/A | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 89 octane | |||
6/3/2022 12:22:56 | 02085 | USA | Tennessee | Sevierville | SCEDT26TXBD002085 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 17008 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Flat | Yes | No | Windshield | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | United States | Excellent | Owner | 6/3/2022 | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||||
5/24/2022 15:33:40 | 05405 | USA | Colorado | Arvada | SCEDT26T6BD005405 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Dash is in bad shape, smoked in for years | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 5/24/2022 | Ethan Lutz ( | Male | 30-39 | Other | Bought from neighbor, single owner | 2nd owner | Oilfield | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Annually | 91 octane | ||||||||||||
5/21/2022 10:15:21 | 03887 | USA | Tennessee | Harrogate | SCEDT26T7BD003887 | 1981 | 288 | PRV Stage 1 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | United States | Good | Owner | 5/20/2022 | Bobby D. METTS II ( | 5/26/1983 | Male | 50-59 | Dealership | My father purchased through a dealer in KY | 2nd owner | Refrigeration contractor | Never (Museum / Display only) | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
5/21/2022 8:21:33 | 00796 | Australia | SCEDT26T1BD000796 | 1981 | MAR 81 | 51000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Bad | Both reap panels needed replaced. | Grey | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Grey | WA | Bad | Owner | 4/10/2014 | This was an early vin Canadian spec car that I used to own, bought(rescued) it from Everett, WA the car sat in a yard. I got it running and few years later sold it to someone in Australia. It had too much frame rust for me to repair, hopefully he continued the restoration process and didn’t turn it into a bttf replica. It was a Canadian car, lived a lot of its years in the Seattle area, I had it shipped to So Cal and later someone had it shipped to Australia. | Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club | Male | 50-59 | Other | I sold this car back in 2013/2014 | 2nd owner | ||||||||||||||||
5/21/2022 7:39:32 | 06736 | USA | Oregon | Portland | SCEDT26T1BD006736 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 21465 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | OR | Excellent | Owner | 5/21/2022 | Timothy ( | Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club | 3/27/2022 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||||
5/19/2022 14:09:45 | 05032 | USA | Texas | Dallas | SCEDT26T4BD005032 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Parts missing | Grey | Parts missing | Yes | Other | None | Flat | No | No | Other | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | United States | Parts missing | Owner | 5/17/2022 | Yes ( | Dallas Fort Worth DeLorean Motor Club | 8/1/2020 | Male | 19-29 | Other | 3rd owner | Never (Museum / Display only) | ||||||||||||||
5/14/2022 18:46:43 | 01623 | USA | Virginia | Alexandria | SCEDT26T7BD001623 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 46500 | PRV Stage 2 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Few surface scratches that should blend out | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | MAJISHN | USA / VA | None | Excellent | Owner | 5/15/2022 | Jim Gravina ( | Tri-State DeLorean Club | 9/19/2021 | Male | 30-39 | Other | Bought in VA BEACH | 4th + owner | Motion Graphics Designer | Monthly | Other | |||||||
5/12/2022 3:45:11 | 00995 | Italy | Firenze | SCEDT26T6BD000995 | 1981 | APR 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 5/12/2022 | DeLorean Italy | 1/24/2022 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 4th + owner | nurse | 97/98 RON | ||||||||||||||||||||
4/30/2022 22:31:44 | 10549 | USA | Michigan | Shelby township | SCEDT26T9CD010549 | 1982 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | No | Other | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA/Mi. | Good | Owner | 5/1/2022 | 40-49 | Other | Unknown | Business owner | Annually | 89 octane | |||||||||||||||||
4/28/2022 0:29:43 | 10186 | USA | California | Los Angeles | SCEDT26TXCD010186 | 1982 | Stock PRV | Manual | Manual | Stainless Steel | Bad | No dents, but grain not great and T panel warped a bit near louvres | Grey | Bad | Sun faded interior, drivers seat tear on shoulder, passenger seat very ripped up | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Bad | Observed in person | 4/25/2022 | Saw this at Beverly Hills Car Club being cleaned up. Water pump was out. Seats were removed for interior car cleaning. Will eventually be put on their website for sale. | |||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2022 0:19:11 | 11568 | USA | California | Los Angeles | SCEDT26T7CD011568 | 1982 | Unknown | 35074 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Excellent | No | ASI | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Good | Observed in person | | 4/25/2022 | Car does not run. Don’t know why. | | |||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2022 0:08:14 | 00854 | USA | California | Los Angeles | SCEDT26TXBD000854 | 1981 | Unknown | 27535 | Stock PRV | Manual | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Grey | HT WNGS | USA / CA | 05/22 | Good | Observed in person | | 4/25/2022 | ||||||||||||||||||
4/23/2022 13:06:22 | 02369 | Belgium | Brussels | SCEDT26T2BD002369 | 1981 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | | 4/23/2022 | Male | 50-59 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/21/2022 16:31:00 | 05246 | USA | Tennessee | Chattanooga | SCEDT26T1BD005246 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Grey | Thin Grey Stripe | Grooved | No | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 4/18/2022 | Peyson Pearce ( | 4/18/2022 | Male | 19-29 | Other | 2nd owner | Student | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/19/2022 1:05:10 | 16588 | USA | California | Rancho Cucamonga | SCEDT26T3DD016588 | 1983 | 65962 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Black | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | WING IT | United States | Website | | 4/19/2022 | 8/8/1983 | Female | 60+ | Dealership | 1st owner | |||||||||||||||||||
4/18/2022 7:39:22 | 02981 | USA | Texas | Houston | SCEDT26T5B0002981 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 25000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 4/18/2022 | 10/26/1981 | Dealership | 2nd owner | Engineer | |||||||||||||||||||||
4/18/2022 5:42:35 | 00995 | Italy | Tuscany | Firenze | SCEDT26T6BD000995 | 1981 | APR 81 | 32400 | Stock PRV | Manual | Converted to manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Was painted black | Black | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 4/18/2022 | DeLorean Italy | 1/24/2022 | 4th + owner | |||||||||||||||||
4/15/2022 9:46:47 | 06350 | USA | Florida | Estero | SCEDT26T1BD006350 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 7300 | PRV Stage 2 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | DMCH upgraded stereo system w/subwoofer | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Other | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 5/1/2022 | DeLorean Club of Florida | 3/8/2022 | Male | 40-49 | Other | 2nd owner | |||||||||||||||
4/11/2022 4:47:18 | 16195 | United Kingdom | Tyne and Wear | Houghton Le Spring | SCEDT26T6DD016195 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 67143 | Stock PRV | Manual | DE CAT | Stainless Steel | Excellent | stainless | Grey | Excellent | No | ASI | Custom | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | JWR 305Y | uk Tyne and wear | n/a | Excellent | Owner | n/a | 4/6/2022 | excellent condition Refurbed wheels full new fuel system new tyres full major service excellent stainless | Simon Young ( | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 3/6/2021 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | DMC Midwest Mike | 3rd owner | QA Inspector | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 97/98 RON | |||
4/10/2022 13:29:44 | 04077 | USA | Kentucky | Louisville | SCEDT26TXBD004077 | 1981 | 21900 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 4/10/2022 | Male | 40-49 | Other | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||||||
4/9/2022 10:58:18 | 01054 | USA | West Virginia | Beckley | SCEDT26T5BD001054 | 1981 | APR 81 | 15000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Excellent | Black | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | USA/WV | 7/1/2025 | Excellent | Owner | 4/8/2022 | 7/17/1982 | Male | 60+ | Dealership | 2nd owner | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||||
4/5/2022 21:48:42 | 11611 | Italy | Mantova | Sermide | SCEDT26T4CD011611 | 1982 | JAN 82 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Other | Thin Grey Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Observed in person | 3/27/2022 | DeLorean Italy | Male | Other | Purchased from Steve Bunnell | 4th + owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||
2/19/2022 6:55:01 | 03077 | USA | Wisconsin | Chippewa Falls | SCEDT26T5BD003077 | 1981 | PRV Stage 2 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | WI | WI | Owner | 2/21/2022 | chad bormann ( | WI | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/9/2022 21:07:35 | 06207 | USA | Washington | Woodinville | SCEDT26T7BD006207 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 28000 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Like new condition. | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | WA/USA | Excellent | Owner | 2/9/2022 | Locally owned member car. Original owner was a pilot and founding member of the Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club. Car has all modern updates and solid state replacements for relays etc. MSD Ignition system and custom exhaust and tune. Upgraded brakes, suspension, Momo steering wheel, and was moved over to a stainless steel frame. Original frame was in perfect condition. | Dave Jacobs | Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club | Male | Other | Locally owned member car. Original owner was a pilot and founding member of the Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club. Car was sold to another member who passed away shortly after purchase and I purchased the car from his estate. Had been sitting for years when I purchased it. Body and interior were in perfect shape. Replaced hoses, relays, fuel pump, all fuel lines, belts, plugs, etc. | 3rd owner | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Annually | 91 octane | ||||||||||
2/9/2022 18:36:30 | 01910 | USA | California | Los Angeles | SCEDT26TXBD001910 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Bad | This car was used as a prototype by Mazda. They welded items onto the top of the driver side door and over the gas flap. Those items were removed in an attempted restoration. | Black | Parts missing | Door panels missing, seats are ripped. | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Outdoors | 3TRY713 | CA/USA | Parts missing | Owner | 9/1/1997 | Mazda/Datsun used this DeLorean to build a prototype car of the future in the late 80s early 90s. They welded a fake Gurney bubble on the top of the driver side door, and something else over the gas flap on the hood. I believe the car was painted yellow. The previous owner attempted to restore the car and ran out of patience and money before I got to it. Trying to re-locate this car and get more information about it’s days at Mazda. | Unknown | 4th + owner | |||||||||||||||||
2/9/2022 17:33:25 | 10503 | USA | Washington | Woodinville | SCEDT26T7CD010503 | 1982 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | No | Other | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | NA01223 | WA/USA | Excellent | Owner | For Sale – DeLorean Services Northwest | 2/9/2022 | I’m the second owner of the car. It was owned by a local club member since new. When I purchased it, it has been sitting for 7 years. Complete restore of the car by Toby Peterson at DeLorean Services Northwest in 2021 | Dave Jacobs | Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club | 3/8/2020 | Male | Other | 2nd owner | |||||||||||||||
1/30/2022 8:45:16 | 16565 | USA | New York | Millbrook | SCEDT26T2DD016565 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 13500 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Excellent | Owner | 1/30/2022 | Male | 60+ | Other | 2nd owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1/21/2022 5:14:26 | 16900 | USA | South Carolina | Charleston | SCEDT26T1DD016900 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 51370 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Near perfect condition; LED upgrade. | No | ASI | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | SC | Excellent | Owner | 1/21/2022 | Vincent Grosso ( | 12/20/2021 | Male | 30-39 | Dealership | Purchased from DMC Midwest. | 3rd owner | Attorney | ||||||||||||
1/13/2022 17:49:57 | 00776 | USA | Florida | Clearwater | SCEDT26T5BD000776 | 1981 | MAY 81 | 9765 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Grey | Car Port | United States/ FLA | Good | Owner | 1/13/2022 | Bradley Despaigne ( | DeLoreans San Diego | 1/13/2022 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 1st owner | Registered Nurse | |||||||||||||
1/10/2022 12:34:08 | 01017 | USA | Montana | Billings | SCEDT26TXBD001017 | 1981 | APR 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | United States | Perm | Good | Owner | 1/10/2022 | Male | 30-39 | Other | My dad bought this car brand new in ’82. Handed down to me | 2nd owner | Photographer | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||||
1/3/2022 15:40:47 | 02261 | USA | Washington | Renton | SCEDT26T4BD002261 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 155000 | Custom | Manual | 3.0 liter engine bottom end from an Eagle Premier mated to the original DeLorean intake manifold and exhaust manifold and muffler. Camshafts in engine top end have been changed out to accommodate the even fire nature of the 3.0 liter electrical distributor. Original five speed manual transmission is still installed in the D. | Stainless Steel | Pretty good and dent free. | Black | Excellent | There’s a small crack in the orginal dash board next to the glove box lid. Fabric covered ceiling has been redone. Black leather skins on seats have been replaced with new ones. Have new carpeted floor mats from DMC Northwest. New leather shift boot. Carpeting looks good and is original. Leather on steering wheel is original. Vinyl on doors and center console looks good and is original. Interior rear quarter panels have been recovered in black vinyl that cover rear speakers. | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | OUTATYM | WA | 09/22 | Good | Owner | 1/3/2022 | Well sorted with DeLorean Industries coil over suspension with front lower control arms made of billet aluminum. DeLorean Parts Northwest front brace made of stainless steel installed in front trunk. Front end recall kit installed at anti-sway bar. Upgraded cooling fans in front from Special-T-Auto. Interior fan motor from Special-T-Auto. Brake calipers on all four wheels updated from Special-T-Auto. All four brake discs replaced. Stereo CD player Alpine CDE-HD149BT. JL Audio 8 inch subwoofer model 8W0. JL Audio 5 channel amplifier model HD900/5. Sound deadening material added to fiberglass body underneath carpeting. Stainless Steel labels replaced all paper labels. Locking gas cap that uses ignition key. Separate door lock key. Fanzilla radiator fan control module. New AC compressor and all new rubber hoses and accumulator and condenser. Tail light circuit boards from PJ Grady. New windshield from DMC Houston. | Mark Vanyo ( | Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club | 2/5/2001 | Male | 50-59 | Other | Purchased theJuly 1981 DeLorean from a fellow club member of the Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club. I am now the third owner of the D. The second owner purchased the DeLorean from the first owner in 1996. | 3rd owner | Sealer Integral Fuel Tank Component B | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||
1/2/2022 11:46:12 | 10368 | USA | Utah | Cedar City | SCEDT26T5CD010368 | 1982 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | Other | Flat | No | Yes | Grey | Garaged / Inside | BTTF | Good | Owner | 1/2/2022 | Wes Weaver | 10/3/2020 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Unknown | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Monthly | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||||
12/25/2021 22:39:55 | 02809 | USA | Massachusetts | Melrose | SCEDT26T4BD002809 | 1981 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Owner | 12/26/2021 | 9/10/2021 | Auction | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12/23/2021 13:26:52 | 02860 | USA | Idaho | Coeur d’Alene | SCEDT26T4BD002860 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 76866 | Custom | Manual | 3.0L PRV, EFI, ECU, Stage II, 5-Speed Manual Transmission | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Blue LEDs | No | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | USA / ID | Excellent | Owner | 12/23/2021 | Kyle Duncan ( | Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club | 12/20/2021 | Male | 19-29 | Other | Purchased from private seller in Eagle, ID. | 4th + owner | IT Specialist | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||||
12/21/2021 23:32:44 | 04256 | Mexico | Toluca | Toluca | SCEDT26TXBD004256 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Craig | Grooved | No | No | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | MHZ-99-99 | Mexico/MX | Good | Website | 12/22/2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
12/18/2021 1:59:51 | 10726 | Poland | Lower Silesia | Wroclaw | SCEDT26T5CD010726 | 1982 | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Flat | No | Yes | Poland | Excellent | Owner | 12/16/2021 | Niccolo Brogi ( | 12/16/2021 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | Unknown | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11/30/2021 5:36:41 | 16338 | USA | Texas | League City | SCEDT26T2DD016338 | 1983 | 40000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Transmission replaced in 2021 | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | B18368N | United States | 04/22 | Good | Owner | 11/30/2021 | ( | 3/10/2021 | Male | 60+ | Other | 4th + owner | Retired | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 89 octane | |||||||||
11/27/2021 7:07:00 | 05745 | USA | Virginia | Roanoke | SCEDT26T8BD005745 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 11857 | Stock PRV | Manual | Original | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Minor imperfections | Grey | Excellent | Original | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 1MBSDRM | United States | NA | Excellent | Owner | 11/27/2021 | Museum display | Travis Beggs ( | 5/7/2002 | Male | 40-49 | Other | 2nd owner | Altec | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Never (Museum / Display only) | ||||||
11/22/2021 7:17:36 | 03228 | USA | Nevada | Las vegas | SCEDT26T0BD003228 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 40991 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Time Machine Conversion | Time Machine Conversion | Concours | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Concours | Owner | 11/21/2021 | Chris Sanford ( | | Arizona DeLorean Club | 6/6/2021 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | Unknown | Tattoo and permanent makeup manufacture | 5,001m to 15,000m / 8,047km to 24,140km | Daily | 91 octane | ||||||||||
11/20/2021 17:04:03 | 03743 | USA | North Carolina | Clinton | SCEDT26T5BD003743 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 18500 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stock PRV | Stainless Steel | Good | A few small dents | Black | Excellent | Factory except the upgraded head unit | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Silver | Garaged / Inside | FLUX @88 | USA/NC | Excellent | Owner | 11/18/2021 | Matthew Kochie ( | Male | 30-39 | Other | 4th + owner | Technician | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Car Shows / Parades only | Other | |||||||||
11/17/2021 19:20:21 | 10287 | USA | New York | Camillus | SCEDT26T5CD010287 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 2784 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Engine was replaced by a previous owner | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | United States/NY | 05/22 | Good | Owner | 11/17/2021 | I love my DeLorean! | Nick A. ( | DeLorean Mid-Atlantic Club | Male | 30-39 | Other | Unknown | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||
11/15/2021 22:28:00 | 04178 | USA | California | Los Angeles | SCEDT2675BD004178 | 1981 | SEP 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | purrrrr | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Other | Thin Grey Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | CA | 22 | Good | Owner | 11/15/2021 | IRKO ( | https://WWW.IRKO.IT | Orange County DeLorean Club | 11/2/2021 | Male | 40-49 | Other | 3rd owner | AUDIO ENGINEER | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | 89 octane | ||||||||
11/15/2021 12:56:44 | 02696 | USA | New York | Southold | SCEDT26T6BD002696 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 3200 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Concours | Black | Concours | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | TEMPEST7 | USA/NY | Concours | Owner | 11/15/2021 | Multiple Concours winning vehicle | Harry G Dounis ( | 9/1/1999 | Male | 40-49 | Other | Purchased from second owner in California | 3rd owner | Electrical Contractor | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Annually | 87 octane | ||||||||
11/9/2021 10:36:04 | 05510 | USA | Washington | Ellensburg | SCEDT26T3BD005510 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 66576 | Custom | Other | None! Removed to make way for EV conversion | Stainless Steel | Good | Stainless is good, slight dent on rear left quarter, small ding on T-panel. | Grey | Good | No significant damage, carpeting and seats in good condition, all original. | Yes | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Other | Not sure | Other | Garaged / Inside | BTY2859 | United States | 05/21 | Good | Owner | 11/9/2021 | Underwent frame-off restoration. New frame (SS from DPI), new steering rack, all new suspension, QA1 Coilovers, brakes are restored. All new hoses, brake lines, fuel lines, etc. Prior to removal of engine and transmission, car handled fantastic! The engine and transmission have been removed to make way for the EV Conversion. | Bill Carlson ( | | 4/20/2020 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Software Engineer | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Annually | Other | ||||||
11/8/2021 7:02:59 | 05129 | USA | Delaware | Lincoln | SCEDT26T8BD005129 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 68000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Retrosound radio w/ OEM faceplate. Original speakers replaced OCT 2021. Overall very good condition. No cracks in dash or seats. | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 62561 | USA / DE | Good | Owner | 11/8/2021 | Mike Rogers ( | 8/12/2021 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | Classic Auto Mall, PA, USA | Unknown | US Government | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||
11/3/2021 11:40:16 | 06768 | USA | Georgia | Dallas | SCEDT26T3BD006768 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 16922 | PRV Stage 2 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Restored by DMC-Houston June 2021 | Grey | Excellent | Full interior restoration DMC-Houston June 2021 | Yes | Other | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | GR8SCTT | Georgia | Excellent | Owner | 11/3/2021 | 6/1/2021 | Male | 50-59 | Other | College Professor | Daily | |||||||||||||
9/27/2021 12:06:15 | 01623 | USA | Virginia | Alexandria | SCEDT26T7BD001623 | 1981 | JUN 81 | PRV Stage 2 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA/VIRGINIA | NONE | Excellent | Owner | 9/27/2021 | Jim Gravina ( | Tri-State DeLorean Club | 9/19/2021 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 4th + owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | Other | |||||||||||
9/24/2021 14:21:34 | 05503 | Ireland | Co. Cavan | Bailieborough | SCETD26T6BD005503 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 24890 | Stock PRV | Manual | PRV | Stainless Steel | Excellent | In good condition | Grey | Good | Some wear on drivers seat, heat crack on top of dashash | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 81-CN-6003 | Ireland | Year 81 on reg plate | Excellent | Owner | N/A | 9/24/2021 | Car in good overall condition, and a lot of work carried out to ensure continued trouble free motoring. | I own the vehicle. ( | N/A | DeLorean Owners of Ireland | 7/1/2014 | Male | 60+ | Advertisement (paper / online) | Private sale | 3rd owner | Retired | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 95 RON | |
9/11/2021 14:02:34 | 10579 | United Kingdom | West Yorkshire | Garforth, Leeds | SCEDT26T7CD010579 | 1981 | DEC 81 | 22000 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | No | Flat | No | Yes | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | United Kingdom | Good | Owner | 9/11/2021 | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 7/26/2021 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | DMC Midwest | Unknown | |||||||||||||||||||
9/8/2021 10:52:43 | 10156 | USA | Texas | Katy/Houston | SCEDT26T1CD010156 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 25123 | PRV Stage 1 | Automatic | Original internals/ new & updated fuel, coolant and sensors | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Two or three ding but overall the external appearance is great | Grey | Excellent | Restored, and lightly customized | No | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / TX | Excellent | Owner | 9/8/2021 | I purchased the DMC 12 from original owner which spent years in Oklahoma and Arizona . It sat for the last 15 years and required a complete fuel and interior restoration. | Jason Kotch ( | Www.gear head | 2/20/2021 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Did not run, tires were all flat, interior needed help | 2nd owner | Videographer & Graphic Designer | Monthly | |||||||
8/29/2021 7:11:28 | 10179 | USA | Texas | SCEDT26T2CD010179 | 1982 | DEC 81 | Manual | Owner | 8/27/2021 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/22/2021 19:40:06 | 16185 | USA | Missouri | SCEDT26T300016185 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 44000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 8/20/2021 | Male | 30-39 | 2nd owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8/20/2021 6:20:03 | 05222 | United Kingdom | Derbyshire | Chesterfield | SCEDT26T9BD005222 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 30217 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Painted | Bad | Paint to be fully removed by end of 2021 | Grey | Good | Interior to be refurbished from sun damage | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | AYZ5543 | United Kingdom | N/A | Good | Owner | Forum post on DOCUK advertising sale | 8/19/2021 | William Bollands ( | | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 7/27/2021 | Male | 19-29 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Purchased from previous owner through DOCUK forum | 4th + owner | Employed Machine operative | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Never (Museum / Display only) | 91 octane | ||||
8/15/2021 0:19:50 | 10198 | Japan | Shizuoka | SCEDT26T6CD010198 | 1983 | DEC 81 | 35258 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | 1981 | Good | Owner | 8/15/2021 | Male | 30-39 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8/13/2021 17:11:17 | 05311 | USA | Georgia | Marietta | SCEDT26T8BD005311 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 8/13/2021 | 10/7/2011 | Male | 40-49 | Auction | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8/4/2021 12:55:34 | 05634 | United Kingdom | Hampshire | Southampton | Scedt26txbd005634 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Jrv742x | United Kingdom | – | Excellent | Owner | 8/4/2021 | Andy ( | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 7/5/2001 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | 2nd owner | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Annually | 95 RON | |||||||||||
7/4/2021 2:10:08 | 17041 | USA | Pennsylvania | Scranton | SCEDT26T6DD017041 | Stainless Steel | Excellent | None | Flat | No | Yes | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Observed in person | 7/3/2021 | On display at The Marketplace at Steamtown. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6/23/2021 12:18:34 | 00927 | USA | Massachusetts | Taunton | SCEDT26T0BD000927 | 1981 | APR 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | 2GWR15 | United States | 05/22 | Excellent | Owner | 6/23/2021 | Rob Howe ( | 5/12/2021 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | 3rd owner | IT Admin | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||||
6/19/2021 21:27:26 | 06163 | USA | Texas | Houston | SCEDT26T2BD006163 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 28000 | Stock PRV | Manual | BAE Turbo | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Car Port | Bhg4978 | USA/tx | Good | Owner | 6/19/2021 | Kimberly Terrell ( | Texas DeLorean Club | 11/5/2001 | Female | 40-49 | Auction | 2nd owner | Parks & Recreation/Municipal Govt. | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||
6/18/2021 19:49:02 | 02669 | USA | California | Lomita | SCEDT26T3BD002669 | 1981 | AUG 81 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Custom | Excellent | No | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | No | No | Other | Mixed | Silver | Car Port | Bk 2 85 | California | Good | Owner | 6/18/2021 | Ernest Galvez ( | 10/1/2008 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 2nd owner | Entertainment industry | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | 91 octane | ||||||||||||
5/26/2021 16:17:57 | 10470 | USA | California | San Jose | SCEDT26T7CD010470 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 33370 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Needs some work on the hood it was rubbed out of line with the grain, but really good overall. | Grey | Good | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Windshield | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | None yet | USA / CA | Working on it | Good | Owner | 5/26/2021 | Wren | | 5/24/2021 | Female | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | $60000 purchase price | 3rd owner | Staff site reliability engineer | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||
5/24/2021 5:12:39 | 04311 | USA | New Jersey | Fairfield | SCEDT26T3BD004311 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 14891 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Time Machine Conversion | Good | No | Other | None | Grooved | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Other | Silver | Garaged / Inside | NJ | Good | Owner | 5/24/2021 | DeLorean Mid-Atlantic Club | Other | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||||
5/22/2021 22:10:32 | 01232 | USA | Oregon | Eugene | SCEDT26T3BD001232 | 1981 | APR 81 | 27000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Doing a complete interior refresh! | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | 9V-3702 | United States | 12/21 – original california plates 08/81! | Excellent | Owner | 5/22/2021 | I am the fourth owner. Had the original plates from California, registered since 1981, have the original stickers back then, crazy! Now an Oregon car. | Joel Gerlach ( | Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club | 4/9/2021 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Bought in Los Angeles, CA | 4th + owner | Creative Director | Daily | 91 octane | ||||||
5/12/2021 20:35:28 | 06598 | USA | California | Highland | SCEDT26T4BD006598 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 19099 | Stock PRV | Manual | None | Stainless Steel | Excellent | None | Grey | Excellent | None | Yes | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Mixed | Silver | Garaged / Inside | IN2TIME | USA / CA | 03 / 22 | Excellent | Owner | Not for sale | 5/12/2021 | None | Nathan Gastineau ( | @delorean6598 | 3/19/2003 | Male | 40-49 | Auction | None | Unknown | Funeral Director | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||
5/11/2021 0:12:39 | 03593 | USA | Florida | SCEDT26T1BD003593 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 62514 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | No | No | Front-Right | Outdoors | Website | | 5/10/2020 | Bruce Wilson tried to revive it, the fuel pump was not working, he said he would go back and try again. Its been a year. Probably because of covid. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5/10/2021 1:27:50 | 03104 | Japan | Tokyo | Taito City | SCEDT26T4BD003104 | 1981 | AUG 81 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Self converted to later style door strap | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Thin fins | Garaged / Inside | 1985 | Kawaguchi | Excellent | Owner | | 1/5/2021 | Myself ( | | DeLorean Owners Club Japan | 10/31/2019 | Male | 19-29 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | 97/98 RON | ||||||||||
5/9/2021 20:38:13 | 06995 | USA | Utah | West Jordan | SCEDT26T3BD006995 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 75000 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | No | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Grey | Garaged / Inside | 88MPH | USA/UT | 05/21 | Excellent | Owner | 5/9/2021 | Mark Andrewsen ( | DeLorean Motor Club – Utah | 2/1/2014 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 2nd owner | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Monthly | |||||||||||
5/7/2021 7:47:48 | 01599 | USA | Utah | South Jordan | SCEDT26T3BD001599 | 1981 | Unknown | 30000 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Engine was bad. Currently, it’s under restoration and upgrade to Stage II. | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Flat | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 5/7/2021 | Lance Andrewsen | DeLorean Motor Club – Utah | 3/8/2021 | Male | 60+ | Advertisement (paper / online) | Bismarck ND | Unknown | Retired | |||||||||||||||
4/29/2021 9:09:55 | 03066 | USA | North Carolina | Hendersonville | SCEDT26T0BD003066 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 34953 | PRV Stage 2 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | PWROFLOV | NC/USA | 04/22 | Good | Owner | 4/29/2021 | Zach Brady ( | 4/15/2021 | Male | 30-39 | Other | Purchased from local previous owner | 4th + owner | Audio Engineer | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||
4/28/2021 13:59:00 | 00573 | SCEDT26T2BD000573 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 13:06:00 | 00502 | SCEDT26T1BD000502 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 12:57:00 | 10270 | SCEDT26TXCD010270 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 12:52:00 | 03513 | SCEDT26TXBD003513 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 12:51:00 | 01115 | SCEDT26TXBD001115 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 12:47:00 | 10574 | SCEDT26T8CD010574 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 12:45:00 | 05180 | SCEDT26T8BD005180 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 12:28:00 | 16545 | SCEDT26T4DD016545 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 12:17:00 | 06138 | SCEDT26T3BD006138 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 12:13:00 | 07104 | SCEDT26T2BD007104 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 12:10:00 | 10410 | SCEDT26T0CD010410 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 11:56:00 | 17007 | SCEDT26T6DD017007 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 11:54:00 | 16125 | SCEDT26T7DD016125 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 11:51:00 | 11316 | SCEDT26T2CD011316 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 11:48:00 | 10025 | SCEDT26T8CD010025 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 11:44:00 | 02048 | SCEDT26T4BD002048 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 10:54:00 | 05906 | SCEDT26T6BD005906 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 10:51:00 | 02352 | SCEDT26T7BD002352 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 10:49:00 | 01805 | SCEDT26T2BD001805 | 1981 | JUN 81 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 10:45:00 | 00663 | SCEDT26T3BD000663 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 10:40:00 | 20052 | SCEDT26T4DD020052 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 10:36:00 | 02735 | SCEDT26T1BD002735 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 10:33:00 | 05084 | SCEDT26T1BD005084 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 10:30:00 | 00690 | SCEDT26T6BD000690 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/28/2021 10:27:00 | 02645 | SCEDT26T0BD002645 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/24/2021 9:24:51 | 20035 | USA | California | Los Angeles | SCEDT26T4DD020035 | 1983 | 5,818 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Silver | Good | Website | 4/24/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/21/2021 11:52:51 | 01425 | Europe | Luxembourg | SCEDT26T3BD001425 | 1981 | MAY 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 4/21/2021 | Male | 30-39 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/15/2021 17:55:00 | 10566 | USA | Florida | Mount Dora | SCEDT26T9CD010566 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 65000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | ? huh | Grey | Good | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 82 DMC | United States | Good | Owner | 4/15/2021 | SSR ( | DeLorean Club of Florida | Male | 50-59 | Other | 2nd owner | Real Estate related | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||
4/15/2021 15:02:05 | 03126 | USA | California | Upland | SCEDT26T3BD003126 | 1981 | Unknown | 27000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Good | Yes | Grooved | Yes | Front-Right | Garaged / Inside | United States | Good | Owner | 4/15/2021 | Male | 30-39 | Inherited | 1st owner | Attorney | ||||||||||||||||||||||
4/12/2021 3:36:35 | 04687 | Denmark | Sealand | Copenhagen | SCEDT26T4BD004687 | 1981 | OCT 81 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Single dent on hood, smaller dent on driverside door | Grey | Good | No | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | DK | Bad | Owner | 4/12/2021 | 4/10/2021 | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Previous owner imported the car from TX and drove it from 2015-2021 | 4th + owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 95 RON | |||||||||||||
4/4/2021 23:58:21 | 16095 | USA | California | Anaheim | SCEDT26T2DD016095 | 1983 | 70000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 4/4/2021 | Richard | Orange County DeLorean Club | Male | 30-39 | Other | 4th + owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||
3/31/2021 12:42:44 | 00703 | USA | Pennsylvania | Lansdale | SCEDT26T0BD000703 | 1981 | 16007 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Bad | Craig | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | DOCBRWN | United States | 08/21 | Good | Owner | 3/31/2021 | Male | 40-49 | Other | 2nd owner | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | |||||||||||||||||
3/25/2021 1:54:55 | 07128 | United Kingdom | Tayside | Dundee | | SCEDT26T5BD00707128 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 8236 | Stock PRV | Manual | Not Running | Stainless Steel | Good | good condition panels. Sun damaged louvre and fascias. | Grey | Bad | Bad sun damage. Ripped seats and destroyed roof lining. Cracked dash and binnacle. Door seals and carpet good. | No | Other | Thin Grey Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Windshield | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Bad | Owner | 3/25/2021 | I bought VIN 07128 as a project car from the East coast of the US from a private seller, headed to sunny Scotland! Engine had a lot of work done, and the seller is optimistic she will start without much tinkering. Photos at: | James Richmond ( | | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 12/3/2021 | Male | 30-39 | Other | Private seller on facebook | 4th + owner | Bike mechanic – website owner | 5,001m to 15,000m / 8,047km to 24,140km | Never (Museum / Display only) | Other | ||||
3/20/2021 1:46:21 | 02191 | United Kingdom | Kent | Ashford | SCEDT26T9BD002191 | 1981 | JUL 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Concours | Right Hand Drive | Black | Concours | Right hand drive | No | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | KXZ550 | Uk | Concours | Owner | 3/20/2021 | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 1/18/2018 | Male | Other | Pj Grady UK | Unknown | Monthly | 95 RON | ||||||||||||
3/8/2021 1:40:09 | 01227 | United Kingdom | North East England | Durham | SCEDT26TXBD001227 | 1981 | APR 81 | 45900 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Stripped from black and gold to stainless in Jan/Feb 2021 | Black | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | MKW854W | UK | Good | Owner | 3/8/2021 | David Fox ( | 12/8/2020 | Male | 40-49 | Auction | Aircraft Mechanic | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | |||||||||||
3/5/2021 14:01:17 | 10281 | USA | North Carolina | China Grove | SCEDT26T4CD010281 | 1982 | DEC 81 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | United States/NC | Excellent | Owner | 3/5/2021 | 2/12/2021 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | Mechanic | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||
2/28/2021 11:06:59 | 16861 | USA | California | Saratoga | SCEDT26T6DD016861 | 1983 | 19200 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Yes | Garaged / Inside | United States | Owner | 2/28/2021 | 2/25/2021 | Auction | Unknown | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/27/2021 13:31:07 | 02703 | United Kingdom | Cumbria | Wigton | SCEDT26TXBD002703 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 19689 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | United Kingdom | Good | Owner | 2/27/2021 | 2/7/2016 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 4th + owner | ||||||||||||||||||
2/23/2021 12:21:05 | 01167 | Netherlands | Noord Holland | Haarlem | SCEDT26T7BD001167 | 1981 | APR 81 | 59000 | PRV Stage 1 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | 52JHF8 | NL | Good | Owner | 2/22/2021 | Gerard Jansen ( | DeLorean Club Nederland (Netherlands) | Male | 40-49 | Other | Monthly | 95 RON | |||||||||||||
2/23/2021 1:00:15 | 05095 | Netherlands | Drenthe | Smilde | SCEDT26T6BD005095 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 133620 | Stock PRV | Manual | Gearbox rebuild in 2020 | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | SB-86-BG | Excellent | Owner | 2/23/2021 | DeLorean Club Nederland (Netherlands) | 10/2/2017 | Male | 50-59 | Other | 4th + owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 97/98 RON | |||||||||||
2/15/2021 11:12:46 | 04011 | Germany | Nordrhein-Westfalen | Ratingen | SCEDT26T2BD004011 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 19912 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Silver | Car Port | MEDE81H | Deutschland | Good | Owner | 2/15/2021 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||
1/24/2021 20:28:17 | 10769 | USA | California | Alhambra | SCEDT26T1CD010769 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 30000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Original paint on front and rear bumpers. | Grey | Excellent | Replaced seat covers and headliner | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 10/20/2020 | Restored at DMC Houston in 2006 and DMC Midwest in 2020 | |||||||||||||||||||
1/10/2021 14:15:24 | 16656 | USA | Massachusetts | Fall River | SCEDT26T5DD016656 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 62392 | Stock PRV | Manual | Dpi headers | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Two tone interior | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | 134MA7 | USA/MA | 7/22 | Good | Owner | 1/10/2021 | DeLorean Motor Club of New England | 7/25/2011 | Male | 19-29 | Dealership | 2nd owner | Truck driver | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||
1/10/2021 14:15:16 | 10682 | USA | Louisiana | Barksdale AFB | SCEDT26T0CD010682 | 1982 | DEC 81 | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Fair to good condition, binnacle and dash show sun damage | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Car Port | PCK703 | Good | Observed in person | 11/17/2007 | Male | 19-29 | USAF | |||||||||||||||||||||
1/7/2021 7:27:30 | 10989 | United Kingdom | England | Stoke-On-Trent | SCEDT26T4CD010989 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 55000 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Time Machine Conversion | Time Machine Conversion | Excellent | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Mixed | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Time Machine Conversion | Website | 11/8/2020 | I owned it from 2005-2013 in Louisiana and Arkansas, sold to a gentleman in Tennessee who sold to a man in the UK. | Male | 30-39 | Other | 4th + owner | |||||||||||||||||
12/29/2020 10:55:27 | 07143 | USA | Maryland | Annapolis | SCEDT26T1BD007143 | 1981 | 50000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | a dent in passanger door | Grey | Excellent | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Outdoors | MD | Good | Website | 12/29/2020 | Johnson R Waite ( | 9/29/2020 | Male | 30-39 | Auction | bought on ebay | Unknown | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||
12/27/2020 10:23:36 | 10536 | USA | Michigan | Manchester | SCEDT26T0CD010536 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 20000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stage 1 exhaust, always oily under transmission | Stainless Steel | Good | Just dull, needs polished | Grey | Good | Carpet discolor | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | EISEN 3 | USA / MI | 04/20 | Good | Owner | n/a | 12/27/2020 | Replaced radio and lights to LEDs | Jan R. Eisen ( | n/a | DeLorean Motor City | 4/1/1988 | Male | 60+ | Advertisement (paper / online) | Saw it in Hemming’s | 2nd owner | Translator | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | Other | |
12/6/2020 9:05:27 | 16228 | USA | Georgia | Savannah | SCEDT26T6DD016228 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 62898 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | NORMAL WEAR | Grey | Good | NORMAL WEAR | No | Other | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Grey | Outdoors | Owner | 12/7/2020 | Ed Herrmann ( | 1/10/2000 | Male | 60+ | Auction | 2nd owner | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Annually | 87 octane | ||||||||||||
12/6/2020 7:21:17 | 10078 | USA | Georgia | Savannah | SCEDT26T7CD010078 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 4322 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Bad | APART | Craig | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Parts missing | Owner | 12/7/2020 | Ed Herrmann ( | Male | 60+ | Auction | 2nd owner | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Never (Museum / Display only) | |||||||||||||||
11/23/2020 11:44:21 | 10233 | USA | Tennessee | Cookeville | SCEDT26T4CD010233 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 29000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Car Port | United States | Good | Owner | 11/22/2020 | Rex Bennett ( | 10/9/2019 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 2nd owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||||||
11/15/2020 3:27:40 | 02327 | Switzerland | Vaud | Saint-Prex | SCEDT26T8BD002327 | 1981 | 54550 | Stock PRV | Manual | Painted | Bad | Terrific finish | Black | Destroyed | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Other | Other | Garaged / Inside | N/A | CH | N/A | Parts missing | Owner | 11/15/2020 | |||||||||||||||||||
11/9/2020 11:44:03 | 01184 | USA | Wisconsin | Chippewa Falls | SCEDT26T7BD001184 | 1981 | 39000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Black | Yes | Grooved | Yes | No | Garaged / Inside | United States | Owner | 11/9/2020 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11/9/2020 0:00:00 | 05497 | USA | Florida | Venice | SCEDT26T4BD005497 | Website | 11/9/2020 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10/18/2020 14:35:19 | 04727 | USA | California | Canoga Park | SCEDT26T1BD004727 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Manual | Other | Good | Wrapped in black vinyl matte | Black | Good | Yes | Other | None | Flat | No | No | Windshield | Other | Other | Garaged / Inside | wcdclwn | California | 12/21 | Good | Owner | 10/15/2021 | Roy Knyrim ( | 6/7/2004 | Male | 50-59 | Other | Unknown | Film and Television Director | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||
10/18/2020 14:27:19 | 02004 | USA | California | Canoga Park | SCEDT26T6BD002004 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Silver | Garaged / Inside | sotafx | California | 10.21 | Good | Owner | 10/15/2020 | Roy Knyrim ( | 4/18/1993 | Male | 50-59 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | Movie/Television Director | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||||
10/17/2020 17:15:52 | 03138 | USA | New Jersey | Ridgefield | SCEDT26TXBD003138 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 7500 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | None | Flat | No | No | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 10/15/2020 | Male | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10/16/2020 13:21:44 | 04178 | USA | California | Anaheim | SCEDT26T5BD004178 | 1981 | SEP 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | Yes | Windshield | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 10/9/2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
9/27/2020 0:01:18 | 17149 | USA | California | Covina | SCEDT26T4DD017149 | 1983 | SEP 81 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Rebuild | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Needs new dash and seat covers. | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Outdoors | DMC XII | USA/CA | 07/83 | Excellent | Owner | 9/26/2020 | Rebuilt engine and engine bay | Justin Trabue ( | Orange County DeLorean Club | 9/25/2018 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Purchased from the original owner | 1st owner | 5,001m to 15,000m / 8,047km to 24,140km | Daily | 87 octane | ||||||
9/22/2020 13:55:28 | 02031 | Belgium | Liège | SCEDT26T9BD002031 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 29213 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Bad | Yes | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | Belgium | Bad | Owner | 9/22/2020 | 9/1/2020 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
9/8/2020 18:21:33 | 03505 | USA | Oregon | Eugene | SCEDT26T0BD003505 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 90000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Bad | Grey | Bad | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Grey | Bad | Owner | 8/31/2020 | Northern California DeLorean Motor Club | 7/1/1999 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | Monthly | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||
9/7/2020 1:59:23 | 04060 | USA | California | Chino | SCEDT26T4BD004060 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 16293 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Original engine and trans intact | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Original stainless. Original interior. | Black | Excellent | Original nice. | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | ATARIDZ | USA/CA | 09/2020 | Excellent | Owner | 9/6/2020 | DMC Europe suspension/Avo shocks. DPI exhaust. | Male | 40-49 | Other | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||
8/30/2020 4:19:14 | 04423 | USA | Florida | Clearwater | SCEDT26T3BD004423 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Time machine conversion | Time Machine Conversion | Good | Time machine conversion | No | Other | Other | Grooved | No | Yes | Other | Silver | Garaged / Inside | FL | 08/22 | Time Machine Conversion | Owner | 8/30/2020 | Bradley Despaigne ( | | 9/2/2019 | Male | 30-39 | Other | Unknown | Registered Nurse | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 87 octane | |||||||||
8/14/2020 23:42:24 | 10207 | Denmark | Nordjylland | Thisted | SCEDT26T3CD010207 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 78000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | Craig | Thin Grey Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 8/15/2020 | Male | 30-39 | Dentist | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 97/98 RON | ||||||||||||||||
8/14/2020 19:34:21 | 00833 | USA | Georgia | North Georgia | SCEDT26T2BD000833 | 1981 | 28430 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | OUTATIME | USA/GA | Excellent | Owner | 8/10/2020 | 8/7/2020 | Male | 19-29 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||
8/4/2020 8:13:49 | 05290 | USA | California | Richmond | SCEDT26T4BD005290 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 28763 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Excellent | Other | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Owner | 8/2/2020 | Annually | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7/29/2020 7:59:03 | 00795 | USA | Pennsylvania | Richboro | SCEDT26T9BD000795 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 19130 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 7/29/2020 | Ryan Crocker ( | 5/18/2020 | Male | 19-29 | Dealership | Bought from dealer who also owns a DeLorean | 3rd owner | |||||||||||||||
7/28/2020 5:25:19 | 03752 | Sweden | Stockholm | SCEDT26T6BD003752 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 27760 | Custom | Manual | Engine is a B28F from a Volvo | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Small repair on passenger door can be noticed by hawk eyed observers | Black | Good | Good shape. Nothing spectacular | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | BFJ633 | SE | Excellent | Owner | 7/28/2020 | Carl ( | 6/26/2020 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 4th + owner | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 95 RON | |||||||||
7/18/2020 21:29:03 | 05510 | USA | Washington | Bothell | SCEDT26T3BD005510 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 67500 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Smells like an old boat, needs to have a lot of items replaced, but is currently ‘ok’. | Yes | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Other | Garaged / Inside | USA | Bad | Owner | 7/18/2020 | Currently being restored. Frame is bad – getting a stainless steel one. Brakes and suspension being replaced. Once back on the road the next major plan is an EV conversion. Currently body is off, frame is bare, engine and transmission separated. | Bill Carlson | 4/20/2020 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Purchased from seller near Boston, MA | Unknown | Software Engineer | |||||||||||
7/18/2020 20:56:07 | 00887 | USA | Washington | Auburn | SCEDT26T3BD000887 | 1981 | 50000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Could use new carpet right now. | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Silver | Garaged / Inside | GOTTIME | WA | Excellent | Owner | 7/18/2020 | Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club | Dealership | 3rd owner | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||
7/6/2020 20:57:16 | 05827 | USA | California | Chino Hills | SCEDT26TXBD005827 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 29290 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Restored by DMC | Grey | Excellent | Reupholstered by DMC Florida | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | N/A | USA / CA | N/A | Excellent | Owner | 7/6/2020 | Myself ( | N/A | Orange County DeLorean Club | Male | 30-39 | Dealership | Purchased from DMC Florida | 2nd owner | Producer | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||
7/2/2020 13:00:12 | 02823 | USA | Alabama | Saraland | SCEDT26T9BD002823 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 24542 | Custom | Manual | Chevy Vortec 4.3/Porsche 915 transaxle | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | AT88MPH | AL | 02/21 | Good | Owner | 7/2/2020 | Duke Bladorn ( | 5/25/1985 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | 2nd owner | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||||||
6/26/2020 18:33:33 | 17148 | Canada | Ontario | Markham | SCEDT26T2DD017148 | 1983 | SEP 82 | Painted | Excellent | Bought car brand new in 1983. Saw car at auto show. Dealer had already painted Te car in candy apple red. Fell in love with car and decided to buy it. Paint started to peel of couple years later. Had it stripped and repainted candy apple burgundy and still own it in that colour. | Grey | Excellent | Still in original condition. | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | WTP 267 | Ontario | Sept 1982 | Good | Owner | 6/26/2020 | Still original | Vince vitale ( | Official DeLorean Owners Canada | 3/21/1983 | Male | 60+ | Dealership | 1st owner | Retired | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||
6/26/2020 16:13:16 | 00937 | Canada | Ontario | Toronto | SCEDT26T3BD000937 | 1981 | APR 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Custom | Excellent | TWO TONE SEAT COVERS WITH DMC EMBROIDERED HEADRESTS, AFTERMARKET STEREO AND CUSTOM SOUND SYSTEM | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | BACK2FTR | CA | AUG/21 | Excellent | Owner | 6/25/2020 | JUSTIN ROBINSON | Official DeLorean Owners Canada | 3/6/2018 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||
6/22/2020 2:23:36 | 06692 | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Issum | | SCEDT26T7BD006692 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 45000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | KLE BY 68 H | Excellent | Owner | 6/22/2020 | Arnd Schulz ( | DeLorean Club Deutschland (Germany) | 9/4/2020 | Male | 50-59 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | Mechanical Engeneer | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | 95 RON | |||||||||
6/15/2020 6:22:18 | 05249 | USA | Pennsylvania | Scott Township | SCEDT26T7BD005249 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 30219 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Bad | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | HBR | PA | 04/2020 | Good | Owner | 6/15/2020 | John Mckenney ( | 5/15/2020 | Male | 50-59 | Other | Unknown | Manager Labor Operations | Monthly | 89 octane | ||||||||||
6/10/2020 8:23:47 | 16064 | USA | Massachusetts | Belchertown | SCEDT26T2DD016064 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 87000 | Custom | Manual | Twin Turbo V6 | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Updated brakes, lights . . . | Grey | Good | Updated stereo, seats redone, turbo guage instead of clock | No | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 33834 | USA/MA | Yes | Good | Owner | No | 6/9/2020 | Car was purchased by father new | John Dowd ( | Male | 50-59 | Other | 2nd owner | Engineer | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||
6/9/2020 20:08:44 | 16269 | USA | Washington | Vancouver | SCEDT26T9DD016269 | 1983 | SEP 82 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | No | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Mixed | Grey | Garaged / Inside | BTTF | WA | Excellent | Owner | 6/1/2020 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 2nd owner | Other | ||||||||||||||||
6/9/2020 16:26:29 | 05257 | Germany | Kassel | SCEDT26T6BD005257 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 41750 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | JVC DVD Player, Polk Audio System, Subwoofer | Yes | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Germany/KS | Excellent | Owner | 6/10/2020 | 2/11/2020 | Male | 40-49 | Auction | Unknown | ||||||||||||||||
6/9/2020 13:10:19 | 03205 | Canada | British Columbia | Surrey | SCEDT26TXBD003205 | 1981 | 45000 | Manual | DPI Spec 2 | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Excellent | grey | Yes | ASI | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 6/6/2020 | Dave Graham | Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club | Male | 30-39 | 4th + owner | Engineer & Producer | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Annually | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||||
6/5/2020 22:19:01 | 04803 | Switzerland | Zurich | Affoltern am Albis | SCEDT26T2BD004803 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Other | Garaged / Inside | Zürich | Good | Observed in person | 6/6/2020 | Giuseppe Cimino ( | | 11/22/2011 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Mechanic in own car workshop | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 95 RON | ||||||||||||
6/5/2020 12:23:36 | 06851 | Canada | Ontario | Burlington | SCEDT26T1BD0006851 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 40000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Time Machine | Grey | Good | Time Machine | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | OUTATME | CA | 10/21 | Good | Owner | 6/5/2020 | Kenneth Kapalowski ( | | Official DeLorean Owners Canada | 10/6/2005 | Male | 40-49 | Other | 3rd owner | IT | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||
6/5/2020 12:20:05 | 05541 | Canada | Ontario | Burlington | SCEDT26T3BD0005541 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 25000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | Reupolstered Seats (grey leather) | Yes | Craig | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | AT88MPH | CA | 10/21 | Excellent | Owner | 6/5/2020 | Kenneth Kapalowski ( | | Official DeLorean Owners Canada | 10/6/2000 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | IT | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||
6/5/2020 12:18:30 | 04267 | United Kingdom | England | Buckinghamshire | SCEDT26T4BD004267 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 1/6/2020 | DeLorean Owners Club UK | Male | 30-39 | Auction | 3rd owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6/5/2020 0:38:13 | 01458 | United Kingdom | Warwickshire | Rugby | SCEDT26T7BD001458 | 1981 | MAY 81 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Engine 2839 | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | SKM 234W | UK | Excellent | Owner | 6/5/2020 | Chris McGeachy ( | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 9/6/2009 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 4th + owner | Engineer | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Car Shows / Parades only | 95 RON | |||||||||
6/4/2020 6:03:32 | 00919 | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Muelheim | SCEDT26T1BD000919 | 1981 | 012021 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Flat | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | DL12 | MH | Good | Owner | 6/4/2020 | 6/4/2015 | Male | 50-59 | Other | 2nd owner | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Monthly | 95 RON | |||||||||||||
6/1/2020 15:14:33 | 04259 | USA | California | Los Angeles | SCEDT26T5BD004259 | 1981 | 8646 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Concours | Yes | Craig | None | Flat | No | Yes | Windshield | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | NOT YET REGISTERED BUT WILL GET BLUE LP STARTING WITH 01XXX LIKE IN 81 IN CA | USA/CA | 06/20 | Excellent | Owner | 6/1/2020 | ARNAUD DELIGNY ( | | 5/25/2020 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | Marketing Director | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||
5/31/2020 19:49:59 | 05670 | USA | Massachusetts | North Adams | | SCEDT26T3BD005670 | 1981 | 10775 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Bad | Dirty, missing rear center console section | Yes | Craig | None | Silver | Car Port | Bad | Website | | 1/16/2020 | Very dirty inside, possibly missing parts, louvre may be missing, based on photos. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
5/29/2020 7:30:31 | 01448 | USA | Pennsylvania | Slippery Rock | SCEDT26T4BD001448 | 1981 | DEC 80 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Good | Yes | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | USA / PA | Excellent | Owner | 5/29/2020 | John Cooney | 8/15/2004 | 30-39 | Other | Purchased through family from an estate of a family friend. | 2nd owner | Glass artist | Car Shows / Parades only | |||||||||||||||||
5/28/2020 1:06:02 | 17138 | Canada | Alberta | SCEDT26TXDD017138 | 1983 | APR 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Pirelli Tires, Very rare Stainless Steel Label kit, original lowered front springs, large rear anti sway bar, 100/130 watt high intensity headlights, Grey DMC Floor mats. | Grey | Excellent | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | AVIATOR | CAN / NS | Excellent | Owner | 8/26/1999 | Glenn Robertson ( | 8/26/1999 | Male | 60+ | Other | Originally bought in Nova Scotia, moved to British Columbia, sold into Alberta. | 2nd owner | CEO Pangaea Incorporated | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 97/98 RON | ||||||||||
5/27/2020 13:33:51 | 05165 | USA | Florida | Leesburg | SCEDT26T1BD005165 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 33,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | 9466YD | USA / FL | Excellent | Owner | 5/27/2020 | 5/3/2018 | Male | 19-29 | Dealership | Unknown | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | 91 octane | ||||||||||||
5/26/2020 19:24:20 | 10735 | USA | Indiana | Twelve Mile | SCEDT26T6CD010735 | 1982 | DEC 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | Other | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / IN | Owner | 5/26/2020 | ( | Indiana DeLorean Motor Club | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | Factory | |||||||||||||||||
5/24/2020 13:22:59 | 05127 | United Kingdom | Northern Ireland | Lurgan | SCEDT26T4BD005127 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | RKU158X | UK | Excellent | Owner | 5/24/2020 | David Abraham ( | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 1/11/2018 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 4th + owner | Computer Technician | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | |||||||||||
5/15/2020 6:44:52 | 06118 | USA | Texas | Alvin | | SCEDT26T8BD006118 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 55,512 | PRV Stage 1 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | No | Other | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | B16743N | USA / TX | 03/25 | Good | Owner | 5/15/2020 | Robert Keslar ( | Texas DeLorean Club | 7/9/2009 | Male | 40-49 | Auction | Unknown | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||
5/10/2020 8:04:44 | 10006 | USA | Illinois | Lake Barrington | SCEDT26T4CD010006 | 1982 | DEC 80 | 60,000 | Custom | Manual | Twin Turbo | Painted | Excellent | Painted show car by Cadillac by DeLorean in Ohio | Grey | Excellent | No | ASI | Custom | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | ONE LAPR | USA / IL | 06/20 | Excellent | Owner | 1/20/2020 | ( | | DeLorean Midwest Connection | 6/20/1984 | Male | 60+ | Dealership | Previous owner was Mark DeLorean | 1st owner | Engineering Consultant | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Car Shows / Parades only | 91 octane | ||||
5/9/2020 6:15:46 | 01206 | United Kingdom | Northamptonshire | Northampton | SCEDT26T2BD001206 | 1981 | APR 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Yes | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | BFW 740W | Good | Owner | 5/9/2020 | Nick | DeLorean Club UK | 9/1/2018 | Male | 50-59 | Dealership | BHCC car club | Unknown | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 95 RON | |||||||||||
5/8/2020 21:51:52 | 03069 | USA | Arizona | Mesa | SCEDT26T6BD003069 | 1981 | PRV Stage 2 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Time Machine Conversion | Excellent | No | Other | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | Time Machine Conversion | Owner | 5/8/2020 | | 11/16/2016 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Unknown | |||||||||||||||||||||
5/8/2020 7:02:32 | 05120 | USA | California | Sunnyvale | SCEDT26T1BD005120 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 28,400 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Car Port | USA / OR | Excellent | Owner | 5/8/2020 | Northern California DeLorean Motor Club | 6/9/2019 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | US Air Force | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||||
5/8/2020 2:00:37 | 11747 | United Kingdom | England | Leeds | SCEDT26T7CD011747 | 1982 | 23,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Flat | No | No | Garaged / Inside | FVL 659X | Excellent | Owner | 8/5/2020 | Phil Hainsworth ( | 10/13/2018 | Male | Advertisement (paper / online) | 2nd owner | Engineer | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Car Shows / Parades only | Other | ||||||||||||||||||||
5/7/2020 17:29:02 | 17148 | Canada | Ontario | Toronto | SCEDT26T2DD017148 | 1983 | SEP 82 | 36,781 | Stock PRV | Manual | PVR | Painted | Good | Bought new in 1983. Painted by dealer. I have never seen it in stainless steel | Grey | Good | Original good condition | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | WTO 267 | CAN / ONT | Good | Owner | 5/6/2020 | Original owner since 1983. Car good running condition | Vince Vitale ( | Official DeLorean Owners Canada | Male | 60+ | Dealership | Dealer had on display at auto show. Loved it | 1st owner | Retired | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Car Shows / Parades only | 91 octane | |||||
5/7/2020 7:08:18 | 04357 | USA | Indiana | Elkhart | SCEDT26T5BD004357 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 37,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Owner | 4/10/2020 | Indiana DeLorean Motor Club | Male | 60+ | Auction | 2nd owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Car Shows / Parades only | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5/5/2020 23:23:13 | 04860 | United Kingdom | Essex | Canvey Island | SCEDT26T3BD004860 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Other | Concours | Custom Mirror finish | Concours | Yes | ASI | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | TRK 966W | Concours | Owner | 1/1/2004 | Chris Nicholson ( | | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 1/28/1997 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 4th + owner | Delorean UK Restorer | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Car Shows / Parades only | |||||||||||
5/5/2020 23:19:50 | 02754 | France | Nord | Lille | SCEDT26T5BD002754 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 110,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | interior black with time machine elements | Time Machine Conversion | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Mixed | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 5/6/2020 | | Male | 30-39 | 95 RON | |||||||||||||||||
5/5/2020 23:16:29 | 00530 | United Kingdom | Essex | Canvey Island | SCEDT26T6BD000530 | 1981 | 10 | Manual | Legend Twin Turbo | Stainless Steel | Concours | Black | Concours | Only Modification by Legend Inc | Yes | Craig | Other | Grooved | Yes | Windshield | Other | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Concours | Owner | 5/5/2016 | One of two Twin Turbos factory authorised | Chris Nicholson ( | | DeLorean Club UK | 1/1/2002 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | Purchased From Robert Grady | 2nd owner | UK Delorean Restorer | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Car Shows / Parades only | ||||||||||
5/5/2020 23:03:44 | 00019 | United Kingdom | Essex | Canvey Island | 5,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Unique Development Car | No | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Other | Other | Other | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 1/1/2010 | Under going restoration | Chris Nicholson ( | | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 1/5/2009 | Male | 40-49 | Uk Delorean Restorer | |||||||||||||||||
5/5/2020 22:52:57 | 11225 | USA | Georgia | Augusta | | SCEDT26TXCD011225 | 1982 | JAN 82 | 31,009 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 5/5/2020 | Michael Parish ( | 7/10/1999 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | ||||||||||||||||
5/5/2020 18:25:05 | 10193 | USA | New York | Bellport | SCEDT26T7CD010193 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 147,000 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Outdoors | USA / NY | Good | Owner | 5/5/2020 | Almost finished with restore. | Paul Gress ( | Mid-State DeLorean Club | 6/1/1982 | Male | 60+ | Dealership | Original Owner | 1st owner | Mechanical Engineer | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | 91 octane | |||||||||
5/5/2020 16:52:29 | 06549 | USA | California | Chula vista | SCEDT26T28D006549 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 10,729 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Concours | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / CA | 10/20 | Excellent | Owner | 5/5/2020 | Second owner | DeLoreans San Diego | 60+ | Advertisement (paper / online) | 2nd owner | Retired | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Car Shows / Parades only | ||||||||||||
5/5/2020 14:58:41 | 04221 | USA | Wisconsin | Beaver Dam | SCEDT26T2BD004221 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 27,363 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 5/5/2020 | John | Male | 19-29 | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Car Shows / Parades only | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||
5/5/2020 14:12:33 | 03010 | United Kingdom | Hampshire | Winchester | SCEDT26T6BD003010 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 45,333 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | The car seems to have been painted red at some point and then stripped back to stainless. | Grey | Good | Door and roof Headliners had been redone in grey vinyl. I recently redone them in OEM material | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | FNP 575W | UK | Good | Owner | 5/5/2020 | Alan Silvestri ( | DeLorean Club UK | 9/12/2019 | Male | 30-39 | Other | Unknown | Company director | Daily | |||||||||
5/5/2020 13:48:42 | 10650 | USA | Arizona | Mesa | SCEDT26T9CD010650 | 1982 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Small dent in hood | Grey | Good | Recovered binnacle, aftermarket speakers in rear wall , new plastic dash | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 5/5/2020 | Jeff Davis ( | Arizona DeLorean Club | 12/18/2004 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | Monthly | |||||||||||||||
5/5/2020 12:49:59 | 05835 | USA | New York | Baldwin | SCEDT26T9BD005835 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 56,040 | Stock PRV | Manual | Carberated with Peugot 604 intake manifold and Motorcraft 2100 carburetor | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Custom | Excellent | Two tone Black/Grey | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | SUMMROFF | USA/NY | 11/20 | Good | Owner | 5/5/2020 | Louis Duet ( | Male | 40-49 | Other | 2nd owner | High School Biology Teacher – Formally Ultrasound Technologist | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||||
5/5/2020 12:27:39 | 05861 | USA | Georgia | Atlanta | SCEDT26TXBD005861 | 1981 | 74,397 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 5/1/2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
5/5/2020 11:43:34 | 04113 | United Kingdom | Scotland | Inverness | SCEDT26TXBD004113 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 4/1/2020 | DeLorean Owners Club UK | Male | 40-49 | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 95 RON | ||||||||||||||||||
5/5/2020 11:35:14 | 04616 | France | Essonne | Puiselet-le-Marais | SCEDT26T3BD004616 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 11,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Concours | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 5/5/2020 | Eric Vie ( | Stainless Wings | 12/10/2019 | Male | 40-49 | 4th + owner | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 97/98 RON | ||||||||||||||||||
5/5/2020 10:56:01 | 04537 | Ireland | Munster | Cork | SCEDT26T7BD004537 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 36,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Bad | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 5/5/2020 | ( | Male | 19-29 | Other | ||||||||||||||||||
5/5/2020 10:23:34 | 06106 | USA | Massachusetts | Milford | SCEDT26T1BD006106 | 1981 | 74,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / MA | Good | Owner | 10/31/2019 | Kevin Najarian | 10/16/2019 | Male | 50-59 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Unknown | ||||||||||||||||
5/5/2020 6:50:27 | 02506 | USA | North Carolina | Winston | SCEDT26T8BD002506 | 1981 | 50,000 | Custom | Manual | Spec 2 EFI | Stainless Steel | Good | Polished | Black | Good | Yes | Other | Custom | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / NC | Good | Owner | 6/1/2018 | 6/1/2020 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Unknown | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||||||
5/5/2020 6:48:07 | 02337 | USA | Pennsylvania | Honey Brook | SCEDT26T0BD002337 | 1981 | 10,860 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stage 2 build done by Toby Peterson/DeLorean NW | Stainless Steel | Concours | Black | Concours | Radio upgraded modern head unit with reverse camera. Original Craig retained. | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | USA / PA | Concours | Owner | 5/3/2020 | Pete Cooper ( | Male | 50-59 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | Construction business owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||||
5/5/2020 6:26:05 | 10576 | USA | Virginia | Rockingham | SCEDT26T1CD010576 | 1982 | 18,410 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Few spots need scuffed and blended | Grey | Good | Driver seat worn some and trim beside it worn from getting in and out | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Va/USA | 3/20 | Excellent | Owner | 4/4/2020 | Love it!!! | 3/10/2020 | Male | 30-39 | Dealership | Happy day | 3rd owner | Used car manager | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||
5/5/2020 6:16:44 | 05096 | USA | Pennsylvania | Carnegie | SCEDT26T8BD005096 | 1981 | 66,318 | Custom | Turbo system /EFI by SEO performance | Stainless Steel | Good | Car was red going back to stainless steel | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Other | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | T1MLSS | USA / PA | Good | Owner | 5/5/2020 | Myself ( | 11/20/2019 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | Self-employed | 91 octane | ||||||||||||
5/2/2020 21:36:30 | 02883 | Australia | New South Wales | Sydney | SCEDT26T5BD002883 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 108,618 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | DMC881 | NSW | 08/81 | Excellent | Owner | 3/5/2020 | Andrew Prentis ( | DeLorean Australia | 4/2/2002 | Male | 30-39 | Auction | 3rd owner | Mechanic | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 97/98 RON | ||||||||
4/30/2020 1:10:09 | 16978 | Canada | British Columbia | Vancouver | | SCEDT26T5DD016978 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 12,700 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | ASI | Flat | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 4/29/2020 | | Official DeLorean Owners Canada | Auction | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Car Shows / Parades only | |||||||||||||||||||||||
4/26/2020 20:19:42 | 02539 | USA | Michigan | Lexington | SCEDT26T1BD002539 | 1981 | AUG 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Garaged / Inside | USA / MI | Good | Owner | 4/26/2020 | Ron Piwko ( | 4/26/2020 | Male | 50-59 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Unknown | 15001m or more / 24141km or more | Annually | ||||||||||||||||
4/26/2020 3:46:44 | 01537 | USA | Texas | San Antonio | SCEDT26T3BD001537 | 1981 | MAY 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Obtained a PRV and manual transmission separately | Stainless Steel | Good | Black paint removed 100%. Fascias awaiting repaint in stock color. Still missing louvers. | Black | Bad | Needs considerable amount of work still. | No | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Parts missing | Owner | 4/26/2020 | In process of total restoration. | Brent Vazquez ( | | 12/3/2019 | Male | 19-29 | Other | Purchased as is, found abandoned in barn of previous owner. | 4th + owner | Technician | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Never (Museum / Display only) | ||||||||
4/26/2020 0:49:11 | 03321 | USA | California | San Francisco | SCEDT26T1BD003321 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 10,145 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stage 1 Exhaust Upgrade & Euro Spec Springs | Stainless Steel | Excellent | 1 owner vehicle purchased from DMC Florida | Grey | Excellent | Refreshed interior with new carpets & seat covers | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Mixed | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / CA | 5/21 | Excellent | Owner | 4/26/2020 | Northern California DeLorean Motor Club | 11/5/2019 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | 1 owner vehicle. Purchased from DMC Florida | 2nd owner | Internet Entrepreneur | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||
4/21/2020 8:09:55 | 03236 | USA | Virginia | Winchester | SCEDT26TSBD003236 | 1981 | AUG 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | Thin Grey Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Silver | Garaged / Inside | TIMEMCN | USA / VA | Good | Owner | 4/21/2020 | ( | | Tri-State DeLorean Club | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 4th owner | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||||||
4/16/2020 17:47:19 | 10436 | USA | Texas | Austin | SCEDT26T7CD010436 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 5,700 | Stock PRV | Manual | Runs great | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | Flat | No | Left-Rear | Good | Owner | 4/16/2020 | Monthly | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/13/2020 9:04:16 | 06451 | Hungary | Budapest | SCEDT26T7BD006451 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 15,009 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Dark green carpets | Yes | Craig | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Grey | Garaged / Inside | 05/2025 | Excellent | Owner | 4/13/2020 | Bought from 2nd owner from Orange CA in January 2020 and shipped to Hungary. Lots of upgrades done: brakes, clutch, fuel lines, fuel system were upgraded. The car had great owners who took good care of the exterior and interior, but hasn’t run a mile since the end of the 90’s. After the upgrades, now it runs and drives great, brought back to life. | ( | | DeLorean Club Hungary | 1/22/2020 | Male | 19-29 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Shipped by AmeriCarGo, Hungary | 3rd owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | Other | |||||||||
4/11/2020 10:42:03 | 01506 | Italy | Milan | SCEDT27T3BD001506 | 1981 | MAY 81 | PRV Stage 2 | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Backlit electronic instrument cluster blue/green | Yes | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 4/11/2020 | 4/10/2020 | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | |||||||||||||||||||||
4/10/2020 0:36:09 | 06411 | USA | Arizona | Sedona | SCEDT26T6BD006411 | 1981 | NOV 81 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Bad | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | DMC | USA / AZ | Good | Owner | 4/10/2020 | 5/5/2004 | Male | 40-49 | Other | 3rd owner | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Car Shows / Parades only | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||
4/9/2020 9:27:18 | 04626 | USA | California | Escondido | SCEDT26T6BD004626 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 41,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | Thin Grey Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA/CA | Excellent | Owner | 4/9/2020 | Colin McDonell ( | 8/16/1996 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 2nd owner | IT | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 87 octane | |||||||||||
4/4/2020 13:46:54 | 01940 | USA | California | Desert Hot Springs | SCEDT26T8BD001940 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Destroyed | Grey | Good | No | Craig | None | Flat | Yes | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 1GIZ876 | USA/CA | Good | Owner | 4/4/2020 | Rehabiitation after 10 years of storage | ( | Male | 60+ | Other | 2nd owner | Retired | ||||||||||||||||
3/31/2020 19:00:16 | 05830 | USA | Florida | Destin | SCEDT26TXBD005830 | 1981 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Grey | Excellent | Grooved | No | No | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Observed in person | 12/20/2020 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3/31/2020 18:50:57 | 02417 | USA | Florida | Panama City | SCEDT26T9BD002417 | 1981 | Painted | Bad | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Silver | Outdoors | Bad | Observed in person | 7/19/2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3/31/2020 18:43:48 | 01105 | USA | Florida | Fort Walton Beach | SCEDT26T7BD001105 | 1981 | Observed in person | 12/20/2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3/31/2020 18:39:02 | 03430 | USA | Florida | Niceville | SCEDT26T6BD003430 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 40,211 | Stock PRV | Manual | Painted | Bad | Will be returned to stainless | Grey | Good | Yes | ASI | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Bad | Owner | 3/31/2020 | Andrew Orton ( | 2/18/2020 | Male | 30-39 | Other | Bring a trailer | Unknown | Aerospace Engineer | |||||||||||||
3/30/2020 6:36:34 | 05781 | USA | Maine | Brunswick | SCEDT26T1BD005781 | 1981 | 41,935 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | None | Flat | No | No | Other | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 84-671 | USA / ME | 09/20 | Good | Owner | 3/30/2020 | DeLorean Motor Club of New England | 9/24/2019 | Female | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Unknown | Mechanic | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Annually | 87 octane | ||||||||||
3/27/2020 15:45:21 | 00905 | USA | Virginia | Virginia Beach | SCEDT26T1BD000905 | 1981 | MAR 81 | 21,787 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | ODATIME | USA / VA | Excellent | Owner | 3/27/2020 | upgraded for safety and drivability | John Patterson ( | 3/20/2014 | Male | 50-59 | Other | consignment through Delorean Industries | Unknown | Physician | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||
3/26/2020 19:34:00 | 11594 | Canada | Ontario | Milton | | SCEDT26T8CD011594 | 1982 | JAN 82 | 53,437 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Chris Nicholson Regrain | Black | Good | stock with original seats in decent condtion | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Other | Garaged / Inside | STNLSTYL | CAN / ONT | Excellent | Owner | 3/26/2020 | | Official DeLorean Owners Canada | 5/3/2009 | Male | 40-49 | Other | US car imported from MI to Ontario by previous owner, I’ve owned it since 2009 | Unknown | Shop owner | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | 91 octane | ||||||
3/26/2020 14:33:54 | 02955 | USA | Arizona | Goodyear | SCEDT26T4BD002955 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 27,500 | Custom | Manual | LS to Porsche 996 trans | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 3/26/2020 | Nick Sherrill ( | 2/4/2012 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Unknown | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||
3/25/2020 6:03:37 | 05113 | USA | Ohio | Alliance | SCEDT26T4BD005113 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Owner | 3/23/2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3/25/2020 5:26:12 | 07052 | USA | Michigan | Grand Rapids | SCEDT26T9BD007052 | 1981 | NOV 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 3/25/2020 | Monthly | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||||||||
3/25/2020 0:47:36 | 02030 | United Kingdom | Scotland | Aberdeen | SCEDT26T7BD002030 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 36,580 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | FNP486W | Good | Owner | 3/1/2020 | ( | Male | 30-39 | ||||||||||||||||||
3/24/2020 17:23:06 | 16890 | Canada | Ontario | Toronto | | SCEDT26T2DD016890 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 8,990 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | AZFH-269 | CAN / ON | Excellent | Owner | 10/25/2019 | George Stawro ( | Official DeLorean Owners Canada | 5/18/2018 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | Purchased from Wells Auto in Milton,ON – a Delorean specific sales and restoration facility. | 3rd owner | Operations Manager | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Car Shows / Parades only | 91 octane | |||||||
3/24/2020 8:59:12 | 11604 | USA | North Carolina | Cashiers | SCEDT26T7CD011604 | 1982 | JAN 82 | 9,006 | Stock PRV | Manual | Factory injection with emissions | Stainless Steel | Excellent | BTTF Converstion / Frame off restored (10/19) | Grey | Excellent | Originally Black/Grey combo. Now grey | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / NC | Time Machine Conversion | Owner | 3/24/2020 | Passion Performance ( | 6/30/2019 | Male | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Car Shows / Parades only | 95 RON | ||||||||||
3/17/2020 16:16:18 | 16818 | USA | Idaho | Nampa | SCEDT26T5DD016818 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 38,770 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | No | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 3/17/2020 | Original family car from Los Angeles, Grandpa Gene bought it new in 1983. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
3/17/2020 9:22:41 | 10673 | USA | Louisiana | Covington | SCEDT26TXCD010673 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 10,740 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | aftermarket JVC stereo | No | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / LA | Good | Owner | 3/17/2020 | 10/21/2019 | Dealership | DMC in Orlando, FL | ||||||||||||||||||
3/12/2020 19:43:22 | 02186 | USA | Virginia | Fort Belvoir | SCEDT26T5BD002186 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 18,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | DPI’s SPEC1 exhaust installed | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Two-toned deat covers, two-toned steering wheel wrapping, Craig radio Bluetooth, subwoofer, amp, LED cargo shelf and footweel lighting, backup camera | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | Yes | Other | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | CONTRA 4 | USA / CA | 03/21 | Excellent | Owner | 3/12/2020 | Have hidden lots of NES related and Contra videogame characters throughout the car | Brian Paone ( | | 2/20/2019 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Bought from Traverse City, MI through an ad on DMCTalk | 4th + owner | Author | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | 91 octane | ||||
3/12/2020 1:14:28 | 10965 | Switzerland | Zurich | SCEDT26T1CD010965 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 83,500 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | ASI | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 3/12/2020 | Stainless Wings | 1/10/2012 | Male | 30-39 | Dealership | 5,001m to 15,000m / 8,047km to 24,140km | |||||||||||||||||
3/12/2020 0:27:50 | 10194 | Switzerland | Neuchatel | SCEDT26T9CD010194 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 17,000 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Owner | 3/12/2020 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3/8/2020 12:06:53 | 10664 | USA | Florida | Ocoee | SCEDT26T9CD010664 | 1982 | DEC 81 | Stainless Steel | Owner | 3/8/2020 | Collision Tech | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3/7/2020 19:02:20 | 16360 | USA | Texas | San Antonio | SCEDT26T6DD016360 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 98,540 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | small fitment gap passenger fron fender | Grey | Excellent | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | BTTF.US | USA/TX | 12/20 | Excellent | Owner | WWW.DCAR.ME | 3/7/2020 | All original exterior. Interior has Pioneer flip-up screen. Two 19″ TV monitors under hood | Jerry Wayne ( | | Texas DeLorean Club | Male | 60+ | Advertisement (paper / online) | Previous owner spent $11,531 for new crated engine | 3rd owner | Marketing | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | 87 octane | ||||
3/3/2020 3:54:21 | 06524 | USA | Tennessee | Chattanooga | SCEDT26T8BD006524 | 1981 | NOV 81 | PRV/5-speed | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 3/2/2020 | Kyle M | 11/5/2005 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||
3/1/2020 10:58:09 | 11749 | USA | Colorado | Lone Tree | SCEDT26T0CD011749 | 1982 | JAN 82 | 32,300 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | Yes | Front-Right | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | 88NGONE | USA / CO | Excellent | Owner | 3/1/2020 | Originally sold in Kuwait to US serviceman; car in kilometers and Celsius; front antennae but was built to support automatic antennae as well. | Rob Blake ( | 9/2/1990 | Male | 50-59 | Auction | Shipped back to US for auction in September 1990; bought by my Father-in-Law and remains in the family. | 3rd owner | Computer Geek | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | 89 octane | ||||||||
3/1/2020 8:17:35 | 16565 | USA | New York | Millbrook | SCEDT26T2DD016565 | 1983 | 13,400 | Excellent | Owner | 3/1/2020 | DeLorean Mid-Atlantic Club | 6/3/1987 | Other | 2nd owner | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Annually | 89 octane | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/29/2020 9:12:18 | 05918 | USA | Massachusetts | Boston | SCEDT26T0BD005918 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | 22JRO8 | USA / MA | 08/20 | Good | Owner | 2/22/2020 | Brian Bram ( | 9/29/2002 | Male | 60+ | Other | Purchased from 2nd owner | 3rd owner | Marketing | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||
2/21/2020 18:50:24 | 04978 | USA | Minnesota | Oronoco | | SCEDT26T4BD004978 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Refinished dash and binnacle. New headliner and DMC seat covers | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Windshield | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | USA / MN | Good | Owner | 2/22/2020 | Matt ( | DeLoreans of Minnesota Club | 9/28/2019 | Male | 30-39 | Dealership | Purchased in Watertown, WI | Unknown | ||||||||||||
2/17/2020 16:53:39 | 00672 | USA | Pennsylvania | Chalfont | | SCEDT26T4BD000672 | 1981 | MAR 81 | Automatic | Painted | Excellent | Last of 3 painted training car (by DuPont through DeLorean) | Black | Good | Craig | Garaged / Inside | USA / PA | Good | Owner | 2/17/2020 | Female | 50-59 | Other | Inherited from father | 3rd owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/16/2020 1:15:56 | 01815 | USA | Georgia | Lawrenceville | SCEDT26T5BD001815 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 52,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Engine rebuilt at 47000 miles | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | HYOSLVR | USA / GA | N/A | Good | Owner | 2/14/2020 | Tod Craver ( | Male | 60+ | Advertisement (paper / online) | 2nd owner | Retired | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | 87 octane | |||||||||
2/14/2020 21:54:50 | 03676 | USA | Wisconsin | Superior | SCEDT26T5BD003676 | 1981 | SEP 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Converted to a Peugeot 604 2bbl intake and Motorcraft 1.21 2bbl carburetor from a Mustang. | Stainless Steel | Good | Traded the original grooved hood (dents all over) for a flat hood. A few dents, dings and scratches on the body panels. | Grey | Parts missing | Interior was originally black but an entire grey interior was installed years ago by the previous owner. | Yes | Other | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / MN | Good | Owner | 2/14/2020 | I bought the car as a running/driving project with a lot of good surprises (entire braking system is new, clutch and slave cylinder are both new, new tires, etc.). I’m hoping to have it look amazing soon enough! | Brodie Nyrud ( | DeLoreans of Minnesota Club | 2/8/2020 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 4th + owner | Upholstery | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||
2/14/2020 15:59:02 | 02819 | USA | California | Tehachapi | | SCEDT26T7BD002819 | 1981 | AUG 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Had a turbo engine but was blown by previous owner | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Was originally purchased by Kenny Rogers | Black | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | MYTOY3 | USA / CA | Excellent | Owner | 2/14/2020 | This was handed down to me from my uncle who bought it from Kenny Rodgers. It’s not for sale and wont be, but promising to take very good care of it. | 1/1/2020 | Female | 30-39 | Other | My uncle | 3rd owner | Aircraft mechanic | Car Shows / Parades only | 91 octane | ||||||||
2/12/2020 22:03:19 | 04653 | USA | Texas | Crowley | | SCEDT26T9BD004653 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 78,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 2/12/2020 | Justin Vasquez | North Texas DeLorean Owners Association | 11/11/2019 | Male | 30-39 | Dealership | Unknown | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||||||||
2/12/2020 18:14:41 | 04633 | USA | New Jersey | Long Valley | SCEDT26T3BD004633 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 18,500 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Concours | Yes | Craig | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | OUTATIME | USA / NJ | Excellent | Owner | 2/12/2020 | Keith Murphy ( | DeLorean Mid-Atlantic Club | 6/5/1989 | Male | 60+ | Dealership | $14,500 | 4th + owner | Retired Marketing and Recording artist Rockabilly Hall of Fame | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||
2/12/2020 9:16:32 | 04930 | USA | Hawaii | Kailua-Kona | SCEDT26T9BD004930 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 37,680 | Custom | Manual | Has aftermarket turbo. | Stainless Steel | Excellent | One small dent caused by flat blade screwdriver | Grey | Good | Headliners need to be replaced. | None | Grooved | No | No | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 2/8/2020 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/6/2020 21:55:43 | 02031 | USA | Texas | Argyle | SCEDT26T9BD002031 | 1981 | 39,877 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Stainless | Black | Bad | Dash trash. Brittle plastic parts | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | USA / TX | Good | Owner | 2/6/2020 | Jeff moore ( | Male | 40-49 | Auction | 2nd owner | Sales director | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||||
2/4/2020 20:27:07 | 05041 | USA | Texas | Houston | SCEDT26T5BD005041 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Bad | In the process of a full build. | Grey | Parts missing | Grooved | Bad | Owner | 2/4/2020 | 2/4/2020 | Male | 19-29 | Other | $3,800 | Unknown | College student | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/1/2020 10:58:45 | 04070 | USA | Missouri | Wildwood | SCEDT26T7BD004070 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 22,960 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 1/1/2020 | Randy Mulcahy ( | Male | 60+ | Other | Purchased from original owner | 2nd owner | ||||||||||||||||
1/31/2020 18:21:06 | 04303 | Australia | New South Wales | Newcastle | SCEDT26T4BD004303 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Manual | Good | Grey | Excellent | Flat | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 1/30/2020 | Glen Jennings ( | 10/15/2019 | Male | 50-59 | Auction | 3rd owner | Monthly | 95 RON | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
1/31/2020 13:56:36 | 05848 | USA | Wisconsin | Shawano | SCEDT26T7BD005848 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 975 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Concours | Grey | Concours | Yes | Craig | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | Concours | Owner | 1/28/2020 | Dealership | Purchased new January 1983 | 1st owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||
1/27/2020 19:13:47 | 05837 | USA | Virginia | Edinburg | SCEDT26T2BD005837 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 23,200 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Nice clean car, I am going to regrain and shine it | Grey | Excellent | Very good original condition | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | BAKNTME | USA / VA | Excellent | Owner | 1/27/2020 | 1981 Delorean DMC-12 with a 5 speed. We have owned the car since 1984. My grandmother drove it back in the day. It sat for 30 years and we got it running great again and have put about 600 miles on it since we got it running again. Always garage kept. | Allen Pence ( | Tri-State DeLorean Club | 10/12/1984 | Male | Dealership | Original owner bought it and put 12,000 miles on it and then took ya back to the original dealer and then we bought it from there. It now has just over 23,000 miles. | 2nd owner | Family Business | Annually | 91 octane | |||||||
1/27/2020 13:22:29 | 10332 | USA | Washington | Renton | | SCEDT26T6CD010332 | 1982 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 1/27/2020 | Mark Hancheroff | Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club | Male | 50-59 | Other | Inherited from the family | 3rd owner | Program Manager | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||
1/26/2020 16:34:33 | 10993 | USA | California | Pleasant Hill | | SCEDT26T6CD010993 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 61,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | No | Other | Thin Grey Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Car Port | Excellent | Owner | 1/25/2020 | Northern California DeLorean Motor Club | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||||
1/23/2020 9:15:48 | 03000 | USA | North Carolina | Havelock | SCEDT26T3BD003000 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 20,721 | Stock PRV | Manual | running rich | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | None | Flat | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | BCKINTYM | Excellent | Owner | 1/23/2020 | Richard Scott ( | 8/13/2018 | Male | 19-29 | Other | 3rd owner | Military | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||
1/15/2020 14:13:14 | 03617 | USA | Colorado | Littleton | SCEDT26T0BD003617 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 13,337 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | Yes | Windshield | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 507GUQ | USA / CO | 12/24 | Excellent | Owner | 1/15/2020 | Ronald M Stephens ( | 7/9/2015 | Male | 60+ | Dealership | Retired Electrical Engineer | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||
1/15/2020 12:17:55 | 03668 | USA | New York | Babylon | SCEDT26T6BD003668 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 14,817 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | D LAUREN | USA / NY | 12/21 | Excellent | Owner | 1/15/2020 | Christopher Holbrook ( | 12/12/2020 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | 91 octane | |||||||||||||
1/7/2020 8:04:43 | 10027 | Germany | Baden-Wurttemberg | Stuttgart | SCEDT26T1CD010027 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 30,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Grey | Yes | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Excellent | Owner | 1/7/2020 | ( | Male | Monthly | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1/3/2020 11:49:04 | 03268 | USA | Florida | Orlando | | SCEDT26T1BD003268 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 52,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Other | Silver | Garaged / Inside | DMC 12 | USA / FL | 10/20 | Excellent | Owner | 1/3/2020 | ( | | DeLorean Club of Florida | 4/1/1996 | Male | 50-59 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 2nd owner | Executive Producer | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 87 octane | |||||||
1/2/2020 16:34:47 | 16355 | New Zealand | Auckland | Auckland | SCEDT26T2DD016355 | 1983 | AUG 82 | Manual | PRV 2.85 | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | ASI | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 9/4/2020 | DeLorean Club of New Zealand | 9/4/2019 | Shared | 40-49 | Dealership | Sales | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||
12/31/2019 9:51:52 | 10587 | USA | New York | Utica | | SCEDT26T6CD010587 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 43,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Perfect working order. Fuel Lines replaced, Radiator and all hoses replaced, Fuel Accumulator replaced. All previous & current work documented | Stainless Steel | Excellent | No Flaws | Grey | Excellent | Dash perfect without cracks. Only flaw is a slight rip on the drivers seat | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | USA / NY | 07/19 | Excellent | Owner | 12/31/2019 | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||
12/28/2019 15:34:18 | 06291 | USA | New York | Bethpage | | SCEDT26T0BD006291 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 47,536 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | 0 mile transmission and engine from DMCH in 2011 during rebuild at 45K miles. | Stainless Steel | Excellent | SS Frame | Custom | Excellent | DMCH 2 tone | Yes | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Other | Silver | Garaged / Inside | MIC FLY | USA / NY | JAN 2022 | Excellent | Website | 12/28/2019 | Adam ( | 12/13/2019 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | DMCH rebuild car | 3rd owner | Sales Exec | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||
12/27/2019 9:09:42 | 04935 | USA | Arizona | Surprise | SCEDT26T1BD004935 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | DeLoreanGO Exhaust System | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | Good | Observed in person | 12/27/2019 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
12/23/2019 0:00:00 | 10905 | USA | Arizona | Phoenix | SCEDT26T5CD010905 | Website | 12/23/2019 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12/16/2019 19:36:26 | 02846 | USA | Illinois | Elgin | SCEDT26TXBD002846 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 18,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 1KHZ527 | USA / CA | 05/85 | Excellent | Owner | 10/1/2019 | 9/1/2019 | Male | 50-59 | Other | 3rd owner | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||||
12/15/2019 16:58:04 | 10501 | USA | Massachusetts | Malden | SCEDT26T3CD010501 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 11,201 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | 2019 OEM Restored | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Windshield | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 12/15/2019 | Eddie C ( | DeLorean Motor Club of New England | 12/12/2019 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Purchased from original owner. | 2nd owner | Used car dealer | ||||||||||||
12/7/2019 9:05:11 | 01537 | USA | Texas | San Antonio | SCEDT36T3BD001537 | 1981 | MAY 81 | Engine and transmission are gone. | Painted | Parts missing | Missing Louvres and garnishes. In process of stripping paint. | Black | Bad | Needs a considerable amount of work still. | No | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Parts missing | Owner | 12/7/2019 | In process of total restoration. | Brent Vazquez ( | 12/3/2019 | Male | 19-29 | Other | Purchased as is, found abandoned in barn of previous owner. | 3rd owner | Technician | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Never (Museum / Display only) | |||||||||||
12/3/2019 19:09:16 | 06594 | USA | Arkansas | Morrilton | | SCEDT26T7BD006594 | 1981 | NOV 81 | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | None | Grooved | No | No | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Museum | On display at the Museum of Automobiles. | 12/3/2019 | See | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
12/2/2019 7:53:34 | 04944 | USA | New York | New York | SCEDT26T9BD004944 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 16,000 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 12/2/2019 | 4/1/1986 | Male | 50-59 | Dealership | |||||||||||||||||||||
11/28/2019 13:24:11 | 03225 | United Kingdom | West Midlands | Birmingham | SCEDT26T5BD003225 | 1981 | AUG 81 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Other | Not sure | Garaged / Inside | AFK 397X | UK | Excellent | Owner | 11/28/2019 | Lee Peverelle ( | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 5/1/2019 | Male | 50-59 | Other | Builder | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | 95 RON | |||||||||||||
11/27/2019 16:00:50 | 04038 | Netherlands | Overijssel | Enschede | SCEDT26T0BD004038 | 1981 | SEP 81 | Stock PRV with stainless steel sport exhaust, automatic transmission | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Rated as excellent by professional appraisel | Black | Good | No | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | G414RS | Netherlands | Excellent | Observed in person | 11/27/2019 | Chris Krook ( | DeLorean Club Nederland (Netherlands) | 10/30/2019 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | DeLorean Europe | 4th + owner | Sales Manager | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 97/98 RON | |||||||||
11/24/2019 14:15:08 | 16301 | USA | North Carolina | Louisburg | SCEDT26T1DD016301 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 28,911 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Destroyed | In process of restoring | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Other | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / NC | Good | Owner | 11/24/2019 | In the process of being restored. | 11/18/2019 | Female | 60+ | Other | 4th + owner | Retired | 91 octane | ||||||||||||
11/22/2019 15:58:09 | 00805 | USA | Washington | Olympia | SCEDT26T8BD000805 | 1981 | Custom | Manual | twin turbo car rumored to be a Legend? | Stainless Steel | Destroyed | destroyed in engine fire | Destroyed | Grooved | Yes | No | Destroyed | Owner | 9/1/1993 | Once owned by Roy Nesseth, some believe this could have been another Legend car. | Other | purchased out of a wrecking yard in Moses Lake WA in 1993. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11/22/2019 15:26:22 | 00710 | USA | Washington | Olympia | SCEDT26T8BD000710 | 1981 | MAR 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Totally disassembled when purchased | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Good | totall disassembled | None | No | Not sure | Garaged / Inside | Destroyed | Owner | 6/1/1988 | Car was totally disassembled by original dealer. I still have the VIN plate. | Dealership | Purchased as parts | 1st owner | Engineer/DMC parts dealer | |||||||||||||||||||||||
11/22/2019 15:16:04 | 02373 | USA | California | Huntington Beach | SCEDT26T4BD002373 | 1981 | 45,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Good | Owner | 2/19/2003 | 2/19/2003 | Advertisement (paper / online) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
11/22/2019 15:10:58 | 04951 | USA | Washington | Olympia | SCEDT26T6BD004951 | 1981 | 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Concours | was a brand new car | Grey | Concours | None | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Concours | Owner | 5/1/1994 | Found in the seller’s bedroom; subject of “The DeLorean in the Bedroom” story | 5/1/1994 | Advertisement (paper / online) | sold in one week to new owner in Switzerland | 2nd owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
11/22/2019 14:54:16 | 06406 | USA | Washington | Kirkland | SCEDT26T2BD006406 | 1981 | 12,525 | Custom | Automatic | Engine replaced with single turbo motor out of AK; totally polished | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 12/5/1999 | sold in middle of restoration | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11/22/2019 14:47:25 | 02542 | USA | Washington | Burien | SCEDT26T1BD002542 | 1981 | 35,000 | Custom | Manual | Supercharged Chevy 4.3 V6, handmade engine adapter, trans input shaft strengthened, lots more | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | replaced with new 2016 | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Other | Garaged / Inside | BLWNAWY | USA / WA | Excellent | Owner | 12/16/2017 | Purchased 9/14/90 with no engine; supercharged Chevy engine installed; sold 3/3/05; purchased again 7/18/16; restored; sold 12/16/17 | 12/16/2017 | Advertisement (paper / online) | ||||||||||||||||
11/22/2019 14:35:25 | 00923 | USA | Washington | Lacey WA | SCEDT26T3BD000923 | 1981 | 34,246 | Custom | Manual | Single turbo added subsequent to my ownership. | Stainless Steel | Good | Purchased from a wrecking yard but not wrecked. Had minor front fascia displacement from being towed. | Black | Good | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 1/1/1995 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
11/22/2019 14:28:05 | 02985 | USA | Washington | Olympia | SCEDT26T2BD002985 | 1981 | 30,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 1/1/1989 | Subject of “The Trip” story | 2nd owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||
11/22/2019 14:21:40 | 03013 | Canada | Washington | Olympia | SCEDT26T1BD003013 | 1981 | 6,709 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 1/1/1991 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 2nd owner | |||||||||||||||||||||
11/18/2019 6:08:07 | 01592 | USA | New York | Clifton Park | | SCEDT26T0BD001592 | 1981 | MAY 81 | 20,600 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Craig | Grooved | Yes | Windshield | GOINBACK | USA / NY | Good | Owner | 11/18/2019 | Don Ferlazzo ( | | DeLorean Mid-Atlantic Club | 10/31/2019 | Male | 30-39 | Auction | 4th + owner | Insurance Agent | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||||
11/14/2019 1:08:42 | 02626 | USA | California | Los Angeles | | SCEDT26T7BD002626 | 1981 | 23,360 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Plastic overflow bottle | Stainless Steel | Bad | Accident damage on rear passenger panel; fascias are badly weather worn | Black | Bad | Badly cracked binnacle and dashboard; missing window buttons; destroy seat covers; | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Silver | Outdoors | Bad | Website | 11/23/2018 | Another overprice ($20,000,) badly damaged car sold by bhcc. Broken/damaged lower control arm on rear-passenger side; lots of damage. Restorable, but with a lot of time and money. Ad text: “1981 DeLorean DMC-12This very desirable 1981 DeLorean DMC-12 with 23,360 miles on the odometer is available in a stainless steel w grey interior. It comes with a clean CarFax and is equipped with an automatic transmission, air conditioning, and power windows. It ha same owner for many years. and has just come out of storage. It is also highly collectible. For $19,950” | ||||||||||||||||||||
11/10/2019 15:34:46 | 05791 | USA | Arizona | Ahwatukee | SCEDT26T4BD005791 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 98,131 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Bad | Yes | ASI | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 11/10/2019 | Resto in progress | Arizona DeLorean Club | 10/21/2019 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 3rd owner | Mechanic | |||||||||||||||
11/7/2019 9:26:44 | 00855 | USA | California | Los Angeles | | SCEDT26T1BD000855 | 1981 | FEB 81 | 33,000 | PRV Stage 2 | Automatic | Stall Speed Converter added at DMC CA | Stainless Steel | Good | Custom | Excellent | Custom dash top with first ever 5.1 surrounded sound and video screen in a Delorean done by Danny Botkin. | No | Other | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | OUTOTME | USA / CA | 10/12 | Good | Owner | Last I saw of it was around January 2013 when it was shipped to a buyer in England. | 1/13/2013 | I was the owner from September 2007, where I purchased it in an eBay auction from an owner in Idaho. I owned it until January 2013 when the salvage title car was shipped to England to the new owner whose name I don’t have at this time. He purchased it through my eBay auction in late 2012. I believe was last in US MAYBE 10/13 | Approve | 9/7/2007 | Male | 40-49 | Auction | Flew to Idaho and drove it back to Los Angeles after winning auction | 3rd owner | Motion picture sound editor / Mixer | 5,001m to 15,000m / 8,047km to 24,140km | Daily | 89 octane | ||||
11/3/2019 11:08:07 | 01942 | USA | California | Redondo Beach | | SCEDT26T1BD001942 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 37,000 | PRV Stage 2 | Automatic | New engine, new transmission in 2016 | Stainless Steel | Good | Only washed once in nine plus years of ownership. Many custom stickers on rear windows, thin reflective strip under rub strip. Reflective DeLorean logo on rear bumper | Black | Good | Custom ‘DMC’ plate where the clock used to be. LED everything (except the battery light) | No | Other | Other | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | AWLDRMD | USA / CA | 05/20 | Good | Owner | Best from what I can recall | 11/5/2019 | Seen in various TV shows and at least one indie movie. Replicated twice in 1/64 scale by Hot Wheels (2012 and 2019) | 1/30/2010 | Male | 40-49 | Other | 4th + owner | Designer | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | 91 octane | |||||
11/3/2019 9:27:43 | 11475 | USA | California | Santa Clarita | | SCEDT26T0CD011475 | 1982 | JAN 82 | 51,335 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Has original thin grey pinstripe | Grey | Excellent | Seats and Binnacle have been redone | No | ASI | Thin Grey Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 80SIC0N | USA / CA | 03/20 | Good | Owner | 11/3/2019 | Jeff Lawson ( | Orange County DeLorean Club | 1/1/2003 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Purchased in 2003 in Woodstock, IL | 3rd owner | Insurance Broker | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||
10/31/2019 8:08:01 | 01235 | USA | Illinois | Wheaton | | SCEDT26T9BD001235 | 1981 | APR 81 | 20,071 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Island Twin Turbo Kit | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | TIMELRD | USA / IL | Excellent | Owner | 10/31/2019 | Car was purchased with Island Twin kit, lowered suspension, and ground skirts. LED light conversion has been recently completed (both interior and exterior). | Anthony Zamfoti ( | DeLorean Midwest Connection | 3/15/2019 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | Purchsed at DMCMW | 3rd owner | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 97/98 RON | ||||||
10/30/2019 12:58:02 | 02732 | USA | California | Chino Hills | SCEDT26T6BD002732 | 1981 | AUG 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | None | Yes | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | TBD | USA / CA | TBD | Good | Owner | 10/30/2019 | Orange County DeLorean Club | 10/16/2019 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 4th + owner | Producer | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||||
10/30/2019 11:02:55 | 04633 | USA | New Jersey | Long Valley | SCEDT26T3BD004633 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 18,330 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Engine #004384 | Stainless Steel | Concours | Dash Signed By John Z. DeLorean at his home . First DeLorean in a major Concours 2000 | Grey | Concours | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | OUTATIME | USA / NJ | Concours | Owner | 10/30/2019 | Keith Murphy ( | DeLorean Mid-Atlantic Club | 6/5/1989 | Male | 60+ | Dealership | Bought from Kansas City Imports, Missouri | 4th + owner | Retired. Formerly Candy Executive developed Skittles. Prior recoding artist, Rockabilly Hall of fame. | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||
10/29/2019 11:39:56 | 00537 | United Kingdom | Cheshire | Holmes chapel | SCEDT26T9BD000537 | 1981 | JAN 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Frame off restoration in progress | Black | Craig | Grooved | Yes | Left-Rear | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 10/28/2019 | DeLorean Club UK | 6/27/2015 | Other | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
10/29/2019 10:44:13 | 05483 | USA | Wisconsin | Middleton | SCEDT26T4BD005483 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 10,749 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | addition of 12v accessory outlet behind passenger seat | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | BCK N TYM | USA / WI | Excellent | Owner | 10/29/2019 | Carlos Tucker | 7/23/2019 | Male | Advertisement (paper / online) | Purchased from son of second owner, who owned the vehicle for one year, after inheriting it from his father, owner for 6 years. | 3rd owner | Business Owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||||||
10/26/2019 15:25:09 | 05326 | USA | Florida | Winter Haven | SCEDT26TXBD005326 | 1981 | 12,003 | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | Grooved | No | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 10/25/2019 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10/26/2019 11:43:55 | 05467 | USA | Montana | Shelby | SCEDT26T6BD005467 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Custom | Manual | Cadillac Northstar | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | Grooved | No | No | Other | Not sure | Garaged / Inside | 21GIWT | USA / MT | Permanent | Excellent | Owner | 11/26/2019 | Michael Moore ( | 10/1/2019 | Male | 40-49 | Other | Heavy equipment operator | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||||||||
10/24/2019 10:53:26 | 01052 | United Kingdom | Surrey | Guildford | | SCEDT26T1BD001052 | 1981 | APR 81 | Custom | Manual | Converted to 3.0L V6 PRV in 2019 | Stainless Steel | Concours | Stainless panels restored by PJ Grady Europe in 2019 | Black | Excellent | New interior in around 2012 by the previous owner | Yes | Craig | Thin Grey Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Grey | Garaged / Inside | UK | Excellent | Owner | 10/24/2019 | Frame-off restoration by PJ Grady Europe in 2018. Fitted with new engine (3-litre, 165 bhp PRV) by a Renault specialist and stainless steel panels restored by PJ Grady Europe in 2019. Owner moved from Hungary to the United Kingdom and the car is now registered in the UK. | Szabi | | 10/23/2013 | Male | Advertisement (paper / online) | Purchased from Genova, Italy in 2013 | ||||||||||||
10/22/2019 21:43:45 | 06125 | USA | Wisconsin | Stevens Point | SCEDT26T5BD006125 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 44,065 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Stock except for SS shift knob | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | TYM MCHN | USA / WI | DEC 19 | Excellent | Owner | 10/21/2019 | Body on frame complete chassis restoration completed 2012. | Mark Dehlinger ( | DeLorean Midwest Connection | 10/31/2008 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Previous Owner: Charles Darling of Sandusky, OH | Engineer | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 89 octane | ||||||
10/22/2019 7:18:41 | 01970 | USA | Massachusetts | Rowley | SCEDT26T6BD001970 | 1981 | JUN 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Silver | Outdoors | TDRHWK | USA / MA | Excellent | Owner | 10/22/2019 | Adam Harriott ( | 6/8/2019 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | ||||||||||||||||
10/21/2019 14:47:11 | 16930 | USA | Montana | Billings | SCEDT26TXDD016930 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 19,110 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | GR8SCOT | USA / MT | Excellent | Owner | 10/19/2019 | Justin Voeller | 2/23/2008 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 3rd owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||||
10/12/2019 14:30:50 | 00614 | Switzerland | Vaud | Paudex | | SCEDT26T1BD000614 | 1981 | FEB 81 | 25,000 | PRV Stage 1 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Concours | Yes | Craig | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Concours | Museum | 5/5/2018 | ( | | Stainless Wings | 11/23/2010 | Male | 40-49 | Auction | 3rd owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | 95 RON | |||||||||||
10/11/2019 12:46:42 | 04667 | USA | Washington | Ellensburg | SCEDT26T9BD004667 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 56,500 | Stock PRV | Manual | DPI SPEC HEADERS/EXHAUST | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 10/11/2019 | Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club | 10/5/2018 | Male | 30-39 | Daily | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||||
10/9/2019 16:39:02 | 16995 | USA | Florida | Tampa | SCEDT26T5DD016995 | 1983 | AUG 82 | Stock PRV | Manual | Painted | Bad | Black | Good | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Car Port | Bad | Owner | 10/9/2019 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
10/9/2019 7:54:20 | 05043 | USA | Virginia | Leesburg | SCEDT26T9BD005043 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Other | Flat | No | Left-Rear | Owner | 10/9/2019 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10/9/2019 4:47:28 | 11035 | USA | West Virginia | Bunker Hill | SCEDT26T5CD011035 | 1982 | JAN 82 | 54,026 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Spec-1 exhaust, no converters, CAI with K&N filter, larger air box and throttle body spacer | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Custom | Excellent | Custom 2 tone grey/black, Momo wheel, led and electroluminescent, wireless bluetooth, Pandora, XM, hands free calling. Alpine sound system with sunwoofer behind seat. 140 speedo | No | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | No | Other | Other | Garaged / Inside | USA / WV | Excellent | Owner | 10/9/2019 | Christian Dietrich (Gullwingman82@gmail.come) | Tri-State DeLorean Club | 8/14/2004 | Male | 40-49 | Other | Trashed and abandon | 4th + owner | Heavy Equipment Mechanic Washington Metro | 5,001m to 15,000m / 8,047km to 24,140km | 89 octane | ||||||||||
10/8/2019 13:24:42 | 01886 | USA | Utah | Salt Lake City | SCEDT26T6BD001886 | 1981 | JUN 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | USA / UT | Excellent | Owner | 10/8/2019 | DeLorean Motor Club – Utah | 7/11/2007 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||||
10/8/2019 7:03:30 | 04378 | Japan | Tokyo | Koto City | | SCEDT26T2BD004378 | 1983 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Concours | Narrow stripe | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Thin Grey Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 56DN-1981 | Excellent | Museum | 3/6/2016 | Found in musem in Tokyo | | |||||||||||||||||||||||
10/1/2019 19:56:01 | 16395 | Australia | Queensland | Gympie | | SCEDT26T3DD016395 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 16,980 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | None | Flat | No | Yes | Windshield | Not sure | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 10/2/2019 | Greg Waters ( | Male | 50-59 | |||||||||||||||||||||
10/1/2019 13:54:17 | 04629 | USA | Indiana | Indianapolis | SCEDT26T1BD004629 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 98,714 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Rebuilt Trans shift computer | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Drivers seat leather needs help | Yes | Other | Thin Grey Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / IN | Excellent | Owner | 10/1/2019 | Stephen Wilson ( | 2/8/1993 | Male | 60+ | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | Retired | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||
9/30/2019 19:06:29 | 17145 | Canada | Casselman | Ontario | SCEDT26T7DD017145 | 1983 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | Craig | Custom | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Mixed | Silver | Owner | 9/30/2019 | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
9/30/2019 10:46:00 | 04629 | USA | Indiana | Indianapolis | SCEDT26T1BD004629 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 98,714 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Trans Computor rebuilt | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | Thin Grey Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / IN | Excellent | Owner | 9/30/2019 | 26 1/2 year current owner | 2/8/1993 | Male | 60+ | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | Retired | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||
9/17/2019 11:51:03 | 11239 | USA | Michigan | Dorr | SCEDT26T3CD011230 | 1982 | Destroyed | Observed in person | 9/16/2019 | Was in salvage yard in Dorr MI. Salvage yard says it was crushed. Still had very small amount of parts. I bought the side mirror for my 05337 car | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9/15/2019 7:38:14 | 02030 | United Kingdom | Scotland | Aberdeen | SCEDT26T7BD002030 | 1981 | APR 81 | 36,600 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | None | Grooved | No | No | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Observed in person | 9/12/2019 | 4/29/2019 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 4th + owner | Offshore | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Annually | Other | |||||||||||||||
9/15/2019 0:16:19 | 00706 | France | France | Mezos | SCEDT26T6BD000706 | 1981 | MAR 81 | 52,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless steel full exhaust | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Powdercoated covers, HEI ignition, cruise control, R134 A/C, | Black | Excellent | Leather seats | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 8888RN40 | France | Excellent | Owner | 9/15/2019 | Stainless Wings | 9/1/2004 | Male | 40-49 | Other | stored between 1988 and 2004 with 12.000 original miles and tires | 4th + owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | 95 RON | ||||||||
9/14/2019 15:42:07 | 10003 | France | Ile de France | Versailles | SCEDT26T9CD010003 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 45,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 9/15/2019 | ( | 2/17/2012 | Male | 60+ | Other | |||||||||||||||||
9/14/2019 14:17:39 | 06690 | France | Ile de France | Paris | SCEDT26T3BD006690 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 99,116 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Parts missing | Yes | ASI | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 9/14/2019 | Quentin | 9/9/2017 | Male | 19-29 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | ||||||||||||||||||
9/13/2019 18:40:14 | 01603 | Canada | British Columbia | Campbell River | | SCEDT26T1BD001603 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 43,400 | Stock PRV | Manual | DeLoreanGO UK Stainless Exhaust | Stainless Steel | Good | Fascias need restoring but body is overall decent! | Black | Good | Some work needed, led conversion completed and upgraded 9” Alpine Halo headunit | Yes | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | LOW OWL, FOR NOW | CAN / BC | JAN 2020 | Good | Owner | 9/13/2019 | Benjamin Coyle ( | | Official DeLorean Owners Canada | 4/24/2019 | Male | 30-39 | Dealership | DMC Florida | Owner of Island Owl Truck and Auto Sales Ltd | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | Other | ||||
9/12/2019 15:49:54 | 03773 | USA | California | Ontario | | SCEDT26T3BD003773 | 1981 | SEP 81 | Custom | Automatic | No engine | Stainless Steel | Bad | Black | Bad | Severely weather and sun damaged | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Silver | Outdoors | 4RAC653 | USA / CA | APR / ?? | Bad | Website | Craigslist | 9/10/2019 | Listed for sale at $11,500 – “1981 DeLorean DMC – Pics are going to be the “Best Description” for this car!! No Motor! Nice car been sitting for years! Have PaperWork.. Ready to go! MAKE an OFFER!!!! Any Questions Call (909) 208-XXXX Joe Or Come Check it out Monday-Friday 8am-4pm 1135 E State St., Ontario CA, 91761 | |||||||||||||||||
9/8/2019 11:39:47 | 05591 | USA | New Jersey | New Jersey | SCEDT26T7BD005591 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 43,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | Custom | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | OUTATYM | USA / NY | Excellent | Owner | 6/13/2019 | Aaron Crocco ( | 9/9/2004 | Male | 30-39 | Dealership | 2nd owner | ||||||||||||||||
9/7/2019 20:31:54 | 01522 | USA | Florida | Melbourne | | SCEDT26T1BD001522 | 1981 | MAY 81 | 13,300 | Stock PRV | Manual | Engine number: 001040 | Stainless Steel | Black | Yes | Craig | Yes | No | Windshield | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 9/7/2019 | | DeLorean Club of Florida | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
9/5/2019 21:35:51 | 10657 | USA | California | San Rafael | | SCEDT26T1CD010657 | 1982 | DEC 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Chris Nicholson Re-Grain | Grey | Excellent | Leather-wrapped binnacle | No | ASI | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | DENSITY | USA / CA | 09/20 | Excellent | Owner | 9/5/2019 | Jordan Livingston ( | | Northern California DeLorean Motor Club | 11/9/2014 | Male | 30-39 | Auction | Moviemaker | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||
9/3/2019 16:26:42 | 02607 | Mexico | Guanajuato | Guanajuato | SCEDT26T3BD002607 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 25,000 | Custom | Automatic | Carbureted | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | MEX / GTO | Good | Owner | 8/27/2019 | Gerardo Herrera ( | 2/15/2015 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | hotel | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 89 octane | |||||||||||
9/3/2019 13:24:39 | 05002 | USA | New Mexico | Albuquerque | | SCEDT26T6BD005002 | 1981 | 10,865 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | None | Garaged / Inside | Good | Museum | 9/3/2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9/2/2019 5:59:33 | 05447 | United Kingdom | Armagh | Craigavon | | SCEDT26T0BD005447 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 95,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | None | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | JXZ2371 | ARMAGH | Excellent | Owner | 9/2/2019 | VIN#05447 was bought on October 2015 one of the previous owners was Brad Kinley animator, it was imported from Edmonton Alberta Canada to Lurgan County Armagh Northern Ireland owning a DeLorean has been my boyhood dream ever since I watched BTTF when the DeLorean was unveiled when Doc Brown reversed it from out off his truck at the Twin Pines Mall scene, I was kid a BIG kid when it was delivered on John DeLorean’s Birthday 6th January 2016.. I had it at the 35 year’s Anniversary celebrations in Belfast at DeLorean Eurofest Worldwide Convention it was awesome driving my own DeLorean around the original factory road proving track at Dunmurry and driving around with 80 plus of the Stainless Steel automotive masterpieces around Belfast and surrounding areas. I still pinch myself that I own my very own DeLorean. | Stephen Armstrong ( | DeLorean Owners of Ireland | 10/19/2015 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 2nd owner | Central Chemical Supplies (CCS) | Car Shows / Parades only | |||||||||||
9/1/2019 15:59:41 | 04849 | USA | Arizona | Sierra Vista | SCEDT26T4BD004849 | 1981 | 55,858 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Wide Black Stripe | No | No | Windshield | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Bad | Owner | 9/1/2019 | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Never (Museum / Display only) | 97/98 RON | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/30/2019 12:41:06 | 05054 | USA | Illinois | Volo | | SCEDT26T3BD005054 | 1981 | 27,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | BTTF Conversion | Grey | Excellent | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Museum | 8/30/2019 | Back to the Future conversion done by Coulombe Enterprise LLC | Volo Auto Museum ( | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/29/2019 7:35:11 | 04321 | United Kingdom | Somerset | Yeovil | | SCEDT26T6BD004321 | 1981 | 20,901 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Wide Black Stripe | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 2 MAGU’S | USA / CA | Good | Museum | 8/28/2019 | Film of the vehicle running | Haynes International Motor Museum ( | | 2/14/1987 | Dealership | Previous number plate MRSMAGU, first owner took delivery 12.04.1981 in Los Angeles | 2nd owner | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Car Shows / Parades only | |||||||||||||||||||
8/29/2019 1:51:33 | 02188 | USA | Indiana | Demotte | | SCEDT26T9BD002188 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 22,198 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Engine number: 001436 | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Garaged / Inside | USA / IN | Good | Owner | 8/28/2019 | Rick Mollway ( | 7/2/2019 | Male | 30-39 | Dealership | Police Officer | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||
8/26/2019 13:20:02 | 11601 | Spain | La Rioja | Arnedo | SCEDT26T1CD011601 | 1982 | JAN 82 | 29,800 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Garaged / Inside | 4367DXF | no | Excellent | Owner | 7/25/2019 | Ivan Garcia ( | DeLorean Club España | 12/9/2005 | Male | 40-49 | Other | It was in a museum | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Car Shows / Parades only | 95 RON | |||||||||||
8/24/2019 5:52:14 | 16854 | USA | Massachusetts | Woburn | SCEDT26T9DD016854 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 108,050 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | No interior. Undergoing frame-off restoration | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 8AT 586 | USA / MA | 06/20 | Good | Owner | 8/24/2019 | ( | 7/19/2018 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Ebay | 3rd owner | Baggage handler | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | 91 octane | |||||||||
8/23/2019 21:28:08 | 01250 | Canada | Ontario | Hamilton | SCEDT26T5BD001250 | 1981 | MAY 81 | 126,485 | Stock PRV | Manual | Jet Hot ceramic coated exhaust, cold air intake, DPI high flow cat | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Excellent | NOS factory seat covers 2016, NOS binnacle 2018. Everything in working order. Two small cracks on dash at glove box corners. | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Other | Mixed | Grey | Garaged / Inside | ASXV 838 | CAN / ON | Oct 2019 expiry | Excellent | Owner | 8/23/2019 | Multiple award winning car, DCS and other shows. AVO suspension, Grady front springs, have both (NOS)dark grey and silver wheels, excellent frame. | Marty Edwards ( | Official DeLorean Owners Canada | 3/15/2004 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Purchased from Bruce Lasuta, British Columbia, shipped to Ontario. | 3rd owner | Owner, social media marketing company | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||
8/23/2019 18:28:51 | 01678 | USA | Virginia | Nokesville | SCEDT26TCBD001678 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 20,844 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | PWROLUV | USA / VA | Good | Owner | 8/23/2019 | Paul Baldwin ( | Tri-State DeLorean Club | 8/3/2019 | Male | 40-49 | Other | 4th + owner | Public Relations | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | 87 octane | ||||||||||
8/21/2019 4:42:59 | 03195 | USA | Massachusetts | Woburn | | SCEDT26T0BD003195 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 2,758 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Thin fins | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 8/21/2019 | Len Rizzuto ( | 7/26/2019 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | 2nd owner | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||
8/18/2019 16:35:34 | 02286 | USA | New York | Rochester | | SCEDT26T9BD002286 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 7,300 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Bad | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Outdoors | Bad | Owner | 8/15/2019 | Robert Newton ( | Male | |||||||||||||||||||||
8/17/2019 22:24:41 | 06051 | New Zealand | Wellington | Wellington | | SCEDT26T2BD006051 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 16,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 8IDMC | New Zealand | Good | Owner | 8/18/2019 | |||||||||||||||||||
8/16/2019 22:34:06 | 10515 | USA | Nevada | Las Vegas | | SCEDT26T3CD010515 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 31,960 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Dent in back-left quarter panel from first owners. | Grey | Good | Slight battery acid marks in passenger-side carpet. | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | J Z D | USA / NV | 08/2020 | Good | Owner | 8/16/2019 | | Dave Tavres ( | | 11/6/2015 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Craigslist | 2nd owner | Entrepreneur / Software Geek | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||
8/16/2019 19:53:00 | 00514 | United Kingdom | Ulster | Holywood | | SCEDT26T1BD000514 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Manual | Pre-production car | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Pre-production car | Black | Good | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Other | Garaged / Inside | RIA7132 | UK | Good | Museum | 11/7/2018 | Pre-production car | Ulster Transport Museum ( | | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Never (Museum / Display only) | ||||||||||||||||||
8/16/2019 16:51:01 | 05369 | Denmark | Fyn Island | Kvaerndrup | | SCEDT26T6BD005369 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | 3 good dents in the trunk lid | Grey | Good | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Museum | 8/2/2019 | Egeskov Museum | | Never (Museum / Display only) | |||||||||||||||||||
8/9/2019 12:53:29 | 01138 | USA | New York | Rensselaer | SCEDT26T0BD001138 | 1981 | AUG 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Other | None | Flat | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Garaged / Inside | 88NGONE | USA / NY | Excellent | Owner | 8/9/2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
7/28/2019 19:49:13 | 00628 | USA | Tennessee | Cookeville | | SCEDT26T1BD000628 | 1981 | MAR 81 | 36,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | 7R08A5 | USA / TN | June 2020 | Excellent | Owner | 7/28/2019 | 4 Owner Car. Original Owner (CT) had car until his death in 2009 and Family kept it for many years until it was sold to Rob Grady/PJ Grady (NY). Tom Neiland (NY) purchased the non-running car in 2018 from Rob Grady where Tom restored it. Purchased by Jesse Baker (TN) in June 2019. | Jesse Baker ( | | 6/26/2019 | Male | 30-39 | Other | Posted at | 4th + owner | IT Administrator | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||
7/27/2019 9:29:41 | 06106 | USA | Massachusetts | North Grafton | SCEDT26T1BD006106 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 73,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Flat | No | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 7/27/2019 | Jason Eastty ( | 7/12/2018 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Monthly | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||||||||
7/21/2019 14:53:32 | 16221 | Canada | Alberta | Calgary | SCEDT26T3DD016221 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 55,600 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Good Driver | Grey | Good | No | ASI | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Car Port | AB | Good | Owner | 7/20/2019 | Michael Luinge ( | Official DeLorean Owners Canada | 7/20/2019 | Male | 30-39 | Dealership | 15001m or more / 24141km or more | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||||
7/17/2019 23:52:17 | 15964 | Netherlands | Netherlands | Weert | | SCEDT26T0DD015964 | 1982 | AUG 81 | 3,400 | Custom | Manual | Engine swap from Citroen XM. Transmission from Renault Alpine | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Custom | Concours | Completely refurbished with quality black leather. Sporting a rare KPH speedometer | No | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 4TTT35 | Netherlands | May 2018 | Excellent | Owner | 7/18/2019 | Imported by Sander Nieuwmeijer in 2012 from David Haldeman in Ohio. Complete body off restaurantion done by Ed Uding from DeLorean Europe. Engine was replaced by a 250hp PRV engine from a 1998 Citroen XM. | Rudolph Havenith ( | DeLorean Club Nederland (Netherlands) | 5/15/2018 | Male | 30-39 | Other | Bought from Sander Nieuwmeijer who upgraded the whole car. | 3rd owner | Art Director | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 97/98 RON | |||
7/16/2019 20:41:12 | 02607 | Mexico | Guanajuato | Guanajuato | SCEDT26T3BD002607 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 27,500 | Custom | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | MEX / Guanajuato | Good | Owner | 7/16/2019 | Gerardo Herrera ( | 2/8/2015 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 4th + owner | Hotel | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Monthly | 89 octane | |||||||||||
7/16/2019 18:31:12 | 01835 | USA | Ohio | Medina | SCEDT26T0BD001835 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 18,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | To be regrained | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | FLUX1NG | Excellent | Owner | 7/16/2019 | Northern California DeLorean Motor Club | Male | 50-59 | Dealership | 2nd owner | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||||||||
7/14/2019 20:29:36 | 01325 | USA | California | Redondo Beach | SCEDT26TXBD001325 | 1981 | PRV Stage 1 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Yes | Other | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Car Port | USA / CA | Excellent | Owner | 1/14/2019 | ( | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||||||||
7/14/2019 14:15:11 | 16324 | USA | Washington | Seattle | SCEDT26T2DD016324 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 19,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Craig | None | Yes | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 6/19/2019 | Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club | 6/19/2019 | Male | 19-29 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 2nd owner | |||||||||||||||||||||
7/14/2019 12:18:46 | 10856 | USA | California | San Luis Obispo | SCEDT26T6CD010856 | 1982 | 57,000 | PRV Stage 3 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Left-Rear | Not sure | Owner | | 7/13/2019 | J.K.Waldsmith, DVM ( | Male | 60+ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
7/11/2019 22:12:46 | 10927 | Australia | Northern Territory | Darwin | | SCEDT26T4CD010927 | 1981 | DEC 81 | 4,502 | Custom | Manual | V6 Turbo | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Right Hand Drive Conversion | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | OUTATM | Northern Territory Australia | Excellent | Owner | 7/12/2019 | Rod Coverdale ( | DeLorean Australia | 10/1/2012 | Male | 50-59 | Other | Self Employed | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||
7/11/2019 22:01:48 | 02855 | USA | California | San Jose | | SCEDT26T0BD002855 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 15,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Other | Excellent | custom paintwork – half the car | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | Custom | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Other | Other | 1RAD DMC | USA / CA | Excellent | Owner | 7/11/2019 | The Mongoose DeLorean. Originally owned by Skip Hess in California. Customized when new in 82/83, by Fat Jack Enterprises, with Graphics designed by Kenny Youngblood. Custom suspension and wheels. In storage/car collection from 86 to 2017 before being made road worthy again. Currently undergoing suspension and drivetrain restoration (2019) by current owner | Northern California DeLorean Motor Club | |||||||||||||||||
7/9/2019 10:08:02 | 04509 | USA | California | San Diego | SCEDT26T2BD004509 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 1DVY746 | USA / CA | 1990 | Excellent | Observed in person | 7/8/2019 | On display at the San Diego Automotive Museum. On loan from owner | Dealership | Originally Sold at John Hine Pontiac in San Diego, California | ||||||||||||||||||
7/9/2019 1:19:02 | 01216 | USA | Washington | Redmond | | SCEDT26T5BD001216 | 1981 | APR 81 | 23,672 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Silver | Garaged / Inside | RUSTLSS | USA / WA | 5/2020 | Good | Website | | 7/8/2019 | For sale through DeLorean Service Northwest This beautiful example of the DeLorean marque has been thoughtfully maintained and enjoyed by the current owner for the past 30 years. It was purchased new in 1981 by one of the founding members of the Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club. An early car, built in April of 1981, it has the desirable gas flap hood and a rich looking black interior. The glove box lid boasts the signature of Christopher Lloyd (“Doc” Brown in the Back to the Future film series). The frame and suspension are solid and in very good condition. This car has relatively low miles considering it’s age, but it has been driven and enjoyed consistently through the years. A savvy owner knows that this is an important consideration when looking at a 38 year old classic exotic – consistent use means consistent maintenance. The BF Goodrich tires are in good condition, boasting sporty 245 mm width tires in the rear. The engine starts readily, the transmission shifts smoothly, and the car drives very well. Cosmetically, there is a minor rub on the front fascia, and a few small bubbles on the rear fascia (see pictures). These paint bubbles have been evident since the car was purchased by the current owner 30 years ago, and have not changed. They are thought to be original from new. The fascias have the original paint. DeLoreans are becoming increasingly collectible, and their values are expected to increase accordingly. Here is a chance to own an excellent example of this unique classic. | ||||||||||||||||||
7/8/2019 14:12:06 | 05628 | USA | Texas | San Antonio | SCEDT26T4BD005628 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 72,331 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless steel overflow bottle | Stainless Steel | Grey | Excellent | Original condition | Yes | Craig | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | USA / TX | Excellent | Owner | 7/7/2019 | ( | 4/1/0013 | Male | 40-49 | Other | N/A | TV/Film | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||
7/8/2019 6:49:33 | 02524 | USA | Minnesota | St. Cloud | SCEDT26TXBD002524 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 12,600 | Stock PRV | Manual | Upgrades to cooling and electrical | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | Thin Grey Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | TIMELES | USA / MN | MAY, 2019 | Excellent | Owner | 7/8/2019 | Dave Hintgen ( | DeLoreans of Minnesota Club | 7/2/2018 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | DMC Midwest | 3rd owner | Medical Admin | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||
7/6/2019 14:01:52 | 05950 | USA | Georgia | Buford | | SCEDT26T9BD005950 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 720 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Garaged / Inside | USA / GA | Excellent | Owner | 6/1/2019 | 1st Owner – Chapman S Root – Coca Cola Bottling Company 2nd Owner – Truett Cathy – Founder of Chick-fil-A 3rd Owner – Stanley Reiff, Sr – Partner, CapinCrouse, LLP (CPA Firm) | Stan Reiff Sr ( | Mid-State DeLorean Club | 5/20/2016 | Male | 50-59 | Other | Purchased from Truett Cathy’s Estate (Founder of Chick-Fil-A) | 3rd owner | CPA | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Never (Museum / Display only) | Other | |||||||||
7/3/2019 7:30:43 | 01768 | USA | California | Sacramento | | SCEDT26T0BD001768 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 73,800 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Fully rebuilt engine and trans, fully powdercoated. Ported cyl heads, Dpi cams, Dmch exhaust | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Vinyl seats | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 7/2/2019 | Northern California DeLorean Motor Club | 4/18/2009 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 4th + owner | Mechanic | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 87 octane | |||||||||
7/2/2019 18:17:17 | 01359 | USA | California | Clovis | | SCEDT26T5BD001359 | 1981 | MAY 81 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Painted | Excellent | Custom | Excellent | Custom Red & Black interior | Yes | Other | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | USA / CA | Excellent | Owner | 7/2/2019 | Car is painted Red since new | Northern California DeLorean Motor Club | Male | 30-39 | Other | Private Sale | Teacher | Monthly | 89 octane | ||||||||||||||
7/2/2019 13:46:12 | 01434 | USA | Ohio | Akron | | SCEDT26T4BD001434 | 1981 | MAY 81 | 34,400 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Yes | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 7/1/0019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
6/25/2019 15:18:07 | 01005 | USA | Hawaii | Aiea | SCEDT26T3BD001005 | 1981 | APR 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 6/25/2019 | Male | 40-49 | Other | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||||||
6/25/2019 15:17:27 | 01005 | USA | Hawaii | Aiea | SCEDT26T3BD001005 | 1981 | APR 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 6/25/2019 | Male | 40-49 | Other | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||||||
6/23/2019 14:01:07 | 04925 | USA | Texas | Crosby | SCEDT26T5BD004925 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | OUTTIME | USA / TX | July 18 | Excellent | Owner | 6/23/2019 | Michael Ingram ( | Texas DeLorean Club | Male | 50-59 | Other | Purchased from DMC Houston | 2nd owner | Medical Field | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||||||
6/23/2019 10:55:30 | 01335 | USA | California | Palm Springs | | SCEDT26T2BD001335 | 1981 | MAY 81 | 13,854 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Thin Factory Stripe | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | Thin Grey Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | 8GNA925 | USA / CA | DEC 2019 | Excellent | Owner | 6/23/2019 | Dustin Hennick ( | Orange County DeLorean Club | 11/25/2018 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 2nd owner | Insurance Sales | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | 87 octane | ||||||
6/21/2019 11:52:13 | 05860 | Spain | Pais Vasco | Pais Vasco | | SCEDT26T8BD005860 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 75,630 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Concours | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Other | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | H8432 | Spain | Excellent | Owner | 6/21/2019 | DeLorean Club España | 12/14/2014 | Male | 30-39 | Dealership | Dealership DMC Europe | 2nd owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 95 RON | |||||||||
6/20/2019 12:17:06 | 01936 | USA | California | Los Angeles | SCEDT26T6BD001936 | 1981 | 17,651 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Bad | Black | Bad | Severely damaged passenger knee pad; badly cracked binnacle; damaged passenger door seals | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Bad | Website | 6/20/2019 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6/20/2019 7:05:29 | 03929 | USA | Florida | Estero | SCEDT26T8BD003929 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 17,800 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Lowered with custom ground effects | Black | Excellent | immaculate | Yes | ASI | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | IK8223 | USA / FL | 10/20 | Excellent | Owner | 6/20/2019 | amazing shape. Just underwent resto at PJ Grady. lowered, custom ground effects, autobahn radar detector | Tim Murphy ( | DeLorean Club of Florida | 11/27/2015 | Male | 19-29 | Other | Father purchased car new in 1981, gifted to me | 2nd owner | Marketing Manager @ MotorTrend | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||
6/19/2019 10:44:26 | 10781 | USA | New York | Wappingers Falls | SCEDT26T2CD010781 | 1982 | Grey | Good | No | None | Flat | Yes | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | STSSTEEL | USA / NY | Good | Owner | 6/19/2019 | ( | 2/14/2002 | Male | 50-59 | Dealership | Purchased from Rob Grady | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | ||||||||||||||||||||||
6/19/2019 8:34:41 | 01888 | USA | Texas | Ennis | SCEDT26TXBD001888 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 8,421 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | No | ASI | None | Flat | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 6/17/2019 | David Rankin | North Texas DeLorean Owners Association | Male | 50-59 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 2nd owner | Ind maint mech | Monthly | 89 octane | ||||||||||||||
6/19/2019 8:21:58 | 04400 | United Kingdom | West Yorkshire | Brighouse | SCEDT26T2BD004400 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 30,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Windshield | Grey | Garaged / Inside | LHJ 58W | Excellent | Owner | 6/19/2019 | Michael Sutton | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 8/22/2018 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Monthly | |||||||||||||||
6/19/2019 7:53:07 | 01160 | Canada | Quebec | Quebec | | SCEDT26T4BD001160 | 1981 | APR 81 | 14,300 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Other | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 6/19/2019 | Erik ( | Official DeLorean Owners Canada | 6/19/2009 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | From an owner in Toronto | 3rd owner | It consulting | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||
6/19/2019 7:36:07 | 05124 | United Kingdom | Fife | Glenrothes | SCEDT26T9BD005124 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 15,770 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | ONL912X | Newcastle | Excellent | Owner | 6/16/2019 | David Henderson ( | | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 10/30/2014 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 4th + owner | Commissioning Engineer | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 95 RON | ||||||||
6/19/2019 7:30:22 | 03373 | Netherlands | Drenthe | Emmen | SCEDT26T9BD003373 | 1981 | 44,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 6/19/2019 | DeLorean Club Nederland (Netherlands) | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | Delorean Europe | 3rd owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 97/98 RON | ||||||||||||||
6/17/2019 3:10:35 | 00789 | Germany | Berlin | Berlin Germany | SCEDT26T3BD000789 | 1981 | 65,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | PRIVATE B | Germany | Excellent | Owner | 5/12/2019 | Bought the Vehicle 2004 in Las Vegas | Sascha Mehn ( | Male | 40-49 | Other | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||||||
6/15/2019 6:09:54 | 02282 | USA | Illinois | Homer Glen | SCEDT26T1BD002282 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 26,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Regrained by DMC MW in 2016. | Black | Excellent | Most of interior replaced by DMC MW in 2012. | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 8/18/2019 | Vehicle is in outstanding condition. Sold new at Palomar Lincoln-Mercury in Santa Cruz, CA on 09/28/1981. Modifications over stock include: Eibach springs/shocks from DMC MW, stainless steel clutch/fuel lines, stainless steel header bottle, Sony head unit, and exterior/interior LED kits from DMC MW. Best in Class 25-50K miles at 2018 DeLorean Convention and Car Show. | ||||||||||||||||||||
6/12/2019 15:12:38 | 10227 | Germany | Bavaria | Wolfratshausen Germany | | SCEDT26T9CD010227 | 1982 | DEC 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | TEL DL 82H | Germany | Good | Owner | 6/13/2019 | Alexx Michael from Band Shameless ( | Male | 40-49 | Other | imported from Florida | 2nd owner | Musican | ||||||||||||||
6/10/2019 13:13:02 | 11535 | USA | New York | Canandaigua | SCEDT26T3CD011535 | 1982 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | Other | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 6/10/2019 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6/9/2019 21:23:43 | 04693 | USA | Illinois | Collinsville | | SCEDT26TXBD004693 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 9,971 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Engine is known to have the stock PRV engine with an aftermarket Bosch fuel distributor installed from previous owner (Bosch #: 0 438 100 076). Transmission is known to shift, but due to ignition switch failure there could be damage to the flywheel. Transmission fluid was found to be over 3qts extra of what is needed. Transmission status has yet to be determined. | Stainless Steel | Good | No dents to the stainless, only light scratches. No pitting or cracks on the glass. | Grey | Good | Interior has damage to seat covers, mouse droppings, ‘old car’ smell, side mirrors and rear are removed, but included in car, stains in carpet, door leather is separating from door panel in some areas, and a crack on the binnacle. The interior headliner does appear to be clean and no signs of electrical damage from mice. The car also has a later styled shifter to that of its VIN. There is a windshield antenna along with a rear antenna (unknown which is operable). Radio with car is a Craig, but a later style featuring a CD Player that is removable from the car itself. | Yes | Craig | None | Flat | No | No | Other | Thin fins | Silver | Car Port | Texas Registration Sticker: 04/04 Inspection Sticker: 05/04 | Good | Owner | 5/31/2019 | Car was found on Craigslist Ad for Bethany Oklahoma in Dec. of 2018. Owner John T. described the car to have a ‘red hot’ catalytic convert pipe after idling for 20 minutes and wished to sell the car. After a previous buyer failed to show, I (Mason Fowlkes) flew down to inspect the vehicle, meeting with a local DeLorean enthusiast and mechanic by trade, Daniel C from the DeLorean Fanatics group. Vehicle was found to have several common issues such as: leak in coolant lines, blown fuses, acid leaking battery (requiring a jump to start), and a bypass of the micro switch in the engine bay. Car was also to be found running with new fuel dumped on top of existing older fuel. A deal was settled on in late January and the car was delivered on February 27, 2019. Battery has since been replaced, fuel tank cleaned and fuel injectors have been tested. As of June 2019, the car is set to be transported to DMC Midwest to undergo a ‘ready to drive’ restoration. | Mason Fowlkes ( | Mid-State DeLorean Club | 2/27/2019 | Male | 19-29 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Car included original spare tire, cleaning kit, jack sleeve (no jack), luggage rack and luggage rack manual, consumer information, warranties, vehicle maintenance, and Good Year brochures, owner’s manual booklet and leather sleeve, change of ownership card, and August ’92-93 owners USAA insurance paperwork. | IT Helpdesk & Graphic Design / Film | 87 octane | |||||||
6/9/2019 20:21:33 | 05292 | USA | North Carolina | Mebane | | SCEDT26T8BD005292 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 53,389 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Mixed | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 66685 | USA / NC | Excellent | Owner | 6/9/2019 | Dondeana Dickey | 7/4/2018 | Female | 40-49 | Other | 4th + owner | Registered Nurse | 5,001m to 15,000m / 8,047km to 24,140km | Monthly | Other | |||||||||
6/9/2019 19:07:12 | 02412 | USA | Maryland | Deale | | SCEDT26TXBD002412 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 67,162 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | FLUXING | USA / MD | Excellent | Owner | 6/9/2019 | Steve Shaw ( | DeLorean Mid-Atlantic Club | 9/1/2015 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | TV Production | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 87 octane | |||||||||
6/8/2019 20:48:19 | 10576 | USA | Virginia | Charlottesville | SCEDT26T1CD010576 | 1982 | 18,100 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | Thin Grey Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | FLUXPWR | Owner | 6/8/2019 | 11/4/2019 | Male | 40-49 | Other | 1st owner | ||||||||||||||||||||
6/4/2019 14:47:03 | 06673 | USA | California | Palo Alto | SCEDT26T3BD006673 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 30,000 | Electric | Other | Stainless Steel | Good | In process of restoration | Grey | Good | Being restored | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 1FAF859 | USA / CA | 2006 | Owner | 6/4/2019 | Converting to innovative green technology. | ( | | Northern California DeLorean Motor Club | 10/1/1985 | Male | 60+ | Other | 2nd owner | Professor | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Never (Museum / Display only) | Other | |||||
5/30/2019 21:05:22 | 03529 | Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico | Yabucoa | SCEDT26T3BD003529 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 32,129 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | PR | Jul 19 | Excellent | Owner | 5/30/2019 | Edgard Perez | Puerto Rico DeLorean Club | Male | 40-49 | Other | Car Shows / Parades only | ||||||||||||||
5/27/2019 21:19:27 | 10199 | Australia | Queensland | Maryborough | SCEDT26T8CD010199 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 22,700 | Stock PRV | Manual | Emission Exhaust System removed and Header Exhaust System Installed | Stainless Steel | Excellent Original Factory Grained | Grey | Excellent | No | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | S31497 | Queensland Club Registration | Excellent | Museum | 5/26/2019 | Originally Delorean Cadillac (Ohio) delivered vehicle | Vincent C. Rovere ( | 6/1/2018 | Male | 50-59 | Other | Purchased from Gosford Classic Car Museum | 4th + owner | Coffee Company Owner/Operator | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 97/98 RON | |||||||
5/21/2019 17:37:25 | 02944 | Brazil | Santa Catarina | Blumenau | | SCEDT26TXBD002944 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 38,320 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Full fuel system rebuilt in 2019 | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Small scratch on drivers side door | Grey | Excellent | Mint condition | No | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | QID1982 | BR / SC | AUG 1981 | Excellent | Owner | 5/21/2019 | Car in mint condition | 9/1/2014 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | From Jason Sharkey | 3rd owner | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||
5/21/2019 14:57:14 | 02186 | USA | California | Monterey | | SCEDT26T5BD002186 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 17,515 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | Yes | Other | Garaged / Inside | USA / CA | Excellent | Owner | 5/21/2019 | Brian Paone ( | | 2/20/2019 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Traverse City, MI | 4th + owner | Author | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 97/98 RON | ||||||||||
5/16/2019 21:45:06 | 17149 | USA | California | Covina | | SCEDT26T4DD017149 | 1983 | AUG 82 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | This is the Second engine for this car. 000007723 | Stainless Steel | Good | Some damage to the hood and fascia’s | Grey | Good | Normal wear on the seats and dash. Steering wheel was cut and removed from the top center and capped off for an airplane wheel style. | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Outdoors | DMC XII | USA / CA | July. Early 90s | Excellent | Owner | 5/11/2019 | Justin Trabue ( | Orange County DeLorean Club | 10/25/2018 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Found online at | 2nd owner | Route logistics at US Foods | 15001m or more / 24141km or more | Daily | 87 octane | ||||
5/15/2019 15:53:32 | 01420 | USA | California | Santa Cruz | SCEDT26T4BD001420 | 1981 | MAY 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Re-grained by Chris Nicholson in 2017. | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | Windshield | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | BSTNLSS | USA / CA | SEP 19 | Excellent | Owner | 5/15/2019 | Northern California DeLorean Motor Club | 9/6/2007 | Male | 60+ | Auction | 3rd owner | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | 89 octane | ||||||||||||
5/13/2019 19:50:07 | 06895 | USA | California | Los Angeles | | SCEDT26TXBD006895 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 8,120 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | Craig | None | Grooved | No | Yes | Not sure | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 5/13/2019 | 5/1/2019 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 3rd owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||
5/11/2019 13:17:23 | 06549 | USA | California | Chula Vista | SCEDT26T2BD006549 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 10,729 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Concours | Completely stock | Grey | Concours | Like new | Yes | Other | None | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | 2AHH080 | USA / CA | Oct/2019 | Concours | Owner | 5/11/2019 | DeLoreans San Diego | Male | 60+ | Other | 2nd owner | Retired | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Car Shows / Parades only | 89 octane | |||||||||
5/10/2019 6:55:25 | 01844 | USA | Florida | Miami | SCEDT26T1BD001844 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 44,670 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | LVN PRYR | USA / FL | Excellent | Owner | 5/10/2019 | Christian Pankow ( | 2/28/2019 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | Captain, Research Vessel | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||
5/8/2019 18:36:33 | 03916 | USA | New York | Southampton | | SCEDT26TXBD003916 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 28,302 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Bad | Black | Bad | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Bad | Website | eBay | 5/8/2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
5/6/2019 9:11:21 | 05107 | USA | Maryland | Derwood | SCEDT26T9BD005107 | 1981 | 68,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Two-tone, LEDs, short shifter | Yes | Craig | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 5/6/2019 | Electric power streeting, all LED | Male | 60+ | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Annually | 89 octane | ||||||||||||||||||
5/5/2019 13:34:49 | 10599 | Australia | Queensland | Delaneys Creek | SCEDT26T2CD010599 | 1982 | DEC 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | No | Other | Grooved | No | Yes | Left-Rear | DMC82 | Australia | Good | Museum | 5/6/2019 | Lance Haslewood | | Male | 60+ | Retired | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 97/98 RON | |||||||||||||||||
5/5/2019 7:06:26 | 01111 | Austria | Upper Austria | Steyr | SCEDT26T2BD001111 | 1981 | APR 81 | 8,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Concours | Re-done by Anna Hirt. | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | SR-DMC 12 | Austria | Excellent | Owner | 5/5/2019 | |||||||||||||||||||
5/4/2019 1:41:50 | 05444 | New Zealand | Bay of Plenty | Tauranga | SCEDT26T5BD005444 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 23,111 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | EBROWN | New Zealand | Good | Owner | 5/4/2019 | 2/3/2019 | Male | 30-39 | Dealership | Bought from “Dealernet” in San Jose | |||||||||||||||||
5/3/2019 14:21:37 | 01336 | USA | Oregon | Portland | SCEDT26T4BD001336 | 1981 | MAY 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Concours | Black | Concours | Yes | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Concours | Observed in person | 5/3/2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
5/2/2019 8:29:09 | 03378 | Spain | Comunidad Valenciana | Valencia | SCEDT26T8BD003378 | 1981 | AUG 81 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 5/1/2019 | Yuri Aguilar ( | DeLorean Club España | Male | 30-39 | Other | 2nd owner | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||||
5/1/2019 20:12:54 | 01439 | USA | California | Oceanside | SCEDT26T3BD001439 | 1981 | MAY 81 | 77,077 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / CA | Good | Owner | 5/1/2019 | Ken mcmillen | DeLoreans San Diego | 12/3/2019 | Male | 60+ | 3rd owner | Teacher | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||||
4/30/2019 11:30:28 | 03518 | USA | Tennessee | Bartlett | SCEDT26T9BD003518 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 35,287 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Bad | Stainless in good condition, Fascias warped and peeling | Black | Bad | Seat leather peeling, dash and binnacle in fair condition | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Grey | Garaged / Inside | USA / TN | Bad | Owner | 4/30/2019 | ( | 3/16/2019 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | 3rd owner | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Never (Museum / Display only) | |||||||||||||
4/28/2019 11:38:03 | 03835 | USA | Ohio | Fairfield | | SCEDT26TXBD003835 | 1981 | 8,900 | Stock PRV | Manual | Water cooled island twin turbo | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Overhead console radio. Panasonic cockpit | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | DOORS UP | USA / OH | Excellent | Owner | 4/27/2019 | Dave Harris ( | DeLorean Club of Ohio | 8/13/2014 | Male | 50-59 | Other | Came from new jersey | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||||
4/28/2019 5:57:05 | 06304 | Vigo | Indiana | West Terre Haute | SCEDT26T5BD006304 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 5,385 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | None | Flat | No | Left-Rear | Grey | Garaged / Inside | USA / IN | Excellent | Owner | 4/28/2019 | Stephen V. Page ( | Indiana DeLorean Motor Club | Male | 60+ | Other | 2nd owner | Retired | Car Shows / Parades only | 89 octane | |||||||||||||||
4/27/2019 13:59:41 | 10625 | Norway | Trøndelag | Saksvik | SCEDT26TXCD010625 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 8,000 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Concours | Stage 2, Eibach suspension | Grey | Concours | Refurbished ASI with AUX cable, everything original | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | VH72851 | Norway | Concours | Owner | 4/27/2019 | Baard Foss By ( | 7/20/2014 | Male | 30-39 | Dealership | Social Worker | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Annually | 91 octane | ||||||||||
4/27/2019 3:44:46 | 05817 | USA | Missouri | Frontenac | SCEDT26T7BD005817 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 210,388 | Stock PRV | Manual | Rebuilt and runs really well | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Only one small dent on the hood. Otherwise, perfect finish | Grey | Excellent | Completely replaced, including seats in 2017 | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Garaged / Inside | USA / MO | Excellent | Owner | 4/26/2019 | Love the Car | DeLorean Midwest Connection | 6/10/2003 | Male | 50-59 | Auction | Purchased in Marysville Ohio | 2nd owner | Sales Manager | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||
4/27/2019 2:11:21 | 10227 | Germany | Bavaria | Wolfratshausen | | SCEDT26T9CD010227 | 1982 | DEC 81 | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | No | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Deutschland | Good | Owner | | 4/27/2019 | Alexx Michael ( | | Male | 40-49 | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | 89 octane | ||||||||||||||||||||
4/27/2019 1:00:29 | 05523 | USA | Virginia | Chesapeake | SCEDT26T1BD005523 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | No | Garaged / Inside | BKNTYME | USA / VA | Good | Owner | 4/26/2019 | Other | Previous owner: John Rogers Mobile AL | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/26/2019 20:13:08 | 04104 | USA | New Mexico | Carlsbad | | SCEDT26T9BD004104 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / NM | Excellent | Owner | 4/26/2019 | 11/10/2009 | Male | 60+ | Other | 2nd owner | Retired | Car Shows / Parades only | 89 octane | ||||||||||||||||||||
4/26/2019 15:39:46 | 10358 | USA | Virginia | Springfield | | SCEDT26T2CD010358 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 40,971 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Craig | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Other | Garaged / Inside | CORKRON | USA / VA | Excellent | Owner | 4/26/2019 | Upgrades: year (owner) 2019 (CORKRON) – Snap-in Mr Fusion reactor with vents, smog .. bolts onto louver hinge points, separate battery system in boot. Can easily be reverted back to stock look. – Rear view camera – AUTO-VOX X2 9.88″” Rear View Mirror Dash Cam 2018 (CORKRON) – Wheel rim restoration and machining (A one plus wheels) – Roof box repair kit (deloreango), and reinforcement plate fabrication (CORKRON) – Rear headliner cleaning, LED accent lighting and reinforcement – Goodrich tires (oversize to get tread match 14/15), front, rear, spare (tirerack) – Fuel filter, fuel pump repair (electrical) – Solid State RPM relay, dimmer relay – Door struts (deloreango) – Alternator (Hervy/Delorean Auto Parts) – Stock radio & power antenna restoration w/ 200W Bluetooth amp, 600Wsub – LED upgrade – tail lights, front signal, blinker module, AC panel, indicators, dash – Battery, auxiliary battery for accent LEDs, flux capacitor 2017 (CORKRON) – Snap-in flux capacitor (custom build).. – Rebuild sticking butterfly air intake valve assembly, idle switch – Water pump kit (Delorean Motor Company), extend overflow tubing – Distributor cap, rotor, spark plugs, injector seals, intake seals – LED accents engine bay, interior 2016 (BURNS) – Thermostat, otterstat (cooling fan switch) (Delorean Motor Company) – Roof T-panel, door headliners, door struts, door seals – Refinish center console, custom mats – AC mode repair kit – 600 W subwoofer, rear speaker panel 2016 (SIGAL) – Brake rotors, ignition module (Dub Junkie Garage), RA drive 2015 (SIGAL) – Clutch kit, main seal, slave cylinder, 2014 (SIGAL) – Spec I exhaust, performance camshaft upgrade, engine powder coat package (DPI) – Door LED kit (DPI) – Evaporator core, AC condenser, AC lines, blower, switches, coolant (DPI) – Axel shaft rebuild (DPI) – SS fuel line kit (DPI) – Replacement louvre (DPI) – Molded carpet set, light grey repro (Delorean Motor Company) 2013 (SIGAL) – Radiator, Cooling fan replacement, RPM relay, stainless header bottle (coolant) (DPI) – Complete vehicle stainless steel panel re-grain (DPI) – Repaint black trim, bumpers (Classic Auto Refinishing) – Dash pad replacement, binnacle restoration (Delorean Motor Company) – Poly busing kit, sway bar, front and rear springs, Spax shocks, steering bushing (DPI) – Brake overhaul – master cylinder, front & rear brake lines, RA drive (DPI) | Glenn Corcoran ( | | Tri-State DeLorean Club | 4/23/2017 | Male | 60+ | Auction | eBay | Information Technology Project Manager | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Car Shows / Parades only | 91 octane | |||||||
4/26/2019 14:36:32 | 03160 | USA | California | Turlock | SCEDT26T3BD003160 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 44,290 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Flat | Yes | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | DMC1981 | USA / CA | 07/2019 | Good | Owner | 4/26/2019 | Mike Hill ( | Male | 40-49 | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||||||
4/26/2019 12:31:26 | 10227 | Germany | Bavaria | Wolfratshausen | | SCEDT26T9CD010227 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 26,028 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | No | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 4/26/2019 | Alexx Michael from the band Shameless | 7/1/2018 | Male | 40-49 | Other | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 95 RON | |||||||||||||
4/26/2019 11:46:48 | 16213 | Canada | Ontario | Ajax | | SCEDT26T4DD016213 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 70,000 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | No | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | CAN / ONT | Excellent | Owner | 08/11/2017 | Official DeLorean Owners Canada | Male | 30-39 | – | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||
4/26/2019 9:12:27 | 04774 | USA | California | Temecula | SCEDT26TXBD004774 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 14,478 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | USA / CA | February 2020 | Excellent | Owner | 2/23/2019 | Found it in a garage. Was in there for 15 years. | DeLoreans of Minnesota Club | 2/12/2013 | Male | 50-59 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 2nd owner | Computer tech | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Monthly | 87 octane | |||||||||
4/26/2019 8:31:16 | 03294 | USA | Tennessee | Lebanon | SCEDT26T2BD003294 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 16,542 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Two tone gray / black seats | Yes | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 47628AA | USA / TN | Permanent | Excellent | Owner | 4/26/2019 | Barry Floyd ( | 11/14/2014 | Male | 50-59 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Craigslist Purchase in Jeffersonville, Indiana | 3rd owner | Drive-In Movie Theatre Owner / Civil Engineering Designer | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Car Shows / Parades only | 87 octane | |||||||
4/26/2019 8:14:02 | 11476 | USA | California | Fallbrook | | SCEDT26T2CD011476 | 1982 | JAN 82 | 14,800 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Engine modified by DMC CA | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | LED window switchs, LED interior lights, Flux Capacitor | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | USA / CA | Good | Owner | 4/26/2019 | Charles Huntley ( | Orange County DeLorean Club | 11/10/2018 | Male | 30-39 | Dealership | 3rd owner | Gov’t Employee | 5,001m to 15,000m / 8,047km to 24,140km | 91 octane | ||||||||
4/26/2019 8:06:06 | 03896 | Australia | South Australia | Salisbury | SCEDT26T8BD003896 | 1981 | SEP 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Booked for regrain and dent removal | Black | Excellent | Due to rebuild interior is removed but has been recovered and ready to instal | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 4/27/2019 | Currently under restoration. Due to funding it is a slow process. Brand new frame, rebuilt engine, brakes, new pipes and hoses etc and interior. Needs more work but more than half is done. | DeLorean Australia | 11/12/2015 | Male | 30-39 | Other | Previous owner was a complete idiot | Disability Support Worker | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Never (Museum / Display only) | 91 octane | ||||||||||
4/26/2019 6:59:23 | 11035 | USA | West Virginia | Bunker Hill | | SCEDT26T5CD011035 | 1982 | JAN 82 | 49,230 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Spec-1 exhaust, larger air box, CAI, Throttle body Spacer | Stainless Steel | Good | Custom | Excellent | Custom lighting, custom 2 tone, 2 way heated seats | No | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Other | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / WV | 6/2025 | Excellent | Owner | 4/26/2019 | Owner of 15yrs, custom lighted bumper letters, Mineral Grey Metallic bumper paint, machined wheels, Wilwood Brakes, 2 piece cross drilled/slotted frt rotors, rebuilt rears w/ss pistons, Stainless LCA’s and SS radius arms, QA1 adjustable coil over/w 16 postion dampers, adjustable LCA support bars, adjustable upper rear links, custom upper front frame bar, braided brake lines, DPI fans w/ stainless shroud, silicon hoses, All in 1 fuel system, Spec 1 exhaust with Cat delete pipes, throttle body spacer, K&N filter, SS Airbox, CAI. Powder coated engine. Polished A/C compressor. Halo headlights with 4 led head light bulbs, side marker flasher upgrade, custom blue led and electroluminescent lighting. Lighted door latches, blue lighted window switches. So many upgrades and updates. | | Tri-State DeLorean Club | 8/14/2004 | Male | 40-49 | Other | Needs restoration | 4th + owner | Heavy equipment railroad mechanic for DC Metro | 5,001m to 15,000m / 8,047km to 24,140km | Daily | 89 octane | ||||
4/26/2019 6:26:17 | 04285 | USA | Virginia | Alexandria | SCEDT26T6BD004285 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | DPI SPEC 1 Exhaust | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Concours | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | HDE093 | USA / FL | Excellent | Owner | 4/26/2019 | Rafael Lopez ( | 8/1/2014 | Male | 30-39 | Dealership | Purchased from DMCMW | Military | Daily | 87 octane | |||||||||||
4/26/2019 5:29:30 | 04848 | USA | Colorado | Denver | SCEDT26T2BD004848 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 14,970 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stage II installed in 2015 | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 4/25/2019 | Male | 50-59 | Dealership | 1st owner | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Annually | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||
4/26/2019 5:00:55 | 16738 | USA | Georgia | Macon | SCEDT26T7DD016738 | 1983 | AUG 81 | 77,457 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Excellent | 2 tone grey/black | No | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / GA | Excellent | Owner | 4/26/2019 | Scott Cagle ( | DeLorean Owners of Ireland | 4/26/1999 | Male | 40-49 | Auction | 4th + owner | 5,001m to 15,000m / 8,047km to 24,140km | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||||||
4/26/2019 4:51:09 | 01533 | USA | Georgia | Milledgeville | SCEDT26T6BD001533 | 1981 | 33,123 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | needs regraining | Black | Good | Yes | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / GA | Good | Owner | 4/26/2019 | George Grant ( | 10/17/2007 | Male | 40-49 | Other | 3rd owner | Mechanic | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Never (Museum / Display only) | 91 octane | |||||||||||
4/26/2019 4:20:01 | 00967 | USA | Nevada | Las Vegas | | SCEDT26T1BD000967 | 1981 | APR 81 | 41,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | New Seat Leather and New Headliners. Custom Dashmat. | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Other | Garaged / Inside | FLUXIN | USA / NV | Excellent | Owner | 4/26/2019 | John-Thomas Terlitsky ( | DeLorean Owners Association | 7/25/2016 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 3rd owner | Club Manager | 5,001m to 15,000m / 8,047km to 24,140km | Daily | 91 octane | |||||||
4/25/2019 11:55:51 | 01363 | United Kingdom | Leicestershire | Leicester | SCEDT26T7BD001363 | 1981 | MAY 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Other | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Garaged / Inside | MMF430W | UK | Excellent | Owner | 4/20/2019 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
4/25/2019 9:35:53 | 01402 | USA | New Hampshire | Manchester | SCEDT26T2BD001402 | 1981 | MAY 81 | 45,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Motor has been removed and currently has nothing | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Bad | Seats and headliner in shambles | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Garaged / Inside | Parts missing | Owner | 4/20/2019 | Body is good, needs a motor | Mike Nackel ( | DeLorean Motor Club of New England | 4/20/2013 | Male | 30-39 | Other | Private party sale. Motor had blown and was sitting outdoors for 2 years | Mechanical engineer | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Never (Museum / Display only) | ||||||||||||
4/25/2019 7:22:23 | 10743 | USA | Oregon | Gaston | SCEDT26T5CD010743 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 16,100 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 4/25/2019 | Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club | 7/30/2018 | Other | |||||||||||||||||||
4/24/2019 6:09:37 | 05736 | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | SCEDT26T7BD005736 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 16,500 | Stock PRV | Manual | General rebuild in 2014, stock specs | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Small dent front left fender | Grey | Excellent | Original Interieur, headliners have been redone. | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | BMC811 | Excellent | Owner | 4/24/2019 | Bought in 2014 from DMC Florida | Robert Renner ( | DeLorean Club Deutschland (Germany) | 3/1/2014 | Male | 30-39 | Dealership | 2nd owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 95 RON | |||||||
4/23/2019 5:13:14 | 03911 | USA | Georgia | Bethlehem | SCEDT26T0BD003911 | 1981 | 29,169 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Yes | None | Grooved | No | BKNTIME | USA / GA | Owner | 4/20/2019 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/14/2019 12:41:43 | 10658 | USA | California | Los Angeles | SCEDT26T3CD010658 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 19,300 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Other | Not sure | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 4/14/2019 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
4/12/2019 18:26:31 | 01596 | USA | Pennsylvania | Springfield | | SCEDT26T8BD001596 | 1981 | MAY 81 | 7,596 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | GO88 | USA / PA | Excellent | Owner | 4/11/2019 | Gregory Shields ( | DeLorean Mid-Atlantic Club | 10/30/2019 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 4th + owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 87 octane | |||||||||
4/9/2019 9:52:45 | 04792 | USA | Arizona | Tempe | SCEDT26T1BD004792 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 27,400 | Stock PRV | Manual | DPI Spec Exhaust | Stainless Steel | Bad | Formerly painted car | Grey | Parts missing | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / AZ | Good | Owner | 4/9/2019 | Ethan Rode ( | Arizona DeLorean Club | 9/1/2018 | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | ||||||||||||||
4/9/2019 6:08:13 | 10605 | USA | Massachusetts | Newbury | SCEDT26T4CD010605 | 1982 | 57,500 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | No | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | USA / MA | Good | Owner | 4/8/2019 | Male | Other | 2nd owner | Monthly | 89 octane | |||||||||||||||||
4/4/2019 0:37:46 | 02186 | USA | California | Monterey | SCEDT26T5BD002186 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 17,505 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Engine number: #001528 | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Other | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / CA | Excellent | Owner | 4/4/2019 | Brian Paone ( | | 2/20/2019 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Purchased for $20,500 from Traverse City, MI | 4th + owner | Author | ||||||||||||
3/21/2019 7:57:58 | 03307 | USA | Ohio | Columbus | | SCEDT26T7BD003307 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 40,000 | Custom | Manual | Custom Twin-Turbo and EFI | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Custom | Excellent | Custom Two-tone Gray/Black interior | Yes | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | DLOREAN | USA / OH | 10/2019 | Excellent | Owner | 3/21/2019 | Josh Quellhorst ( | DeLorean Club of Ohio | 2/16/2011 | Male | 40-49 | Other | Purchased from Cliff Schmucker | 4th + owner | Online Communications | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||
3/18/2019 17:25:00 | 05430 | USA | Texas | Springtown | SCEDT26T5BD005430 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 26,831 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | I’ve owned the car since 1990 and actually bought it twice once in 1990 and sold in 1995 to my uncle and bought back in 1999 | Grey | Excellent | All original and great shape | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | P66506 TX DEALER PLATE FROM 81 | USA / TX | Good | Owner | 3/1/2019 | Clark ashley ( | 11/15/1990 | Male | 50-59 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | Real Estate Broker | |||||||||||
3/17/2019 20:51:24 | 04573 | USA | California | Mountain View | SCEDT26T0BD004573 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Owner | 3/17/2019 | ( | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3/14/2019 13:18:04 | 04314 | USA | Arizona | Phoenix | SCEDT26T9BD004314 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | Grooved | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | GOINBAK | USA / AZ | Good | Owner | 3/14/2019 | Male | 60+ | Advertisement (paper / online) | 2nd owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||
3/10/2019 10:39:53 | 11475 | USA | California | Saugus | SCEDT26T0CD011475 | 1982 | JAN 82 | 51,145 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | Other | Thin Grey Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 8OSICON | MARCH 2020 | Good | Owner | 3/10/2019 | Jeff Lawson ( | 9/1/2003 | Male | 40-49 | Other | 3rd owner | Insurance | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||
3/1/2019 22:58:01 | 06093 | USA | Washington | Redmond | | SCEDT26T7BD006093 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 41,000 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Grooved | No | No | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 3/1/2019 | Car is on YouTube as the car with flamethrower (removed); car is restored to “as designed/envisioned” status. | Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club | 12/24/2016 | Other | Monthly | 89 octane | ||||||||||||||||||||
2/28/2019 16:05:12 | 03455 | USA | Mississippi | Madison | SCEDT26T0BD003455 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 34,333 | Stock PRV | Manual | Island Twin Turbo | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | GRTSCOT | USA / MS | Excellent | Owner | 2/28/2019 | 3/11/2017 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 4th + owner | Dad | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||
2/25/2019 7:35:45 | 05151 | Poland | Warszawa | Warszawa | SCEDT26T1BD005151 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 18,600 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Craig | Thin Grey Stripe | Grooved | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | WJ 19X | PL | Good | Owner | 2/25/2019 | Jakub Barański ( | 12/18/2018 | Male | 50-59 | Auction | 5,001m to 15,000m / 8,047km to 24,140km | Monthly | 95 RON | |||||||||||||
2/22/2019 9:38:36 | 00767 | USA | Massachusetts | Norton | SCEDT26T4BD000767 | 1981 | APR 81 | 85,000 | Custom | Automatic | 3.0L with MegaSquirt EFI, Ford EDIS | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Thick fins | Grey | Outdoors | EIN | USA / MA | Good | Owner | 2/22/2019 | | 7/1/2019 | Male | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | 89 octane | ||||||||||||||
2/21/2019 19:48:35 | 02714 | USA | Pennsylvania | Pittsburgh | SCEDT26T4BD002714 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | Front-Right | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / PA | Excellent | Owner | 2/21/2019 | Jonathan Osso ( | 2/26/2010 | Male | 50-59 | Other | 3rd owner | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Annually | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||
2/18/2019 17:56:49 | 05431 | USA | Georgia | Atlanta | SCEDT26T7BD005431 | 1981 | Owner | 2/14/2019 | ( | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/15/2019 7:56:23 | 03595 | USA | Mississippi | Poplarville | SCEDT26T5BD003595 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 9,706 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Flat | No | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Silver | Car Port | TIMELESS | USA / MS | Excellent | Owner | | 2/15/2019 | Full Factory Restoration at DMC Humble Texas in 2012 | Daniel Wise ( | | Male | 40-49 | Other | 3rd owner | Insurance | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Car Shows / Parades only | 87 octane | ||||||||
2/13/2019 0:55:18 | 04273 | New Zealand | Auckland | Auckland | SCEDT26TXBD004273 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 9,975 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | Grooved | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | LRK825 | New Zealand | 27th September 2019 | Excellent | Owner | 2/13/2019 | Peter Skinner ( | DeLorean Club of New Zealand | 5/30/2018 | Male | 50-59 | Dealership | 3rd owner | Estate Agent | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||
2/8/2019 19:38:43 | 05692 | USA | California | San Jose | SCEDT26T2BD005692 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Owner | 2/8/2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/8/2019 18:46:11 | 04104 | USA | New Mexico | Carlsbad | | SCEDT26T9BD004104 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | I keep it in Excellent condition | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Windshield | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / NM | Excellent | Owner | 2/8/0019 | I use it off and on, shows, or recreational travel short hops only | Male | 60+ | Other | 3rd owner | Retired | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | 89 octane | ||||||||||||||
2/8/2019 15:35:33 | 16724 | USA | New York | Franklin Square | SCEDT26T7DD016724 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 8,267 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | DMC 83 | USA / NY | APR 2020 | Excellent | Owner | 2/8/2019 | Brendan Fitzpatrick ( | | DeLorean Mid-Atlantic Club | 4/21/2018 | Male | 40-49 | Other | 2nd owner | Senior Director, MTA NYCT Procurement | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||
2/8/2019 15:03:35 | 05378 | Australia | New South Wales | Sydney | SCEDT26T7BD005378 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | MCFLY | New South Wales | Good | Owner | 9/2/2019 | Tim Griffiths ( | Male | 50-59 | Other | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 97/98 RON | ||||||||||||||
2/8/2019 14:35:11 | 05662 | USA | Florida | Tamarac | SCEDT26T4BD005662 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 8,865 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | All original | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / FL | 02/20 | Good | Owner | 2/8/2019 | Aiki Ramos ( | 9/1/2008 | Male | 40-49 | Other | 2nd owner | Fire / Rescue | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||
2/8/2019 13:01:33 | 02248 | USA | Washington | Issaquah | | SCEDT26T1BD002248 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 230,000 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Rebuilt to Northwest Stage 2 specifications | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | New carpets | Yes | Other | Custom | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | WINGED1 | USA / WA | Excellent | Owner | 2/9/2019 | Winged1 is my daily driver | | Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club | 5,001m to 15,000m / 8,047km to 24,140km | Daily | 87 octane | |||||||||||
2/8/2019 11:33:19 | 01309 | Australia | Victoria | Melbourne | SCEDT26T1BD001309 | 1981 | MAY 81 | 62,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 2/8/2019 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
2/8/2019 9:20:40 | 02147 | USA | Minnesota | Minneapolis | SCEDT26T6BD002147 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 53,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Time Machine Conversion | Black | Good | Yes | Craig | Thin Grey Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | TYMTRVL | USA / MN | 07 2019 | Good | Owner | 2/8/2019 | NON-INVASIVE TIME MACHINE BUILD | Andy Strano ( | | DeLoreans of Minnesota Club | 8/11/2011 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 3rd owner | Teacher | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Car Shows / Parades only | 87 octane | |||||||
2/8/2019 8:56:24 | 02267 | USA | California | Valencia | SCEDT26T5BD002267 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 23,800 | Stock PRV | Manual | Rebuilt by DMC 2018 | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | New OEM seats / DMC | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / CA | Good | Owner | 2/8/2019 | Was in storage for 20 years , now fully restored to running condition | Dan Cullen ( | 8/1/1981 | Male | 60+ | Other | 2nd owner | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 87 octane | |||||||||
2/8/2019 8:46:06 | 02700 | USA | Florida | Fort Lauderdale | SCEDT26T4BD002700 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 60,000 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Blue Side Stripe | Black | Good | Yes | Other | Custom | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 88NGONE | USA / FL | 09/19 | Excellent | Owner | 2/8/2019 | Steven Alves ( | 6/15/2001 | Male | 50-59 | Other | 3rd owner | Corporate | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||
2/7/2019 12:31:05 | 20069 | USA | Virginia | Richmond | SCEDT26TXDD020069 | 1983 | DEC 82 | 21,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 83 DELO | USA / VA | Excellent | Owner | 2/7/2019 | steve matthews ( | 6/7/2013 | Male | 60+ | Other | 2nd owner | Bum | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 89 octane | ||||||||||||
2/6/2019 13:58:30 | 03416 | USA | Florida | Melbourne | SCEDT26T1BD003416 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 35,000 | Custom | Manual | Was custom PRV, swapping to new motor | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Bad | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Parts missing | Owner | 2/6/2019 | In storage for ~7 years, project to restore begins 2019 | 7/1/2009 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 3rd owner | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | 87 octane | |||||||||||||
2/6/2019 13:54:48 | 04205 | USA | Tennessee | Nashville | SCEDT26T4BD004205 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 66,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / TN | Good | Owner | 2/6/2019 | Daniel Potter ( | 10/20/2018 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | 3rd owner | |||||||||||||||
2/4/2019 10:56:04 | 00770 | France | Sainte Maxime | SCEDT26T4BD000770 | 1981 | JAN 81 | Owner | 2/4/2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/4/2019 10:01:43 | 06985 | Brazil | Sao Paulo | SCEDT26T0BD006985 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Garaged / Inside | FLY-1885 | BR / SP | Website | 3/7/2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/4/2019 9:58:49 | 06628 | Brazil | Sao Paulo | SCEDT26T9BD006628 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Time Machine Conversion | Time Machine Conversion | Good | Grooved | No | Garaged / Inside | DMC-1200 | BR / SP | Time Machine Conversion | Observed in person | 8/6/2018 | This car belongs to Graal Chain, it is located in a trailer and make itinerant shows in Brazil at the stores of the Graal Chain. | | Shared | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/4/2019 9:52:31 | 06617 | Brazil | Sao Paulo | SCEDT26T4BD006617 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Website | 1/14/2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/4/2019 9:50:41 | 05925 | Brazil | Puerto Rico | Curitiba | SCEDT26TXBD005925 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | FVC-1981 | Curitiba / PR | Website | 1/2/2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/4/2019 9:46:38 | 04557 | Brazil | Rio Grande do Sul | Veranopolis | SCEDT26T2BD004557 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | JDJ-1981 | Veranópolis/RS | Website | 1/2/2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/4/2019 9:43:53 | 03574 | Brazil | Sao Paulo | SCEDT26T8BD003574 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Grooved | No | No | Garaged / Inside | FDM-1981 | BR / SP | Website | 1/2/2019 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/4/2019 9:40:14 | 02469 | Brazil | Curitiba | Niteroi | SCEDT26T6BD002469 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Grooved | No | Grey | Garaged / Inside | BCK-2015 | Curitiba / PR | Excellent | Website | 1/2/2019 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/4/2019 9:37:23 | 02355 | Brazil | Sao Paulo | SCEDT26T2BD002355 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Stainless Steel | Time Machine Conversion | Time Machine Conversion | Good | Grooved | No | Grey | GCE-1981 | BR / SP | Website | 12/6/2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/4/2019 9:30:58 | 01602 | Brazil | Puerto Rico | Pato Branco | SCEDT26TXBD001602 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Grooved | No | No | Grey | EQW-1981 | Pato Branco/PR | Website | 12/12/2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/4/2019 9:25:52 | 01438 | Brazil | Rio Grande do Sul | Bento Gonçalves | SCEDT26T1BD001438 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Excellent | None | Grooved | No | No | Other | Grey | Garaged / Inside | JDL-1981 | Novo Hamburgo/RS | Website | 12/18/2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/4/2019 9:21:54 | 10437 | Brazil | Brasilia | Niteroi | SCEDT26T9CD010437 | 1982 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | No | Grey | Garaged / Inside | JDY-1982 | Website | 12/4/2018 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/4/2019 9:19:03 | 02534 | Brazil | Santa Catarina | Blumenau | SCEDT26T2BD002534 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | No | No | Other | Grey | Garaged / Inside | HVA-1372 | Blumenau / SC | Website | 3/4/2012 | Dealership | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2/4/2019 9:15:35 | 06979 | Brazil | Rio de Janeiro | Niteroi | SCEDT26T5BD006979 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Time Machine Conversion | Time Machine Conversion | Good | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Other | Grey | Garaged / Inside | FME-1981 | Niteroi / RJ | Good | Observed in person | 11/1/2018 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | |||||||||||||||||||||
2/4/2019 6:22:57 | 05819 | USA | Puerto Rico | Ponce | SCEDT26T0BD005819 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 39,996 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | Custom | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | FTM148 | PR | Excellent | Owner | 2/4/2019 | Luis Ignacio ( | Puerto Rico DeLorean Club | 3/15/2008 | Male | 40-49 | Other | 3rd owner | Photographer | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 89 octane | |||||||||
2/4/2019 4:35:18 | 04285 | USA | Florida | Destin | SCEDT26T6BD004285 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Ceramic coated DPI Exhaust | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Other | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 2/4/2019 | ( | 10/10/2014 | Male | 30-39 | Dealership | USAF | Daily | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||
2/3/2019 16:23:30 | 03650 | USA | New Jersey | Jackson | SCEDT26T9BD003650 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 38,677 | Stock PRV | Manual | Replaced slave and master | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Excellent | Black/dark gray | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / NJ | Good | Owner | 1/14/2019 | frame off restoration | 9/9/2009 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Not running | Environmental Services | 91 octane | |||||||||||
2/3/2019 9:44:36 | 16201 | USA | New Jersey | Brick | SCEDT26T8DD016201 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 21,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Bad | No | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 2/3/2019 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
1/28/2019 5:55:17 | 02769 | USA | California | Buena Park | | SCEDT26T7BD002769 | 1982 | AUG 81 | 61,838 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Custom | Good | Yes | Other | None | Flat | No | No | Front-Right | Other | Garaged / Inside | 2FNZ651 | USA / CA | NOV 2016 | Good | Website | 5/19/2016 | |||||||||||||||||||
1/28/2019 5:10:52 | 02206 | USA | Utah | Salt Lake City | | SCEDT26T7BD002206 | 1981 | JUL 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Modifications | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | No | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Outdoors | 341 KRN | USA / UT | Bad | Website | 4/14/2013 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
1/28/2019 4:29:47 | 16817 | USA | Florida | Bonita Springs | | SCEDT26T3DD016817 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 6,745 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Website | 11/7/2017 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
1/28/2019 1:25:34 | 04792 | USA | Arizona | Tempe | SCEDT26T1BD004792 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 27,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Bad | Previously painted white | Grey | Parts missing | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Parts missing | Owner | 1/28/2019 | Under Restoration | Ethan Rode | Arizona DeLorean Club | 9/12/2018 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | |||||||||||||||
1/27/2019 13:03:25 | 03115 | USA | Minnesota | Carver | SCEDT26T9BD003115 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 7,097 | Stock PRV | Manual | DMC Houston updates | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Silver | Garaged / Inside | BAKNTYM | Excellent | Owner | 1/27/2019 | Refurbished by DMC Houston July 2015. Eibach shocks & springs installed. Rare Gas Flap/5 Speed/Grey build. | 7/8/2015 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | Dealer – DMC Houston | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||||
1/20/2019 21:02:39 | 01474 | New Zealand | Wellington | Lower Hutt | SCEDT26T5BD001474 | 1981 | APR 81 | 17,000 | PRV Stage 1 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | Thin Grey Stripe | Flat | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | DMCXII | New Zealand | Excellent | Owner | 1/21/2019 | Male | 50-59 | ||||||||||||||||||
1/19/2019 21:48:03 | 06415 | Netherlands | South Holland | Ouddorp | SCEDT26T3BD006415 | 1981 | 8,600 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Concours | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 1/19/2019 | Maaskant ( | | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 95 RON | |||||||||||||||
1/18/2019 19:08:19 | 03650 | USA | New Jersey | Jackson | SCEDT26T9BD003650 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 38,677 | Stock PRV | Manual | Cold air intake | Stainless Steel | Good | Restored with minor Mods | Black | Excellent | Restored | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 1/11/2019 | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||||
1/18/2019 19:04:37 | 01522 | USA | Pennsylvania | Pittsburgh | | SCEDT26T1BD001522 | 1981 | MAY 81 | 13,131 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Good | Website | | 1/18/2019 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
1/12/2019 16:21:55 | 03772 | Brazil | Sao Paulo | SCEDT26T1BD003772 | 1981 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | EUU-1981 | Brazil / SP | Owner | 1/12/2019 | Male | 30-39 | Other | ||||||||||||||||||||||
1/1/2019 21:03:13 | 01279 | Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico | Bayamon City | SCEDT26T7BD001279 | 1981 | MAY 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | A few small dents | Black | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 1/2/2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
12/31/2018 2:10:00 | 06451 | USA | California | Orange | | SCEDT26T7BD006451 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 14,988 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Flat | No | No | Other | Garaged / Inside | 1F0Y611 | USA / CA | 10/14 | Good | Observed in person | 12/31/2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
12/28/2018 12:06:49 | 05036 | USA | Virginia | Leesburg | | SCEDT26T1BD005036 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 10,500 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | USA / VA | Good | Owner | 12/28/2018 | Joseph Yeglic ( | Tri-State DeLorean Club | 4/5/2018 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 3rd owner | Engineer | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||||||
12/27/2018 23:41:18 | 04710 | Germany | Schleswig-Holstein | Schleswig-Holstein | SCEDT26T2DD004710 | 1981 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Bad | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Owner | 12/1/2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12/21/2018 18:21:24 | 17144 | Canada | Saskatchewan | Saskatoon | SCEDT26T5DD017144 | 1983 | 41,004 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | None | Flat | No | Yes | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | CAN | Excellent | Owner | 12/19/2018 | Troy Tyndall ( | Male | 40-49 | 3rd owner | Annually | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||||||
12/21/2018 6:23:54 | 01833 | Canada | Quebec | Montreal | SCEDT26TBDD001833 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 7,051 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | J03MMC | CAN / QC | Good | Owner | 12/21/2018 | Cedric barabe ( | Official DeLorean Owners Canada | 6/15/2016 | Male | 30-39 | Other | From a “car collector” | 3rd owner | Military | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||
12/6/2018 13:01:01 | 01283 | USA | Texas | Frisco | | SCEDT26T9BD001283 | 1981 | MAY 81 | 35,000 | Custom | Manual | VR6 engine (367 rwhp/377 ftlb); Type T4 turbo; A/R=0.70/0.68; Air-to-air intercooler, Megasquirt MS3 Pro, Manual tranny w/ HD output shaft; Remote mounted oil filter. Adjustable dampers and ride height springs from QA1/DriveStainless; SS triangulated LCA brackets, boxed in LCAs, PU bushings, ventilated front brake rotors – all from DMCEU | Stainless Steel | Good | Custom | Excellent | Custom black and grey | Yes | Other | Custom | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / TX | Excellent | Owner | 12/6/2018 | Blog describing the engine/tranny swap: | Henrik Ax ( | | North Texas DeLorean Owners Association | 9/10/2005 | Male | 50-59 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Purchased in Oklahoma City, OK | 2nd owner | Project / Product Manager | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 97/98 RON | ||||
12/6/2018 7:09:41 | 00696 | USA | Pennsylvania | Wayne | | SCEDT26T7BD000696 | 1981 | MAR 81 | 23,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Early “10 spline” Transmission | Stainless Steel | Black | Yes | Good | Owner | 12/6/2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11/29/2018 16:11:55 | 04454 | United Kingdom | Oxfordshire | Banbury | SCEDT26TXDD004454 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 25,376 | Stock PRV | Manual | Tranmission failure due to main nut coming through gearbox cover | Stainless Steel | Bad | Panels in good condition, requiring only rebrush | Grey | Bad | Ongoing custom restoration | Yes | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | 1JGM875 | USA / CA | Bad | Owner | 11/29/2018 | Car is undergoing custom restoration by Reinsch Engineering in UK as due to gearbox failure it was decommissioned in 1991. It will be fitted with modern L7X 3.0 V6 24V Renault engine with stock UN1 transmission (expected to generate 250 HP). Fully custom tan leather interior with brand new electric wiring connecting all new onboard equipment. Car will be fitted with automated ventilation system using stepper motors and electric solenoids (modified stock unit). Expected to be finished spring 2020. | Marek Reinsch Kaminski ( | | 8/3/2018 | Male | 30-39 | Dealership | Beverly Hills Car Club | 2nd owner | Automotive Engineer | |||||||||
11/28/2018 5:53:01 | 06554 | USA | Illinois | Mt. Vernon | SCEDT26T6BD006554 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 57,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Owned since 1996 | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Garaged / Inside | USA / IL | Excellent | Observed in person | 10/1/2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||
11/26/2018 19:13:15 | 02855 | USA | California | San Jose | | SCEDT26T0BD002855 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 15,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Painted | Excellent | Half Stainless, half painted | Black | Excellent | Original with aftermarket shift boot and floor mats | Yes | Craig | Custom | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Other | Other | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 11/11/2018 | Customized in 83. known as the Mongoose DeLorean | ||||||||||||||||||
11/24/2018 15:18:27 | 11477 | United Kingdom | South Wales | Swansea | SCEDT26T2DD011477 | 1982 | JAN 82 | 16,300 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | No | Other | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 11/24/2018 | Tristan J Carroll ( | 4/1/2018 | Male | 30-39 | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 95 RON | |||||||||||||||||
11/16/2018 11:03:17 | 06929 | USA | Florida | Riverview | | SCEDT26T1BD006929 | 1981 | NOV 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / FL | Good | Owner | 11/16/2018 | Lee Mueller ( | 11/14/2018 | Male | 30-39 | Dealership | Purchased from DMC Florida | Nurse | Daily | 87 octane | ||||||||||||
11/13/2018 16:30:00 | 06431 | USA | Arizona | Phoenix | SCEDT26T8DD006431 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 864 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | AMEZA | Excellent | Owner | 11/12/2018 | Arizona DeLorean Club | 1/18/2018 | Male | 30-39 | 2nd owner | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||
11/11/2018 17:11:20 | 10704 | USA | New Hampshire | Pelham | SCEDT26T6CD010704 | 1982 | 18,137 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | BCKNTME | USA / NH | Good | Owner | 11/11/2018 | Jesse Keil ( | 6/4/2018 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 3rd owner | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||||
11/10/2018 19:30:07 | 00696 | USA | New York | New York | | SCEDT26T7BD000696 | 1981 | MAR 81 | Stainless Steel | Good | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Grey | Good | Website | 9/12/2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11/7/2018 11:31:52 | 11476 | USA | California | Fallbrook | | SCEDT26T2CD011476 | 1982 | 14,020 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 11/3/2018 | Charles Huntley ( | 11/3/2018 | Male | 30-39 | Dealership | Classic & Collectible Cars Las Vegas | 2nd owner | Monthly | ||||||||||||||||
10/30/2018 14:16:10 | 06720 | USA | Nevada | Las Vegas | SCEDT26T4DD006720 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 78,900 | Stock PRV | Manual | DPI exhaust | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | MCFLY | USA / NV | Good | Owner | 10/30/2018 | Jack Behar ( | 9/19/2009 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 6720 was previously located in Tampa, FL | 4th + owner | USAF | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||||
10/23/2018 20:44:58 | 16409 | USA | California | Clovis | | SCEDT26TXDD016409 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 155,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | SPEC I | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 10/23/2018 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | Monthly | 89 octane | |||||||||||||||||
10/22/2018 13:45:34 | 03915 | United Kingdom | Northern Ireland | Belfast | SCEDT26T4DD003915 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 29,500 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | UXI 6434 | UK | Good | Owner | 10/22/2018 | Robert Lamrock ( | 10/28/1990 | Male | 60+ | Other | 4th + owner | Retired | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Car Shows / Parades only | 97/98 RON | ||||||||||
10/21/2018 18:15:27 | 10694 | USA | South Carolina | SCEDT26T5DD010694 | 1982 | Manual | 2nd engine. Then re-built. | Stainless Steel | Time Machine Conversion | Reversible conversion. (No holes drilled.) | Grey | Good | No | Other | Flat | No | Left-Rear | Time Machine Conversion | Owner | 10/31/2018 | Over 800,000 miles. 28 countries. All 50 states. So far… | Oliver Holler ( | | Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club | Male | 50-59 | Auction | Dealership auction through ebay | 3rd owner | Time traveler | 5,001m to 15,000m / 8,047km to 24,140km | Daily | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||||
10/19/2018 21:34:23 | 05984 | USA | Nevada | Reno | | SCEDT26T4BD005984 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 35,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Destroyed | Grey | Excellent | Yes | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 843-YHQ | USA / WA | Destroyed | Observed in person | | 5/15/2018 | Car was stolen and purposely set on fire to destroy evidence. The car was melted to the ground. See photos. | Mike Persyn | 6/15/2008 | Male | 30-39 | Other | Purchased by active military person, from another military person. | 4th + owner | Military | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Car Shows / Parades only | |||||||||
10/16/2018 18:20:33 | 04300 | USA | Nevada | Reno | | SCEDT26T9BD004300 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Manual | Other | Excellent | Other | Excellent | Saddle tan interior trim | Grooved | No | No | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Museum | | 6/21/2018 | Gold DeLorean owned by Sherwood Marshall, on loan to the William F. Harrah Exhibition at the National Automobile Museum in Reno, Nevada. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10/9/2018 7:47:11 | 01623 | USA | Virginia | Virginia Beach | SCEDT26T3DD001623 | 1981 | JUN 81 | PRV Stage 2 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | Grooved | Yes | Windshield | Excellent | Owner | 10/9/2018 | Male | Daily | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10/1/2018 12:51:41 | 05255 | United Kingdom | Buckinghamshire | Milton Keynes | SCEDT26T2BD005255 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 82,000 | Custom | Manual | Until Feb 2018 was stock manual and PRV. Now a Porsche G50\52 5-speed & Custom LS3 | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Re-brushed by Chris Nicholson | Grey | Good | Did have the Craig , but now a Panasonic flip screen with Dynaudio speakers | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | UIJ 197 | Ireland | not applicable for the UK | Excellent | Owner | The build will be documented via | 10/1/2018 | Christopher Hawes ( | | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 1/23/2002 | Male | 40-49 | Other | Bought from Stuart Pennington, DeLorean Owners Club Member. He imported it from Arizona in 2000. | IT | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 97/98 RON | |||
9/28/2018 0:00:00 | 06208 | Sweden | Gothenburg | SCEDT26T9BD006208 | Museum | 9/28/2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9/27/2018 21:45:56 | 16109 | USA | California | Anaheim Hills | SCEDT26T9DD016109 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 92,200 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | DMCTIME | USA / CA | FEB 2018 | Excellent | Owner | 9/27/2018 | Featured in Classic Motorsports July 2005 issue | | Orange County DeLorean Club | 7/17/2018 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Purchased from original owner | 2nd owner | Mechanical Engineer | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | 87 octane | |||||||
9/26/2018 13:39:57 | 01014 | USA | Massachusetts | Boston | | SCEDT26T4BD001014 | 1981 | APR 81 | 33,450 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Flat | Yes | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Grey | Outdoors | Good | Owner | 9/26/2018 | Mark Varteresian ( | 8/15/2018 | Shared | 19-29 | Other | 4th + owner | Army/Dentist | 91 octane | |||||||||||||
9/26/2018 13:35:28 | 05742 | USA | Massachusetts | Springfield | | SCEDT26T2BD005742 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 12,500 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | FLUX 88 | USA / MA | 10/20 | Excellent | Owner | 9/26/2018 | Mark Varteresian ( | 3/15/2018 | Shared | 19-29 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 2nd owner | Army/Dentist | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||
9/25/2018 16:48:41 | 01630 | USA | Arkansas | Mountain View | | SCEDT26T4BD001630 | 1981 | 8,203 | Automatic | Painted | Good | Painted to match the Domino’s Pizza Car | Black | Good | Dash Mat | Yes | Other | Grooved | Yes | No | Grey | Garaged / Inside | 72661 | USA / AR | Antique Plate | Good | Website | eBay | 5/22/2016 | Male | |||||||||||||||||||
9/22/2018 16:41:34 | 02764 | USA | Michigan | Birmingham | SCEDT26T8BD002764 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 3,304 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 9/22/2018 | 9/22/2018 | Male | 50-59 | Dealership | 1st Owner was related to JD | 3rd owner | Engineer | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | 87 octane | |||||||||||||
9/22/2018 7:04:16 | 16301 | USA | New York | Oneonta | SCEDT26TXDD016301 | 1983 | NOV 82 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Excellent | Owner | 11/11/2001 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
9/9/2018 12:44:57 | 15874 | USA | California | Long Beach | | SCEDT26TXDD015874 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 10,458 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | DMC1983 | USA / CA | October 2019 | Good | Owner | 9/8/2018 | Tim Angers ( | 9/8/2018 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | Beverly Hills Car Club | 3rd owner | Structural Engineer | ||||||||||
9/1/2018 12:14:25 | 06312 | South Africa | Gauteng | Johannesburg | SCEDT26T4BD006312 | 1981 | NOV 81 | V6 Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Cracked dash | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | Yes | Not sure | 1981 | USA / FL | Good | Website | 9/1/2018 | Jim Cope ( | Male | 60+ | Advertisement (paper / online) | Dealers demo car only 460 miles | Engineer | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Annually | 95 RON | ||||||||||||||||
8/30/2018 8:12:48 | 05292 | USA | Indiana | Anderson | | SCEDT26T8BD005292 | 1981 | OCT 81 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | USA / IN | Excellent | Owner | 8/30/2018 | 7/4/2018 | Female | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | Nurse | Daily | 91 octane | |||||||||||||
8/24/2018 21:01:00 | 01991 | USA | Nevada | Reno | SCEDT26T3BD001991 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 38,858 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | None | Grooved | Yes | Yes | Windshield | Not sure | Owner | 8/24/2018 | Michael Hodes ( | | 7/17/2018 | Male | 40-49 | Other | Audiologist | ||||||||||||||||||||
8/24/2018 17:00:15 | 10205 | USA | Ohio | Medina | SCEDT26TXCD010205 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 41,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Painted | Good | Red | Grey | Good | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | WINGIT | USA / OH | Excellent | Owner | 8/24/2018 | DeLorean Club of Ohio | Shared | 40-49 | Other | 3rd owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Annually | 87 octane | |||||||||||
8/21/2018 10:01:52 | 01371 | USA | Wisconsin | Milwaukee | SCEDT26T2DD001371 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 8/21/2018 | Chris H | 11/1/2017 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 4th + owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/20/2018 5:41:12 | 05452 | Australia | New South Wales | Newcastle | SCEDT26T0DD005452 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 77,568 | Electric | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Stainless regrained by Chris Nicholson 2017 | Grey | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | NSW / Australia | Excellent | Owner | 8/20/2018 | Converted to Electric Drive in 2012 | ( | | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | ||||||||||||||||||||
8/20/2018 5:39:57 | 01474 | USA | New Hampshire | North Hampton | SCEDT26T5BD001474 | 1981 | MAY 81 | 8,795 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 8/20/2018 | David W. Gallagher ( | | 11/1/2017 | Male | 40-49 | Other | Barn Find | 2nd owner | Auto Detailer | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Never (Museum / Display only) | 91 octane | ||||||||||
8/20/2018 5:30:23 | 01474 | USA | New Hampshire | North Hampton | SCEDT26T5BD001474 | 1981 | MAY 81 | 8,795 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 8/20/2018 | David W. Gallagher ( | | 11/1/2017 | Male | 40-49 | Other | Barn Find | 2nd owner | Auto Detailer | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Never (Museum / Display only) | 91 octane | ||||||||||
8/19/2018 22:48:27 | 02567 | USA | Missouri | Kansas City | SCEDT26T6BD002567 | 1981 | 45,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Yes | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | ECTO-88 | USA / MO | Excellent | Owner | 8/20/2018 | Joe Morgan ( | 5/16/2018 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Found on | CEO | Monthly | |||||||||||||
8/13/2018 20:28:33 | 16973 | USA | New York | New York | SCEDT26T6DD016973 | Owner | 8/12/2018 | 50-59 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/13/2018 20:25:27 | 01054 | USA | New York | New York | SCEDT26T7CD01054 | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 8/12/2018 | Male | 50-59 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/13/2018 4:43:26 | 01804 | Switzerland | Zurich | Oetwil an der Limmat | SCEDT26T0BD001804 | 1981 | JUN 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Yes | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 8/13/2018 | bought from a french owner | DeLorean Club Europe (DeLorean Verein Europa) | 1/1/2012 | Male | 60+ | Advertisement (paper / online) | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 95 RON | |||||||||||||||||
8/11/2018 4:42:44 | 06100 | Ireland | County Derry | Magherafelt | SCEDT26T0BD006100 | 1981 | 28,970 | Stock PRV | Manual | Painted | Excellent | Red | Grey | Good | Yes | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | County Londonderry | Excellent | Owner | 8/11/2018 | Thomas McElhone ( | Male | 50-59 | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | ||||||||||||||||||||
8/11/2018 4:26:32 | 00707 | Ireland | County Derry | Magherafelt | | SCEDT26T8BD000707 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Black | Craig | Grooved | Yes | Front-Right | Grey | Garaged / Inside | County Londonderry | Owner | 8/11/2018 | Thomas McElhone ( | Male | 50-59 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/11/2018 4:14:33 | 04364 | Ireland | County Derry | Magherafelt | SCEDT26T2BD004364 | 1981 | OCT 81 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stand alone EFI | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Recaro Seats | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | County Londonderry | Excellent | Owner | 8/11/2018 | Just completed 4000km trip of France and Italy.. | Thomas McElhone ( | Male | 50-59 | Monthly | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||
8/10/2018 9:42:04 | 01930 | Canada | Ontario | Toronto | SCEDT26T5BD001930 | 1981 | JUN 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Grey | Owner | 8/10/2018 | Dean Sasabuchi ( | Official DeLorean Owners Canada | 10/21/2008 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||||||
8/9/2018 11:20:03 | 01529 | United Kingdom | Down | Millisle | SCEDT26T0DD001529 | 1981 | MAY 81 | Custom | Manual | 3.0 PRV | Painted | Yellow paint | Custom | Good | No | Other | Custom | Yes | No | Windshield | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 8/9/2018 | Brian | Auction | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8/8/2018 16:38:00 | 04688 | USA | Nevada | Las Vegas | | SCEDT26T6BD004688 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Original PRV V6 | Stainless Steel | Good | Front and rear fascias painted silver not original color | Grey | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / NV | Good | Owner | 8/8/2018 | Larry Bauer ( | 2/12/2018 | Male | 30-39 | Dealership | Purchased from Ronald Cornellius from Gateway Classic Cars | 3rd owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | |||||||||||
8/8/2018 0:00:00 | 06748 | Netherlands | Uithoorn | SCEDT26T8BD006748 | Website | 8/8/2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/7/2018 20:01:02 | 01349 | Canada | British Columbia | Coquitlam | SCEDT26T2BD001349 | 1981 | MAY 81 | 20,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Concours | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | CAN | Excellent | Owner | 7/7/2018 | Slawomir ( | 9/12/2014 | Male | 40-49 | Auction | 3rd owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | 87 octane | ||||||||||||
8/7/2018 16:55:32 | 04256 | Mexico | Aguascalientes | Aguascalientes | SCEDT26TXBD004256 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 4,084 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | MHZ-99-99 | Estado de Mexico | Excellent | Owner | 8/7/2018 | Claudio ( | 8/14/2015 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | 3rd owner | Business Owner | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||||||
8/7/2018 11:19:48 | 05043 | USA | Virginia | Ashburn | SCEDT26T9BD005043 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Other | Flat | No | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 2/1/2018 | Wil Mack ( | Male | 30-39 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/6/2018 17:55:47 | 00909 | USA | Ohio | Newark | | SCEDT26T9BD000909 | 1981 | APR 81 | 55,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Full digital interior redesign | No | Other | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | FLUXING | USA / OH | Excellent | Owner | 8/6/2018 | Kevin Krinn ( | | DeLorean Club of Ohio | 10/15/2017 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 89 octane | ||||||||
8/5/2018 8:36:30 | 50512 | USA | Indiana | Indianapolis | SCEDT26T8DD050512 | 1981 | 8,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | No | Grooved | Yes | DMC WR | USA / IN | Excellent | Owner | 8/5/2018 | Wayne Riddell ( | 8/5/2018 | Male | 60+ | Dealership | 1st sold in Indy | Engineer | |||||||||||||||||||||
8/2/2018 17:53:56 | 05480 | USA | California | Pleasanton | SCEDT26T9BD005480 | OCT 81 | 75,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Just Rebrushed this year by Chris Nicholson when he and Rob Grady were in northern California | Grey | Good | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | SSDMC | USA / CA | Excellent | Owner | 8/2/2018 | | Northern California DeLorean Motor Club | 5/1/1999 | Male | 50-59 | Dealership | Purchased from a High end used car dealer | 3rd owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||
7/26/2018 22:53:14 | 16900 | USA | Illinois | Deerfield | SCEDT26T1DD016900 | Black | Excellent | No | Flat | No | Owner | 7/27/2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7/17/2018 17:19:30 | 06674 | USA | Florida | Fort Lauderdale | SCEDT26T5BD006674 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 52,840 | Stock PRV | Manual | Well taken care of. | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / FL | Excellent | Owner | 7/17/2018 | Robert Childs ( | 7/3/2018 | Male | 18 or under | Advertisement (paper / online) | 2nd owner | Daily | 89 octane | ||||||||||||
7/16/2018 5:51:13 | 10036 | Italy | Piemunt | Novara | SCEDT26T2CD010036 | 1982 | DEC 81 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | No | Craig | Custom | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Mixed | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 7/13/2018 | Male | 40-49 | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Monthly | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||||||
7/4/2018 14:24:05 | 04998 | USA | California | Cupertino | | SCEDT26TXBD004998 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Concours | Grey | Concours | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | FM 84 | USA / CA | Concours | Website | 12/25/2018 | | Northern California DeLorean Motor Club | 6/6/2016 | Male | 40-49 | Car Shows / Parades only | ||||||||||||||
6/18/2018 19:50:59 | 10287 | USA | New York | Camillus | SCEDT26T5CD010287 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 97,580 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Crate engine installed in late 90s/early 00s | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | FZS7669 | USA / NY | 10/19 | Good | Owner | 6/18/2018 | Nick Augustinos ( | DeLorean Mid-Atlantic Club | 7/20/2012 | Male | 30-39 | Other | Found at a car show | 4th + owner | Barber | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | 91 octane | ||||||
5/29/2018 14:10:26 | 06789 | USA | California | Los Angeles | SCEDT26T0BD006789 | 1981 | NOV 81 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | OVER88 | USA / IL | Good | Owner | 5/28/2018 | Nem Perez | | 12/25/2010 | Male | 30-39 | Other | 2nd owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 89 octane | ||||||||||||
5/23/2018 13:20:57 | 06668 | USA | North Carolina | Haw River | | SCEDT26TXBD006668 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 93,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Small dent in lower driver door, from factory | Grey | Excellent | All original except seats were recovered in vinyl , has original floor mats too. | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / NC | 5-2019 | Excellent | Owner | 5/22/2018 | Ryan Foster ( | 3/28/2018 | Male | 30-39 | Other | I bought it from the second owner. | 3rd owner | Law Enforcement | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 89 octane | ||||||
5/10/2018 20:51:01 | 04941 | USA | Rhode Island | Warwick | SCEDT26TXDD004941 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 11,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | USA / RI | Good | Owner | 5/5/2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
5/9/2018 3:54:17 | 05112 | Germany | Bavaria | Nuernberg | | SCEDT26T2BD005112 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 37,912 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | ASI | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Good | Owner | 2/1/2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
4/20/2018 13:58:10 | 03255 | USA | Illinois | Monticello | SCEDT26T3BD003255 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 36,206 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Time Machine Conversion | Grey | Good | BTTF converted radio is not in use | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Not sure | Grey | Garaged / Inside | 143261 AV | USA / IL | DEC 2019 | Time Machine Conversion | Owner | 4/20/2018 | had car since 1988, 2nd owner, time conversion 2011 | Al Arney ( | 6/1/1988 | Male | 60+ | Auction | 2nd owner | Self Employed | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Car Shows / Parades only | 89 octane | |||||||
4/20/2018 12:39:24 | 01138 | USA | New York | Rensselaer | SCEDT26T0BD001138 | 1981 | APR 81 | 36,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | Flat | Yes | No | Windshield | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | 88NGONE | USA / NY | APR 2019 | Excellent | Owner | 4/20/2018 | Dale Weeks ( | 4/16/2017 | Male | 50-59 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 4th + owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 97/98 RON | |||||||||||
4/20/2018 11:12:29 | 03073 | USA | Ohio | Toledo | SCEDT26T4DD003073 | 1981 | MAR 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Yes | No | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | BK2FUTR | USA / OH | Excellent | Owner | 4/18/2018 | $21,000 invested to total restore | ( | 1/24/2014 | Male | 60+ | Other | 3rd owner | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||
4/20/2018 9:50:19 | 04675 | USA | Nevada | Las Vegas | SCEDT26T4DD004675 | 1981 | APR 81 | 36,000 | Custom | Automatic | Rover V8 Porsche 4 speed Titroneks | Other | Excellent | Clear Coated | Time Machine Conversion | Excellent | Yes | Other | Custom | Grooved | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 4/1/2018 | This is the first Time Machine built outside of Hollywood. I negotiated permission to build Delorean Time Machines with Universal Studios so that they would not sue people who did this. | | Male | 60+ | Bought this car in 1992 | 2nd owner | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | 91 octane | |||||||||||||
4/18/2018 17:58:03 | 05165 | USA | North Carolina | Charlotte | | SCEDT26T1BD005165 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 30,059 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Website | 4/18/2018 | Sold by Streetside Classics | |||||||||||||||||||||||
4/6/2018 18:32:34 | 01227 | USA | Washington | Olympia | | SCEDT26TXBD001227 | 1981 | APR 81 | 45,520 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Painted | Good | Painted black and gold | Black | Good | Yes | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Other | Garaged / Inside | KFV 684 | USA / WA | AUG | Good | Website | 4/6/2018 | Seller’s Description: This 1981 DeLorean DMC-12 was sold new at Brooks Biddle Chevrolet in Bothell, Washington with an MSRP $30,191. It is finished in a custom two-tone black and gold finish, which was reportedly applied by the selling dealer at the original owner’s request. It was acquired in 1989 by the second owner, a Delorean enthusiast and engineer by trade, with whom it remained until the seller acquired it earlier this year. Power comes from a 2.85-liter PRV V6 paired with a three-speed automatic transmission, and maintenance within the past month included changing the fluids, overhauling the brakes, and performing a tune-up. This DMC-12 is now being offered with service records, the original books, original Washington license plate, period literature, and a clear Washington State title. This listing is live now, and only for 7 days, so take a look at the current bidding and live discussion here at | ||||||||||||||||||
4/6/2018 18:15:31 | 02991 | Canada | British Columbia | Vancouver | | SCEDT26T8BD002991 | 1981 | Website | 4/1/2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3/28/2018 0:40:54 | 04737 | USA | California | Marina del Rey | | SCEDT26T4BD004737 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Grey | Yes | Other | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | USA / CA | Excellent | Owner | 3/28/2018 | Andrew Horng ( | 1/7/2017 | Male | Auction | eBay | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||||||||
3/27/2018 20:44:16 | 01174 | USA | Texas | Arlington | | SCEDT26T4BD001174 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Website | 3/27/2018 | Up for auction by “Worldwide Auctioneers” | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
3/26/2018 20:59:25 | 10381 | USA | Alaska | Fairbanks | | SCEDT26T8CD010381 | 1982 | DEC 81 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 3/26/2018 | Robert Prince ( | | 7/12/2016 | Male | 40-49 | Other | DMC Midwest Consignment | Professor | Annually | |||||||||||||||
3/21/2018 14:53:37 | 16799 | USA | Pennsylvania | Pittsburgh | | SCEDT26T5DD016799 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 5,024 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | No | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Website | 3/21/2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
3/21/2018 11:38:47 | 03703 | USA | Ohio | Monclova | | SCEDT26T4BD003703 | 1981 | 23,954 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Black | Yes | Other | Grooved | No | Front-Right | Garaged / Inside | BK2FUTR | USA / OH | Excellent | Owner | 3/19/2018 | Like new | Male | 60+ | Other | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | |||||||||||||||||||||
3/21/2018 9:16:20 | 05677 | USA | Florida | Crestveiw | | SCEDT26T6BD005677 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 20,131 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | GIGAWAT | USA / FL | Excellent | Owner | 3/21/2018 | Jamie Hamlin ( | DeLorean Club of Florida | 4/9/2005 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 1st owner | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Monthly | 89 octane | |||||||||
3/21/2018 5:44:40 | 16046 | USA | California | Los Angeles | | SCEDT26T0DD016046 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 4,416 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | None | Flat | No | Yes | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 1JOJ638 | USA / CA | Excellent | Website | 11/8/2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
3/20/2018 16:23:07 | 06235 | USA | California | Hollywood | | SCEDT26T1BD006235 | 1981 | NOV 81 | Manual | Other | Time Machine Conversion | Time Machine Conversion | Excellent | Flat | No | No | Excellent | Observed in person | 3/19/2018 | Saw at the Ready Player One Challenge in Hollywood, CA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3/20/2018 10:44:28 | 06846 | USA | Texas | Houston | | SCEDT26T8BD006846 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 27,624 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | No | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | C SLAY | USA / TX | 06/18 | Good | Owner | 3/20/2018 | Chris Slay ( | 8/4/1999 | Male | 50-59 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | Business Owner | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Annually | 87 octane | ||||||||
3/20/2018 8:08:06 | 06704 | USA | Minnesota | International Falls | | SCEDT26TXBD006704 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 23,405 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | MCFLY | USA / MN | Good | Owner | 3/20/2018 | Harley M Droba ( | 8/5/2016 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | ||||||||||||||
3/19/2018 21:55:56 | 06311 | USA | Illinois | Chicago | | SCEDT26T2BD006311 | 1981 | MAY 81 | 25,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / IL | Excellent | Owner | 3/19/2018 | Converted to a time machine replica that can be transformed back to original DMC-12 status in less than 8 hours | | DeLorean Midwest Connection | 5/1/1992 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Found in a barn | 2nd owner | Engineer | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||
3/19/2018 18:14:46 | 01052 | USA | Illinois | Volo | | SCEDT26T1BD001052 | 1981 | APR 81 | 8,340 | Stock PRV | Manual | Painted | Good | Painted white | Black | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Good | Website | | 3/19/2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
3/19/2018 15:32:10 | 10987 | USA | California | San Diego | | SCEDT26T0CD010987 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 96,969 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Custom center console with GPS enabled stereo. | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Windshield | Silver | Garaged / Inside | SEXY 2-DR | USA / CA | Excellent | Owner | 3/17/2018 | Stage I Exhaust, Stage II Engine modification, Fully restored interior with custom center console, including GPS and 4.1 stereo, body off “full” frame restoration, Select engine parts chromed. LED lighting in engine bay and interior areas. | DeLoreans San Diego | Male | 60+ | 2nd owner | Retired | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||
3/19/2018 13:06:51 | 04296 | Belgium | Limburg | Hasselt | | SCEDT26T0BD004296 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 66,400 | Stock PRV | Manual | Painted | Good | Grey | Good | No | Other | Custom | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | O-ADT-915 | Good | Owner | 3/19/2018 | 2/1/2018 | Male | 19-29 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 4th + owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 97/98 RON | ||||||||||||
3/19/2018 12:59:02 | 05557 | USA | Michigan | Petoskey | | SCEDT26T3BD005557 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 60,168 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Grey | Garaged / Inside | JHG707 | USA / AK | Good | Owner | 5/15/2017 | 10/1/2011 | Male | 30-39 | Other | Craigslist | 3rd owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | 91 octane | |||||||||||||
3/19/2018 7:29:24 | 03188 | USA | Florida | Lake Wales | | SCEDT26T3BD003188 | 1981 | 34,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Being restored | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Being restored | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 3/19/2018 | Barn find….being restored frame-off | Jason Allen ( | DeLorean Club of Florida | 3/9/2018 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Found online in need of restoration | 2nd owner | Contractor | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||
3/19/2018 6:49:10 | 07148 | USA | Florida | Naples | | SCEDT26T0BD007148 | 1981 | 38,455 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Nov 81 Build | Grey | Excellent | No | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Grey | Garaged / Inside | GRTSCTT | USA / FL | 6/19 | Excellent | Owner | 3/19/2018 | ( | 11/25/2017 | Male | 40-49 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 4th + owner | Apartment Manager | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Car Shows / Parades only | 87 octane | |||||||||
3/19/2018 6:16:22 | 02530 | USA | Wisconsin | Madison | | SCEDT26T5BD002530 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 27,900 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Silver | Garaged / Inside | BCK N TME | USA / WI | Good | Owner | 3/19/2018 | ( | 2/28/2017 | Male | 30-39 | Other | Purchased from a friend | Letter Carrier | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 91 octane | ||||||||||
3/18/2018 22:42:03 | 03001 | Canada | British Columbia | Burnaby | | SCEDT26T5BD003001 | 1981 | AUG 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 1/23/2017 | According to DMC Texas VIN registry it was originally sold at dealer 24101 Vickery Chevrolet-Oldsmobile Inc. located at 1009 Highway 82 East in Greenville, MS and first registered in Maumele, AR. Car history reports include the following registrations: – 1987 West Des Moines, IA – 1988 Ames, IA (960 miles OD reading) – 1989 to 1991 Hamilton, Rexdale and Mississauga, Ontario, Canada – 1992 to 1999 Malakwa, BC, Canada At some point the original gas flap hood was replaced with a grooved hood. In 1999 the previous owner pulled and reassembled the fuel pump/system to correct faulty fuel gauge reading, but the system could not be restored and the car sat in a garage for the last 18 years. The original owners manual, dealers list and maintenance schedule was included with the car. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3/2/2018 14:58:07 | 04905 | USA | New Jersey | Somerset | SCEDT26TXBD004905 | 1981 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Fair | Grey | Good | Fair | Other | Thin Grey Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | L11-HER | USA / NJ | Good | Owner | 3/2/2018 | Up graded = headers and fuel pump sys. | ( | 7/7/2016 | Male | 60+ | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | Retired | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Annually | 89 octane | |||||||||||
2/16/2018 11:20:35 | 04849 | USA | Arizona | Sierra Vista | SCEDT26T0DD004849 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 2/18/2018 | ( | Male | 60+ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1/11/2018 15:44:27 | 10336 | France | Bourges | SCEDT26T3CD010336 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 11,734 | Stock PRV | Manual | Painted | Good | Grey | Good | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | Yes | Front-Right | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 1/1/2018 | 12/10/2018 | Other | 3rd owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | 95 RON | ||||||||||||||||||
1/7/2018 14:30:36 | 05737 | USA | Pennsylvania | Wilkes-barre | SCEDT26T5DD005737 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 51,200 | Custom | Manual | Motor was replaced with another PRV 6 and a modified k-jet | Stainless Steel | Bad | Car is under restoration | Grey | Bad | Under restoration | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Outdoors | Bad | Owner | 1/7/2018 | 9/24/2017 | Male | 30-39 | Other | |||||||||||||||
1/1/2018 0:00:00 | 00930 | USA | California | Corona del Mar | SCEDT26T0BD000930 | Website | 1/1/2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12/23/2017 9:26:15 | 05564 | USA | Massachusetts | Rehoboth | | SCEDT26T4BD005564 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Grey | FLXCAP | USA / MA | Excellent | Owner | 9/1/2017 | Jason Sousa ( | DeLorean Motor Club of New England | 4/1/2012 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 3rd owner | |||||||||||||||||
12/7/2017 4:44:14 | 01055 | USA | Texas | Sachse | SCEDT26T7BD001055 | 1981 | APR 81 | 19,250 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Excellent | ALCANTARA HEADLINER AND TRIM | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | USA / TX | Good | Owner | 12/7/2017 | CHRIS PETERS ( | 9/10/2017 | Male | 30-39 | Dealership | 2nd owner | Contractor | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Daily | 91 octane | ||||||||||
11/30/2017 19:10:27 | 03130 | USA | California | El Dorado Hills | SCEDT26T1DD003130 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 26,254 | Stock PRV | Manual | VOD done 2015. Plus a engine dress up. | Stainless Steel | Concours | Grey | Concours | Yes | Other | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | Front-Right | Silver | USA / CA | Excellent | Owner | 11/30/2017 | Stephen Ivie ( | Northern California DeLorean Motor Club | 10/26/1981 | Male | 50-59 | Dealership | Dad was original owner | 1st owner | Self Employed | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Annually | 89 octane | |||||||||||
11/30/2017 2:01:18 | 01407 | USA | Florida | Jacksonville | SCEDT26T8DD001407 | 1981 | MAY 81 | 33,681 | Stock PRV | Manual | Overflow bottle replaced with stainless | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Excellent | Redone headliners, seats, dash. | Yes | Craig | Wide Black Stripe | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 11/30/2017 | Fathers car passed down to son, 01407 originally arrived in CA, was sold to new owner in Hawthorne, Nevada, unknown owners and then sold to Lee Stewart in Las Vegas, Nevada, transported to Jacksonville, Florida in 2016 where Ron Stewart is restoring for a daily driver. | Ron Stewart ( | Male | 60+ | Other | Passed down from father | 101m to 500m / 161km to 804km | Monthly | 91 octane | |||||||||||
11/22/2017 0:26:33 | 16028 | Sweden | Stockholm | Stockholm | | SCEDT26T0CD016028 | 1982 | AUG 82 | 4,399 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Bad | Other | None | Flat | No | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | JEZ283 | Sweden | Good | Owner | 11/22/2017 | Anders Bergman ( | 11/16/2017 | Male | 40-49 | Dealership | 4th + owner | Apps | 0m to 100m / 0km to 160km | 97/98 RON | ||||||||||||||
11/21/2017 3:01:23 | 06103 | Italy | Veneto | Padova | SCEDT26T6BD006103 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 45,000 | Custom | Manual | PRV Z7U 2.5L turbo from R25 | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | new leather gray interior | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | DL 436 TA | Italia | Excellent | Owner | 11/21/2017 | Giacomo Scarcello ( | | Club Italiano DeLorean | 9/10/2006 | Male | 30-39 | Advertisement (paper / online) | 2nd owner | Transport Designer | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | 95 RON | ||||||
11/12/2017 19:30:39 | 04246 | USA | Arizona | Gilbert | SCEDT26T7BD004246 | 1981 | 20,152 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Small parking lot ding LR quarter. | Grey | Bad | Interior 80% restored. | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Silver | AWR588 | USA / AZ | NOV 87 | Good | Website | 3/9/2016 | Runs and drives great! Mechanically 99% restored. Interior 80% restored. Small parking lot ding LR quarter, small corner marker piece missing, some weather stripping cracking/showing age, center headliner between doors worn, some interior wear/age on items that haven’t been replaced as seen in photos. Glove box insert needs replacing, dash has cracks from sun and has been professionally recovered. | ||||||||||||||||||||
11/11/2017 18:26:58 | 04765 | USA | Colorado | Littleton | SCEDT26T9BD004765 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Was destroyed by weather, being restored. | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Outdoors | Good | Owner | 11/11/2017 | Car was abandoned by original owner in the late 80s – early 90s after being hit in the rear quarter. Car was bought and restored to running condition and driven until 1994. It was then parked outdoors near Lakewood, Colorado with the window open. The car was purchased in January 2017 and is currently being restored. | Male | 19-29 | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||||||||
11/10/2017 14:22:24 | 11263 | USA | Michigan | Hersey | SCEDT26T7CD011263 | 1982 | JAN 82 | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | Other | Thin Grey | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | MI TIME | USA / MI | Good | Owner | 10/31/2017 | will be converting to EV soon and all gasoline parts will be for sale | Male | 50-59 | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||||||
10/28/2017 12:00:00 | 03787 | USA | New York | Staten Island | | SCEDT26T3BD003787 | 1981 | 5,100 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Not sure | Silver | Good | Website | eBay | 10/28/2017 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
9/28/2017 0:00:00 | 11443 | USA | Texas | Sugar Land | SCEDT26T9CD011443 | Website | 9/28/2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9/17/2017 10:11:27 | 01019 | USA | Michigan | Comstock Park | SCEDT26T3BD001019 | 1981 | APR 81 | 41,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Grey | Garaged / Inside | MTDMC | USA / MI | Excellent | Owner | 09/17/2017 | 06/14/2011 | Male | 19-29 | Maintenance | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||
9/17/2017 1:06:22 | 03864 | USA | Washington | Maple Valley | | SCEDT26T6BD003864 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 18,432 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 08/27/2017 | Black interior, 16340 miles fully upgraded for reliability. | 02/12/2014 | Male | 40-49 | USPS | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||
9/14/2017 14:19:01 | 10588 | USA | California | Santa Cruz | SCEDT26T8CD010588 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 20,660 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | No Dents, needs regraining, but beautiful! | Grey | Good | Seats and headliner are in 7/10 but will be refinished soon! | No | Other | Wide Black | Grooved | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Car Port | 1HRV858 | USA / CA | November 2017 | Good | Owner | 09/14/2017 | My ten-year-old self is so stoked. ? I am a DeLorean Owner!!!!! | | Northern California DeLorean Motor Club | 04/10/2013 | Male | 30-39 | Computer Shop Owner | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 91 octane | ||||||||
9/13/2017 7:06:26 | 05625 | USA | Alaska | Anchorage | | SCEDT26T9BD005625 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 30,904 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | Wide Black | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Mixed | Silver | Garaged / Inside | HC552 | USA / AK | Historic plates | Excellent | Owner | 09/13/2017 | 08/21/2014 | Male | 30-39 | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 91 octane | |||||||||||||
9/12/2017 23:15:35 | 04984 | USA | Washington | Prosser | SCEDT26T6DD004984 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | DEFUNK | USA / WA | Good | Owner | 09/12/2017 | Car is driven occasionally, but not often. | Retired | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | |||||||||||||||||||||
9/12/2017 21:40:32 | 03229 | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Bochum | SCEDT26T9DD003229 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 47,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | Other | None | Flat | No | No | Grey | Garaged / Inside | BO-DL810H | Good | Owner | 09/02/2017 | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | ||||||||||||||||||||||
9/12/2017 12:48:36 | 10242 | USA | Michigan | Shelby Twp | | SCEDT26T5CD010242 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 43,222 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 09/12/2017 | Male | 30-39 | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 95 RON | |||||||||||||||||
9/12/2017 7:03:24 | 02390 | Canada | Ontario | Mississauga | | SCEDT26T4BD002390 | 1981 | JUL 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | BAK2FUTR | CAN / ONT | Excellent | Owner | 09/06/2017 | Male | 40-49 | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||||
9/8/2017 18:13:23 | 10020 | USA | Oregon | Bend | SCEDT26T9CD010020 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 22,500 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | ASI | Wide Black | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 09/08/2017 | Willing to help any local delorean owner or cars passing through the area. | Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club | 08/15/2017 | Male | 19-29 | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||
9/7/2017 18:08:43 | 07172 | USA | Virginia | Palmyra | SCEDT26T8BD007172 | 86,000 | PRV Stage 1 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Grey | Garaged / Inside | DMC 12 | USA / VA | Excellent | Owner | 09/03/2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
9/7/2017 9:54:35 | 06831 | Netherlands | Noord Brabant | Boxtel | SCEDT26T2DD006831 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 81,500 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Silver | Garaged / Inside | FP-FH-08 | Excellent | Owner | 09/07/2017 | DeLorean Club Nederland (Netherlands) | 12/21/2001 | Male | 30-39 | Mobile home and trailer repair | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 97/98 RON | |||||||||||||||
9/6/2017 11:29:17 | 05438 | USA | Washington | Maple Valley | SCEDT26TXBD005438 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Grey | Garaged / Inside | RUN DMC | USA / WA | Excellent | Owner | 09/07/2017 | Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club | 01/07/1982 | Male | 40-49 | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||||
9/5/2017 22:25:59 | 02146 | Belgium | Aalter | | SCEDT26T4BD002146 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 16,811 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | Wide Black | Grooved | Yes | No | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Website | | 09/05/2017 | Reference: CH2146 – Make: DeLorean – Model: DMC 12 ’81 – Type: coupe – Construction year: 1981 – KM: ()16811 miles – Cilinder displacement: 2850 – Gears: manual – Steering: LHD – Price: €45.000 – Lowered price from €49.950 -_ €45.000 Belgian car, Car purchased by owner in 1987. Has been driving regularly and is mechanically in good order. Fully electric interior. Wing doors. Brushed Stainless steel body. The DeLorean DMC-12 is a sports car manufactured by John DeLorean Motor Company for the American market from 1981–83. The car features gullwing doors and an innovative fiberglass body structure with a steel backbone chassis, along with external brushed stainless steel body panels. The car became widely known and iconic for its appearance and was modified as a time machine in the Back to the Future trilogy. The first prototype appeared in October 1976. Production officially began in 1981 in Dummurry, in Northern Ireland. Over the course of production, several features of the car were changed, such as the hood style, wheels and interior. About 9,000 DMC-12s were made before production halted in early 1983. The DMC-12 was the only model produced by the company, which was later liquidated as the US car market went through its largest slump since the 1930s. In 2007, about 6,500 DeLorean Motor cars were believed still to exist. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
9/5/2017 19:32:50 | 17143 | Canada | Alberta | Wabasca | SCEDT26T3DD017143 | 1982 | AUG 82 | 6,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | Craig | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Grey | Garaged / Inside | CAN | Excellent | Owner | 09/05/2017 | 08/11/2017 | Male | 30-39 | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||||
9/5/2017 0:05:32 | 04468 | United Kingdom | Cambridgeshire | Cambridge | | SCEDT26T3BD004468 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Windshield | Silver | Garaged / Inside | VRL 445W | Good | Owner | 09/05/2017 | DeLorean Owners Club UK | Male | 40-49 | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | ||||||||||||||||||
9/4/2017 11:11:56 | 03229 | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Bochum | SCEDT26T9DD003229 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 47,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | Other | None | Flat | No | No | Grey | Garaged / Inside | BO-DL810H | Good | Owner | 09/02/2017 | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | ||||||||||||||||||||||
9/2/2017 0:22:02 | 05891 | USA | Texas | Princeton | | SCEDT26T8BD005891 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 36,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Bad | Some damage | Grey | Bad | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Car Port | EVJ69C | USA / FL | FEB 93 | Bad | Website | eBay | 09/02/2017 | 1981 DMC Delorean – Manual Transmission – 36k miles! Just out of long term ownership. This car has sat in a Florida Garage for many years. This is a project, and does not currently run. The body is very nice, there is only one spot with damage as pictured. The underside looks good and solid. This car shows 36k miles on the odometer. The gas springs are weak as to be expected. I was told the engine does turn over by hand. The dash and interior have minimal wear for the age and condition, some light cracking on dash but nowhere near as much as some that have ben exposed to the sun for long periods. seats are not bad either. Overall a very nice project for someone at a reasonable price. I will sell world wide. | ||||||||||||||||
8/31/2017 11:39:48 | 01624 | USA | Ohio | Springfield | | SCEDT26T9BD001624 | 3,144 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Bad | 3 inches of dust sitting on top | Black | Good | Interior is missing the net | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Grey | Garaged / Inside | USA / OH | Bad | Observed | Been sitting for 30plus years | 08/31/2017 | Male | Business Owner | 0m/km – 100m/160km | |||||||||||||||||
8/30/2017 8:14:30 | 04612 | Germany | Hamburg | Hamburg | SCEDT26T2DD004612 | 1981 | MAR 81 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Concours | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Windshield | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 08/30/2017 | Male | 30-39 | 97/98 RON | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8/30/2017 7:12:59 | 03943 | USA | Florida | Sarasota | SCEDT26T9DD003943 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 12,000 | PRV Stage 1 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Concours | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | Yes | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / FL | Concours | Owner | 08/30/2017 | DeLorean Club of Florida | 08/08/2006 | Male | 19-29 | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||
8/30/2017 4:27:37 | 01651 | Austria | Salzburg | Salzburg | | SCEDT26T1BD001651 | 1981 | 20,000 | PRV Stage 2 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Grooved | Yes | Windshield | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 08/31/2017 | Male | 40-49 | Self Employed | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8/29/2017 11:43:38 | 01139 | Deutschland | Bavaria | München | SCEDT26T9DD001139 | 1981 | APR 81 | 17,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 08/29/2017 | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8/29/2017 9:42:47 | 16625 | USA | Pennsylvania | Allentown | | SCEDT26T5DD016625 | 1982 | AUG 82 | 156 | Stock PRV | Manual | Original radiator bottle | Other | Excellent | “Gold plated” | Black | Excellent | No | ASI | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Website | | 08/29/2017 | This is one of 5 DeLoreans that were 24 Karat Gold plated, making it one of the most unusual Deloreans in existence. It has 156 original miles and has never been licensed or registered. The car is factory stock with it’s original tires in excellent condition and is fully functional to be driven if desired. Of the 5 DeLoreans that were Gold plated two were done by enthusiast and this is one of only three that had the 5 speed manual transmission. This DeLorean has been part of a private collection for 27 years, last selling in 1990 at a offer price of $100,000. It can be seen in the February issue of the Dupont Registry from 1990 when sold by Cooper Classics in NY City, This is likely a once in a lifetime opportunity to own a 24 Karat Gold plated DeLorean. The promotional opportunities are endless. The car is one of only 3 in private hands,making it perfect for a private collector or even a Museum interested in raising traffic through their collection. Please call for price. | ||||||||||||||||||
8/28/2017 13:45:21 | 03885 | USA | New York | Ithaca | SCEDT26T3BD003885 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 14,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Outdoors | Good | Owner | 08/28/2017 | 08/24/2014 | Male | 19-29 | Web Developer | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||||||
8/28/2017 12:20:08 | 03972 | USA | Tennessee | Greeneville | | SCEDT26T9BD003972 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 727 | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | None | No | No | Front-Right | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Museum | Museum website | 08/28/2017 | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/28/2017 6:37:26 | 03346 | USA | North Carolina | Fuquay Varina | | SCEDT26TXBD003346 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 6,600 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | None | Flat | No | No | Front-Right | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | BK 2 FTR | USA / NC | 4/17 | Good | Owner | 08/27/2017 | 03/12/2015 | Male | 60+ | Retired | 0m/km – 100m/160km | Other | ||||||||||||
8/27/2017 23:47:40 | 01893 | USA | North Carolina | Wilmington | SCEDT26T3BD001893 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 20,356 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | Wide Black | Grooved | Yes | No | Grey | Excellent | Website | | 07/28/2017 | Early 1981 Delorean DMC-12. Only 2 owners and completely original early production VIN with gas flap hood and grey wheels. Automatic with Black Leather interior. Everything in exceptional condition. Perfect dash with no imperfections to be found. Even comes with the original tires, factory cleaning kit, manuals and car cover. Everything working exactly as it should. Please call or email with additional questions. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
8/27/2017 14:11:20 | 04604 | USA | California | San Diego | SCEDT26T3DD004604 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 36,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Had a island twin turbo system installed sometime in the mid 90’s. Restored to spec configuration in 2010. Short block has issue the requires welding and retapping of threads to ensure reliable operation of cooling system. | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Other than the T top needing to replaced. | Grey | Excellent | Needs either original radio or an upgraded system. | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 08/27/2017 | DeLoreans San Diego | 11/14/2007 | Male | 30-39 | Self Employed | 0m/km – 100m/160km | 87 octane | ||||||||||||
8/27/2017 13:59:39 | 04603 | USA | California | San diego | SCEDT26T1DD004603 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 39,000 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Other | Outdoors | Good | Owner | 08/27/2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8/27/2017 11:14:18 | 16555 | Canada | Ontario | Mississauga | SCEDT26TXDD016555 | 1982 | AUG 82 | 42,000 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | UK spec stainless exhaust | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | CBVK 787 | CAN | Good | Owner | 08/27/2017 | Official DeLorean Owners Canada | 05/08/2017 | Male | 19-29 | 5,001m/8,047km – 15,000m/24,140km | 91 octane | |||||||||||||
8/26/2017 22:34:51 | 06255 | USA | California | Sacramento | SCEDT26T7BD006255 | 1905 | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | GIGWATT | USA / CA | Jun 2015 | Excellent | Museum | Museum website | 08/26/2017 | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/26/2017 14:45:51 | 04543 | USA | Florida | Doral | SCEDT26T2BD004543 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 23,810 | Stock PRV | Manual | Missing components | Stainless Steel | Good | Was Painted white, recently stripped | Grey | Parts missing | Badly weathered, carpet/headliners stripped | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Mixed | Car Port | Bad | Owner | 08/26/2017 | Recent purchase from Beverley Hills Car Club, in Los Angeles. Was not informed by them that the title was labeled “Dismantled” back in 1999. Now i have a full car, great start for a restoration, but it can never be titled/registered again. Beware of this “Dealer,” horrible to deal with and dishonest. I am now at a deciding point of whether to sell for parts or attempt a specially constructed vehicle, which will lose the Delorean make on the title. Any suggestions, or contacts for international buyers, please feel free to email me. Car is in miami currently. | 05/10/2017 | Male | 30-39 | ||||||||||||||||||
8/26/2017 9:20:12 | 02712 | USA | Arizona | Peoria | SCEDT26T0BD002712 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 40,968 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Bad | Black | Bad | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Bad | Craigslist | | 08/26/2017 | This awesome DeLorean is an August build of 1981; Black Interior, Grooved Hood-No Flap, 5-Speed Manual. Odometer reading is just shy of 41K miles, and is an Arizona car from at least the early to mid 1990s. The factory wheels are also polished with a wheel lock key. I consider this kind of a Milestone Car as a small design change to the windshield happened around this vin #2712 which is kinda cool. This information is also in the Knowledge Base section on the DMC website under the Windshields category. This car was last registered in 1997. I purchased the car from an estate auction earlier in the year as a non-running vehicle with no keys. Since then, Ive brought the vehicle back to life and it does all the basics. I’ve been driving it around our neighborhood but I wouldn’t call it highway ready just yet. It still needs tuned and dialed in better, hence the running and driving project heading. Windshield would need to be replaced (sucks that its cracked, but I left it as is, because its original and it is the first from the design change mentioned above.) Interior needs restored (seats, door panels, headliner, etc) Air conditioning, Power windows and blower motor are currently inoperable. The trunk area carpet board/liner are also missing. Exterior has some fading to the bumpers and black trim pieces. Underneath the car is very solid, no rot or rust but had lots of cob webs,lol. – I had new Ignition Keys (2) cut per key code under headliner/VIN and had to update the lock cylinders to the later style locks to keep everything matching. – I cleaned out the fuel tank by hand, and flushed the feed & return fuel lines front to rear. I installed the latest updated fuel pump assembly from DMC Houston (all parts purchased from them) along with the accumulator, fuel filter, and fuel distributor. Currantly running premium fuel with a bottle of Seafoam. – Cooling system flushed out, New Water Pump kit with all Intake O-rings, gaskets & pieces parts that came with it. New Thermostat, Otter Stat, Rad Cap, Upper & Lower hoses, and Coolant of corse. – Clutch Hydraulics gone through, and the reservoir was cleaned out with new supply hose. I also installed a new Clutch Master Cylinder, Clutch Slave Cylinder and stainless feed line. – Brake system gone through: New Master Cylinder & Reservoir was cleaned, along with new brake hoses at all 4 wheels, and all 4 brake calipers rebuilt, rotors machined, system flushed. – New Battery (Interstate from Costco) – New Matching Toyo Tires all around, 195/60R14 front, 225/60R15 Rear (235s no longer available for matching). This is what DMC Houston advised to use, per their Knowledge Base Tire Section. – Drive belts, idler pulley bearings also replaced – Replaced all the fuses & relays and fan fail fused jumper – New Fuel Cap (original was locking on a non-flap hood) – Angle drive unit & lower cable kit – Changed the Engine oil with the proper weight 20w50 and Bosh oil filter – New Engine air filter, also removed the Stove box hot air intake piping and installed the free flow air tube – All Door, Trunk and Louver struts replaced Overall the car is fairly complete and has the potential to be great when its done. The value on these cars keeps increasing every year. This one just needs the love and attention to take it to the next level. Asking $25,000/ Serious inquires only please, Thanks… Call or Text for more details (623) 206-two-six-zero-six | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8/24/2017 23:12:21 | 00709 | USA | Pennsylvania | King of Prussia | | SCEDT26T1BD000709 | 1981 | MAR 81 | 16,065 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Grey | Garaged / Inside | FCS 592 | USA / PA | 7-90 | Good | Website | eBay | 06/06/2017 | 1981 DMC DeLorean one owner original pink slip very rare training car I’m told only 100 of theses cars was sent to the US this is a very early production low 16k mile deLorean. Extremely clean don’t do justice garage kept all of its life and has not been used since 1993 not running but will run Call for more info 201 283 4205 | |||||||||||||||||
8/24/2017 23:03:42 | 00707 | USA | California | Riverside | | SCEDT26T8BD000707 | 1981 | 98,199 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Spoiler installed | Black | Good | New radio | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Bad | Website | Autotrader | 12/30/2016 | Automatic. Garaged and has not been driven for 15 years. | |||||||||||||||||||||
8/23/2017 14:02:30 | 03991 | USA | New York | New York City | SCEDT26T2BD003991 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 14,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | No | Other | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | SLACK3R | USA / NY | Excellent | Owner | 08/23/2017 | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | ||||||||||||||||||||
8/23/2017 2:48:12 | 06020 | Austria | Upperaustria | Naarn | SCEDT26T2BD006020 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 18,750 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | PE-DMC12 | Excellent | Owner | 08/23/2017 | Male | 30-39 | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | Other | ||||||||||||||||||
8/22/2017 13:46:17 | 17142 | USA | Texas | Houston | SCEDT26T3CD017142 | 1982 | AUG 82 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Full rebuild, perf cams, exhaust, fully restored and upgraded | Stainless Steel | Good | Some small dents | Grey | Good | Mostly restored | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Mixed | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / TX | Good | Owner | 08/22/2017 | Almost fully restored and driven quite often. Not quite a daily driver but it’s dependable and I feel comfortable driving my DeLorean anywhere. The pic is from when I put Christmas lights on in back in December, 2015. | 08/01/2013 | Male | 40-49 | Information Technology | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 87 octane | ||||||||||||
8/22/2017 9:34:36 | 10209 | USA | California | El Segundo | | SCEDT26T7CD010209 | 1982 | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Museum | 08/22/2017 | On display at the Automobile Driving Museum | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/20/2017 8:25:26 | 16510 | USA | Louisiana | Livingston | SCEDT26T1CD016510 | 1982 | AUG 82 | 78,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Carbureted | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Custom | Good | Grey/Black Interior | No | Other | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Car Port | Owner | 08/01/2017 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
8/19/2017 12:37:16 | 03954 | United Kingdom | Banbury | Oxford | SCEDT26T7BD003954 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 36,286 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | RFC 653W | UK | Excellent | Owner | 08/19/2017 | 07/11/2007 | Male | 40-49 | Carpenter | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 95 RON | |||||||||||||||
8/19/2017 8:41:46 | 03283 | United Kingdom | Hampshire | Winchester | SCEDT26T8BD003283 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 40,331 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | DWU160W | Excellent | Owner | 08/18/2017 | Full professional restoration with original parts completed in 2015. Custom exhaust made and fitted in August 2017. | Male | 40-49 | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 97/98 RON | ||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 11:13:12 | 02201 | Australia | Tasmania | Launceston | SCEDT26T8BD002201 | 1981 | JUL 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Silver | D71ZP | Tasmania | Excellent | Website | Tullochs Auctions | 08/18/2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:25:20 | 06831 | Netherlands | Boxtel | SCEDT26T6BD006831 | 1981 | NOV 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Concours | Owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:23:02 | 03337 | USA | Kansas | Norwich | SCEDT26T5BD003337 | 1981 | AUG 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Grooved | Good | Owner | Nice original car, currently being restored by owner. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:22:20 | 06814 | USA | Wisconsin | Honey creek | SCEDT26T6BD006814 | 1981 | NOV 81 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Excellent | Owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:22:19 | 06586 | USA | Wisconsin | Madison | SCEDT26T8BD006586 | 1981 | NOV 81 | PRV Stage 2 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Grey | Grooved | Excellent | Owner | Original owners, all fixes completed, new Eibach lowered adjustable suspension 2015, upper strut swaybar | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:22:18 | 04400 | United Kingdom | Wiltshire | Salisbury | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Excellent | Owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:22:17 | 11035 | USA | West Virginia | Bunker Hill | | SCEDT26T5CD011035 | 1982 | JAN 82 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Other | Excellent | No | Other | Wide Black | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:22:16 | 07181 | USA | Washington | Vancouver | SCEDT26T9BD007181 | 1981 | NOV 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Good | Other | Sold to current owner in 2011 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:22:15 | 06292 | USA | Washington | Bellevue | SCEDT26T2BD006292 | 1981 | NOV 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Concours | Owner | Bought the DeLorean NEW in 1982 from Brooks Biddle Chevrolet | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:22:14 | 05659 | USA | Washington | Tacoma | SCEDT26T4BD005659 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Excellent | Other | Owned by LeMay – America’s Car Museum | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:22:13 | 00816 | USA | Washington | Sammamish | SCEDT26T2BD000816 | 1981 | MAR 81 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Yes | Good | Owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:22:12 | 00710 | USA | Washington | McCleary | | SCEDT26T8BD000710 | 1981 | MAR 81 | Destroyed | Other | Car was not wrecked, but was disassembled and sold for parts in the mid 80’s. I still have the VIN tag. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:22:11 | 06214 | USA | Washington | Auburn | | SCEDT26T4BD006214 | 1981 | NOV 81 | PRV Stage 2 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Grey | Grooved | Excellent | Owner | Purchased on consignment from DMC Northwest in 2014. Stage I done in 2016, Stage II in 2017. Car is in excellent condition and is driven often. Approximately 35,100 miles | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:22:10 | 16300 | USA | Washington | Tacoma | | SCEDT26TXDD016300 | 1982 | AUG 82 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Excellent | Other | Owned by LeMay-America’s Car Museum | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:22:09 | 02542 | USA | Washington | McCleary | | SCEDT26T1BD002542 | 1981 | AUG 81 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Yes | Owner | BLWNAWY – powered by a supercharged Chevy 4.3 V6, approx. 300 hp. First built in 1990-95; sold in 2005; re-purchased in 2016. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:22:08 | 05745 | USA | Virginia | Roanoke | SCEDT26T8BD005745 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Grooved | Excellent | Owner | Sitting at the Virginia Transpiration Museum | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:22:07 | 03853 | Italy | Villafranca di Verona | | SCEDT26T1BD003853 | 1981 | SEP 81 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Bumper letters painted yellow | Black | Good | Yes | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Owner | On display at the Museo Nicolis – | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:22:06 | 06103 | Italy | Veneto | Padova | SCEDT26T6BD006103 | 1981 | NOV 81 | Stainless Steel | Grey | Grooved | eBay | Engine: PRV Z7U from Renault 25 – 2499cc turbo – short gear. Custom intercooler. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:22:05 | 10656 | Sweden | Vasterbotten | Ume | SCEDT26TXCD010656 | 1982 | DEC 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Excellent | Owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:22:04 | 10429 | Sweden | Vaestra Goetaland | Kungalv | SCEDT26T1BD010429 | 1981 | NOV 81 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Other | Excellent | Owner | Imported from San Diego to Sweden April, 12, 2000. Owned by me since 2007. It is registered 1982. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:22:03 | 06341 | USA | Utah | South Jordan | | SCEDT26T0BD006341 | 1981 | NOV 81 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Grooved | Excellent | Owner | Excellent shape. Upgraded stereo and wings a loft | DeLorean Motor Club – Utah | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:22:02 | 16113 | USA | Texas | Houston | SCEDT26T2CD016113 | 1982 | AUG 82 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Grey | Good | Owner | This car was the first raffle car that was raffled at Pigeon Forge TN in 2004. | Texas DeLorean Club | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:22:01 | 10055 | USA | Texas | Houston | SCEDT26T6CD010055 | 1982 | DEC 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Excellent | eBay | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:22:00 | 07169 | USA | Texas | SCEDT26T8BD007169 | 1981 | NOV 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Painted | Black | Concours | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:59 | 04905 | USA | Texas | Harlingen | SCEDT26TXBD004905 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Good | Owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:58 | 02527 | USA | Texas | El Paso | SCEDT26T5BD002527 | 1981 | JUL 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Yes | Good | Owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:57 | 06568 | USA | Tennessee | Hendersonville | SCEDT26T6BD006568 | 1981 | NOV 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Good | Owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:56 | 05344 | USA | Tennessee | Brentwood | SCEDT26T1BD005344 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Manual | Painted | Grooved | Good | This is a Turbo! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:55 | 10985 | New Zealand | Southland | Invercargill | SCEDT26T7CD010985 | 1982 | DEC 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Bad | Owner | I imported this car as a restoration project from the USA. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:54 | 16882 | USA | South Carolina | Fort Mill | SCEDT26T5CD016882 | 1982 | AUG 82 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Excellent | Owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:53 | 03981 | United Kingdom | Shropshire | Shifnal | SCEDT26TXBD003981 | 1981 | SEP 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Excellent | Other | The best looking Delorean in my home town | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:52 | 00906 | Canada | Saguenay | Falardeau | SCEDT26T3BD000906 | 1981 | MAR 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Yes | Excellent | Owner | restaured | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:51 | 04082 | USA | Pennsylvania | Wexford | SCEDT26T3BD004082 | 1981 | SEP 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Excellent | Other | Purchased from DMC-Florida | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:50 | 03166 | USA | Pennsylvania | Stroudsburg | SCEDT26T4BD003166 | 1981 | AUG 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Grooved | Excellent | Owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:49 | 01805 | USA | Pennsylvania | Williamsport | SCEDT26T2BD001805 | 1981 | JUN 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Good | eBay | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:48 | 02469 | Brazil | Parana | Curitiba | SCEDT26T6BD002469 | 1981 | JUL 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:47 | 11633 | Canada | Ontario | Sudbury | SCEDT26T3CD011633 | 1982 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Black | Good | Owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:46 | 06627 | Canada | Ontario | Scarborough | SCEDT26T7BD006627 | 1981 | NOV 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Grey | Grooved | Good | Owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:45 | 05366 | Canada | Ontario | SCEDT26T0BD005366 | 1905 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Grey | Grooved | Bad | Other | Hail damaged insurance write off, recently sold from Calgary AB (Canada) to Toronto ON | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:44 | 06286 | USA | Oklahoma | Oklahoma City | SCEDT26T7BD006286 | 1981 | NOV 81 | PRV Stage 2 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Grey | Yes | Good | Owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:43 | 01493 | USA | Ohio | Miamisburg | SCEDT26T9BD001493 | 1981 | MAY 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Yes | Excellent | Owner | Car has been family for 35 years | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:42 | 01095 | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Eitorf | SCEDT26T8BD001095 | 1981 | APR 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Yes | Good | Other | was painted red, returned to stainless | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:41 | 16882 | USA | North Carolina | Charlotte | SCEDT26T3DD016882 | 1983 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | eBay | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:40 | 16118 | USA | North Carolina | Charlotte | SCEDT26TXDD016118 | 1982 | AUG 82 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Other | ~1400 miles around February 3, 2014 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:39 | 10469 | USA | North Carolina | Wake Forest | SCEDT26T0CD010469 | 1905 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Excellent | eBay | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:38 | 02413 | USA | North Carolina | Concord | SCEDT26T1BD002413 | 1981 | JUL 81 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Grey | Grooved | Yes | Good | Other | Located at ‘Backing Up Classics’ museum near Charlotte Motor Speedway. The very first car on display upon entering the museum. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:37 | 03643 | United Kingdom | Norfolk | Norwich | SCEDT26T1BD003643 | 1981 | SEP 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Excellent | Owner | i fabricated a new front and rear end for the rotten frame, galvanised powder coated, fully restored, nut and bolt restoration. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:36 | 10889 | New Zealand | New Zealand | Wellington | SCEDT26T0CD010889 | 1982 | DEC 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Good | eBay | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:35 | 02259 | New Zealand | New Zealand | Wellington | SCEDT26T6BD002259 | 1981 | JUL 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Yes | Good | Owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:34 | 10287 | USA | New York | Camillus | SCEDT26T5CD010287 | 1905 | DEC 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Owner | Owned by present owner since 2012. Originally purchased from Gerrish Honda BMW Chevrolet Mercedes of Woodstock, Vermont. Spent approximately its first 20 years in Massachusetts. Brought to New York in 2002 via eBay. Crate PRV was installed at some point. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:33 | 01138 | USA | New York | Rensselaer | SCEDT26T0BD001138 | 1981 | APR 81 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Yes | Excellent | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:32 | 10199 | Australia | New South Wales | Gosford | SCEDT26T8CD010199 | 1982 | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Other | At the Gosford Classic Car Museum, Gosford, New South Wales. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:31 | 00698 | Australia | New South Wales | | SCEDT26T0BD000698 | 1981 | APR 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Yes | Excellent | Owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:30 | 20102 | USA | New Jersey | SCEDT26T4DD020102 | 1983 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Other | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:29 | 20083 | USA | New Jersey | Wildwood Crest | SCEDT26T4DD020083 | 1983 | DEC 82 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Good | Sitting not driven since 1993 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:28 | 06849 | USA | New Jersey | Medford | SCEDT26T3BD006849 | 1981 | NOV 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Good | eBay | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:27 | 02449 | USA | New Jersey | Scotch Plains | SCEDT26T0BD002449 | 1981 | AUG 81 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Yes | Owner | 4 seater conversion, custom frame, custom wheels, Alpine GTA engine and rear suspension | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:26 | 10689 | USA | Nevada | Henderson | SCEDT26T3CD010689 | 1982 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Good | eBay | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:25 | 04300 | USA | Nevada | Reno | | SCEDT26T9BD004300 | 1981 | SEP 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Excellent | Other | First 24 Karat Gold Plated DeLorean. It has the saddle tan interior and a 5 speed Manual transmission. On display at the National Automobile Museum in Reno. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:24 | 05797 | Wales | Monmouthshire | Raglan | SCEDT26T5BD005797 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Grooved | Good | Owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:23 | 10715 | USA | Missouri | Ferrelview | SCEDT26T0CD010715 | 1982 | DEC 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Good | eBay | Runs, occasionally… grants and charity welcome, owner since 2004 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:22 | 01269 | USA | Missouri | SCEDT26T4BD001269 | 1981 | MAY 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Good | Owner | The DeLorean featured on the first episode of “Lost in Transmission”. I purchased this car in May of 2017, at just 18 years old. I’m in the process of restoring this beauty. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:21 | 10327 | USA | Missouri | Saint Ann | | SCEDT26T2CD010327 | 1982 | DEC 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | eBay | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:20 | 02766 | USA | Mississippi | Meridian | SCEDT26T1BD002766 | 1981 | AUG 81 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Excellent | Owner | Full frame off restoration with engine rebuild using DPI performance cams, spec I exhaust system, and upgraded ignition computer. Originally an automatic transmission car, it has now been converted to a 5 speed using OEM parts. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:19 | 01121 | USA | Minnesota | Hopkins | SCEDT26T5BD001121 | 1981 | APR 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Yes | Good | Owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:18 | 11263 | USA | Michigan | Hersey | SCEDT26T7CD011263 | 1982 | JAN 82 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:17 | 05778 | USA | Michigan | Macomb | SCEDT26T1BD005778 | 1981 | OCT 81 | PRV Stage 1 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Grey | Grooved | Excellent | Owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:16 | 02723 | USA | Michigan | Detroit | SCEDT26T5BD002723 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Yes | Owner | Time machine conversion, Detroit time machine | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:15 | 05292 | USA | Michigan | Ann Arbor | | SCEDT26T8BD005292 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Grooved | Good | Owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:14 | 02447 | USA | Massachusetts | Westford | SCEDT26T7BD002447 | 1981 | JUL 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Black | Good | Owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:13 | 01559 | USA | Massachusetts | Beverly | SCEDT26T2BD001559 | 1981 | Manual | Painted | Black | eBay | Painted silver, custom seats | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:12 | 02953 | USA | Maryland | Frostburg | SCEDT26T0BD002953 | 1981 | AUG 81 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Yes | Owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:11 | 00763 | USA | Maryland | Salisbury | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Yes | Good | Owner | Working on getting it back to original condition | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:10 | 05617 | Canada | Manitoba | Beausejour | SCEDT26TXBD005617 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Grooved | eBay | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:09 | 16606 | United Kingdom | London | SCEDT26T3CD016606 | 1982 | AUG 82 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Owner | Purchased from ex-DeLorean Dealer in Dublin, OH in June 2015 via DMC Mid West and imported to UK September 2015. Therefore I’m just the second owner. Driven for 9 years until clutch master failed and was laid up in back yard for next 24 years. Presently with Chris Nicholson at PJ Grady UK being restored. See for restoration blog. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:08 | 00981 | United Kingdom | Kent | Edenbridge | SCEDT26T6BD000981 | 1981 | APR 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Black | Yes | Good | Owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:07 | 03344 | USA | Kansas | Fort Leavenworth | SCEDT26T2BD003344 | 1981 | AUG 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Owner | I am military, so the car moves frequently. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:06 | 10831 | Finland | Jyvaskyla | SCEDT26T2CD010831 | 1982 | DEC 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Good | Owner | Car is in good original condition. It has been in Finland since 1996. I’m the current owner, since October 2016. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:05 | 05380 | United Kingdom | Isle of Wight | Newport | SCEDT26T5BD005380 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Bad | Owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:04 | 17152 | British Isles | Isle of Man | Maughold | SCEDT26T6CD017152 | 1982 | AUG 82 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Excellent | Owner | Interior was originally grey but has been replaced with an earlier black set. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:03 | 16951 | France | Is’re | Tullins | SCEDT26T9CD016951 | 1982 | AUG 82 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:02 | 10098 | USA | Indiana | Indianapolis | SCEDT26T2CD010098 | 1982 | DEC 81 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Painted | Good | Owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:01 | 10907 | USA | Indiana | Lebanon | | SCEDT26T9CD010907 | DEC 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Excellent | eBay | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:21:00 | 00910 | USA | Illinois | Alton | SCEDT26T5BD000910 | 1981 | APR 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Yes | Good | Owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:59 | 05141 | Belgium | Hasselt | SCEDT26T9BD005141 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Grooved | Excellent | Owner | Fully restored interior, electric power steering, soft clutch, SS roofcage. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:58 | 06934 | USA | Georgia | Dallas | SCEDT26T5BD006934 | 1981 | NOV 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Grooved | Excellent | Owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:57 | 06649 | USA | Georgia | Atlanta | SCEDT26T6BD006649 | 1981 | NOV 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Painted | Grey | Bad | Owner | Dealer/Factory Painted Red. Runs and drives, but needs some love. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:56 | 02203 | USA | Georgia | Monroe | | SCEDT26T1BD002203 | 1981 | JUL 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Yes | Good | Owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:55 | 05003 | USA | Florida | Seminole | SCEDT26T8BD005003 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Grooved | Owner | B280F EFI Conversion, MegaSquirt. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:54 | 01929 | USA | Florida | North Miami Beach | SCEDT26T9BD001929 Mileage: 43,100 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Yes | Excellent | eBay | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:53 | 01790 | USA | Florida | Jacksonville | SCEDT26T4BD001790 | 1981 | JUN 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Yes | Good | Owner | Restoring | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:52 | 02735 | USA | Florida | Fort Lauderdale | SCEDT26T1BD002735 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Yes | Excellent | eBay | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:51 | 10432 | USA | Florida | Orlando | | SCEDT26TXCD010432 | 1982 | Custom | Automatic | BAE single Turbo | Stainless Steel | Bad | Badly sun damaged. All plastic parts are faded and sun bleached. | Grey | Bad | Water damage from leaking door seals, headliner falling down. | Wide Black Stripe | Flat | No | Yes | Silver | Outdoors | WAF285 | USA / PA | 1995 | Bad | Other | On display in front of George’s Music in Orlando, FL. Badly sun damaged. Has been sitting outside since 1995. | |||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:50 | 06511 | England | Essex | Braintree | SCEDT26TXBD006511 | 1981 | NOV 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Excellent | Owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:49 | 04395 | United Kingdom | Essex | Romford | SCEDT26T2BD004395 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Good | Owner | Apparently my car is the only one in Europe with the ground FX bodykit on, also this car has fully colour coded facias | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:48 | 03469 | USA | Connecticut | Deep River | SCEDT26T0BD003469 | 1981 | AUG 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Grey | Excellent | Owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:47 | 04739 | USA | Colorado | Westminster | SCEDT26T8BD004739 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Grooved | Concours | Owner | Purchased through DMCH in Summer 1999. Replaced plastic overflow tank with stainless one. Everything else is believed to be original. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:46 | 02245 | USA | Colorado | Colorado Springs | SCEDT26T6BD002245 | 1981 | JUL 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Yes | Good | Owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:45 | 01552 | United Kingdom | Cheshire | Holmes Chapel | SCEDT26TXBD001552 | 1981 | MAY 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Yes | Good | Owner | As seen on classic car rescue channel 5 painted red for the TV show now in stainless. The cars been on some journey since leaving the factory in 81 for the Usa then Canada now the Uk I returned the car for a drive around the factory test track iDunmurry in may 2016 for the cars 35th birthday. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:44 | 02640 | New Zealand | Canterbury | Rangiora | SCEDT26T1BD002640 | 1981 | AUG 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Yes | Good | Other | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:43 | 01564 | New Zealand | Canterbury | Christchurch | SCEDT26T6BD001564 | 1981 | MAY 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Yes | Excellent | Owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:42 | 16387 | USA | California | Fallbrook | SCEDT26T6CD016387 | 1982 | AUG 82 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Owner | Original owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:41 | 16367 | USA | California | Escondido | SCEDT26T2BD016367 | 1981 | OCT 82 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Owner | lowered, BAE turbo, engine replaced with new out-of-crate engine at approx. 50k miles because of cracked rings, cost to replace engine was only about $1k more than a top-end job. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:40 | 15190 | USA | California | Danvile | SCEDT26T4CD015190 | 1982 | AUG 82 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Excellent | Owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:39 | 10954 | USA | California | Napa | SCEDT26T7CD010954 | 1982 | DEC 81 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Excellent | eBay | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:38 | 10588 | USA | California | Santa Cruz | SCEDT26T8CD010588 | 1982 | DEC 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Good | Other | LOVE! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:37 | 06453 | USA | California | San Diego | SCEDT26T0BD006453 | 1981 | NOV 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Good | Owner | DeLorean has been not just in California all its life but San Diego, California. Originally sold at Pacific Honda in San Diego July 12, 1982. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:36 | 05290 | USA | California | Richmond | SCEDT26T4BD005290 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Grey | Good | Owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:35 | 04837 | USA | California | San Diego | SCEDT26T8BD004837 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Good | Owner | Original California DeLorean that has been in California for all its life. Originally sold in Concord, California and has been in San Diego since the 90s. It It has the wide black stripe and a custom stainless steel shifter. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:34 | 04712 | USA | California | Morgan Hill | Stock PRV | Manual | Painted | Bad | Other | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:33 | 03069 | USA | California | Huntington Beach | SCEDT26T6BD003069 | 1981 | AUG 81 | PRV Stage 2 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Owner | For other info on this car, go to: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:32 | 01301 | USA | California | San Diego | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Craigslist | 1981. Was stored for 20 years and has just recently been restored back to life. 16,318 miles and runs exceptionally well. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:31 | 01285 | USA | California | San Diego | SCEDT26T2BD001285 | 1981 | MAY 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Owner | Strangely enough this DeLorean has a flat hood (should be grooved with the gas flap) and the rear mounted antenna (should be in windshield). California DeLorean all its life. Still has original blue and yellow California plates. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:30 | 00860 | USA | California | Walnut Creek | SCEDT26T5BD000860 | 1981 | MAR 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Yes | Excellent | Owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:29 | 00808 | USA | California | Garden grove | SCEDT26T1CD000808 | 1981 | MAR 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Yes | Owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:28 | 00747 | USA | California | San Diego | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Yes | Excellent | Owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:27 | 05261 | USA | California | Los Angeles | | SCEDT26T8BD005261 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | Silver | Museum | OUTATIME | USA / CA | AUG 1986 | Excellent | Other | 10/21/2015 | The Hero “A” Car from the Back to the Future movies. This is the recently restored car placed in the Petersen Automotive Museum. | | Male | 60+ | Doc Brown | Scientist | |||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:26 | 10657 | USA | California | San Rafael | SCEDT26T1DC010657 | 1982 | DEC 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Yes | Excellent | eBay | Lowered + New Shocks & Springs: Eibach Performance Suspension Upgrade (brand new parts, DMC) New Catalytic Converter (CA “Enhanced SMOG” spec) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:25 | 10533 | USA | California | Sacramento | SCEDT26T5CD010533 | 1982 | DEC 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Excellent | Driven daily, and in Excellent Original Condition. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:24 | 01052 | Hungary | Budapest | | SCEDT26T1BD001052 | 1981 | APR 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Yes | Good | Owner | Once painted white, but now back to stainless | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:23 | 05255 | United Kingdom | Buckinghamshire | Milton Keynes | SCEDT26T2BD005255 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Owner | Grey interior. Protech Shocks and UK front springs. Hi-Spec 4 pot calipers all round. Alpine Flip Up Head Unit, DVD Player, Sat Nav, Reverse Camera, iPod. Dynaudio sound system plus Kicker sub woofer with JL Audio amp. Factory Fit Look Flux Capacitor. Free Flow Exhaust. Clifford Alarm System | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:22 | 03235 | Belgium | Brussels | SCEDT26T8BD003235 | 1981 | AUG 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Excellent | Owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:21 | 02330 | Belgium | Bruges | SCEDT26T8BD002330 | 1981 | JUL 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Yes | Excellent | Owner | Owned since 2004 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:19 | 03878 | Germany | Berlin | Wedding | SCEDT26T6BD003878 | 1981 | SEP 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Good | Other | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:18 | 11769 | Germany | Berlin | Wedding | | SCEDT26T6CD011769 | 1982 | JAN 82 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Painted | Black | Excellent | Owner | The car is known as “Yellow – Bird” and is painted in mustard yellow. It has a KW adjustable suspension system. Car was red before and belongs to the group of cars which have been sold to the Middle East in the past. I am the second owner. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:17 | 06715 | Deutschland | Bavaria | Grobenzell | SCEDT26T4BD006715 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Concours | This car is in great condition and is located in a private collection in Spain. Milleage 11.750 km. Full VIN: SCEDT26T4BD006715 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:16 | 04467 | Germany | Baden-Wurttemberg | Mosbach | SCEDT26T1BD004467 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Grooved | Excellent | Owner | Bought the car in Dec 2015 from the original owner in Temecula/California. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:15 | 00828 | Australia | Australian Capital Territory | Canberra | SCEDT26T9BD000828 | 1981 | APR 81 | PRV Stage 3 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Yes | Good | Owner | Purchased online in 2009 from previous owner in Jacksonville, FL. USA. Picked up in 2010, driven across the US from east to west coast and then shipped to Australia late 2010. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:14 | 05447 | United Kingdom | Armagh | Craigavon | | SCEDT26T0BD005447 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Grooved | Excellent | Owner | VIN#05447 was bought on October 2015 and imported from Edmonton Alberta Canada to Lurgan County Armagh Northern Ireland owning a DeLorean has been my boyhood dream ever since I watched BTTF when the DeLorean was unveiled when Doc Brown reversed it from out off his truck at the Twin Pines Mall scene, I was kid a BIG kid when it was delivered on John DeLorean’s Birthday 6th January 2016.. I had it at the 35 year’s Anniversary celebrations in Belfast at DeLorean Eurofest Worldwide Convention it was awesome driving my own DeLorean around the original factory road proving track at Dunmurry and driving around with 80 plus of the Stainless Steel automotive masterpieces around Belfast and surrounding areas. I still pinch myself that I own my very own DeLorean. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:13 | 06477 | USA | Arizona | Mesa | SCEDT26T3BD006477 | 1981 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grooved | Bad | Owner | This car sat on dirt under a tree in upstate New York for 19 years, while the previous owner was in prison for organized crime. This car has a severely rusted frame and is in need of a frame-off restoration. I am currently having a PRV6 engine internals being modified from B28F to B28E, performance cams, headers, and can either go K-Jet or EFI to supporting an estimated output of 230 horsepower. Has a few dings in the stainless, but I have replacement panels, needs completely new interior from sitting outside for so long. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:12 | 04016 | USA | Arizona | Tolleson | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Owner | Carbureted conversion | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:11 | 16353 | Canada | Alberta | Edmonton | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Owner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:10 | 01321 | Canada | Alberta | Edmonton | SCEDT26T2BD001321 | 1981 | MAY 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Yes | Excellent | Owner | Factory wide stripe. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:09 | 10556 | England | Wirral | Heswall | SCEDT26T6CD010556 | DEC 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Good | Owner | Owned by myself since 2003,repatriated back to UK around 1990, stored for 6 years after being cannibalised for parts for another DMC (unknown), now back in regular daily use. | DeLorean Owners Club UK | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:08 | 01604 | USA | Virginia | Alexandria | SCEDT26T3BD001604 | 1981 | JUN 81 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Yes | Owner | Frame-off restoration, 3.0L EFI PRV, QA1 coil-over suspension, Will.I.Am’s 5-speed transmission purchased from Patrick Swayze’s brother-in-law, machined wheels, gloss black louvers & trim. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:07 | 02860 | USA | Utah | SCEDT26T4BD002860 | 1981 | AUG 81 | Other | | Pacific Northwest DeLorean Club | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:06 | 16360 | USA | Texas | San Antonio | | SCEDT26T6DD016360 | 1982 | AUG 82 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Grey | Excellent | Owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:05 | 01785 | USA | New Jersey | SCEDT26T0BD001785 | 1981 | JUN 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Yes | Excellent | eBay | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:04 | 01746 | USA | Nebraska | Omaha | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Black | Grooved | Yes | Good | eBay | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:03 | 01019 | USA | Michigan | Comstock Park | SCEDT26TBD001019 | 1981 | APR 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Black | Yes | Good | Owner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 9:20:01 | 01249 | USA | California | Los Angeles | SCEDT26T9BD001249 | 1981 | APR 81 | Stainless Steel | Black | Good | Owner | Will be transfer to TN soon | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/18/2017 7:30:42 | 02855 | USA | Indiana | Lebanon | | SCEDT26T0BD002855 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 15,000 | Manual | Other | Excellent | Half stainless, half painted | Custom | Good | Half black, half grey | Yes | Craig | Custom | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Other | Other | 988TBX | USA / IN | Excellent | Website | eBay | 08/18/2017 | Hello, you are looking at my 1981 Delorean. This is a very special car for the right buyer. This car was bought new in southern California by Skip Hess, the founder and, then owner of BMX and Mongoose Bicycle Company. He had the dealership deliver the car to a southern California customizer and for more than a year, they turned this brand new car into a modern hot rod. They removed the suspension and custom engineered a much lowered, much tighter ride. They installed headers and performance cams but did leave the original power-plant. They had aluminum racing wheels made solely for this car and made a custom paint job for it. When completed, the bill was for almost what the car cost! The car toured with the BMX/Mongoose races and was used for promotional purposes from 1982 to 1985. It was featured in a few magazines, one of which is included with the car. In 1986 the car was sold at auction to a car collector in northern Indiana and sat, undisturbed in a collection for 30 years until I bought it. When I got it I flushed out the fuel system and replaced the pump, accumulator, warm-up regulator, fuel distributor, fuel lines and all of the injectors. I removed the intake manifold, valve covers, timing gear cover as well as all of the engine brackets and powder coated them. I replaced the AC compressor AC lines, condenser, accumulator and now the AC runs great! I installed LED lights in the interior, doors and tail lights as well as orange LEDs under the fuel-air mixture so the engine illuminates orange at night when the engine cover is up. I also replaced the headers installed in 1982 with a DPI spec 1 exhaust kit. I replaced the clutch slave and master cylinder as well as installing a stainless steel clutch line. I installed a new brake master cylinder and installed new rear calipers. The seats and interior are original and flawless. It has the original dash and binnacle, both are in perfect condition. The original radio works great as does the clock. I have put about 650 miles since I finished my work to it. This is an absolute show car with a great history. It would be an impressive, historic addition to any collection or it would make a great, reliable driver for someone! I do reserve the ability to end the auction as this car is listed locally. Please call me with any questions at 317-670-6397 | |||||||||||||||||
8/17/2017 21:46:54 | 10590 | USA | California | Napa | SCEDT26T6CD010590 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 79,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | needs to be regrained | Grey | Bad | sun damaged | No | Other | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Grey | Outdoors | USA / CA | 2012 | Good | Owner | 08/08/2017 | 08/08/2017 | Male | 50-59 | Master Technician | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||
8/17/2017 19:50:04 | 10449 | USA | Ohio | Columbus | SCEDT26T5CD010449 | 1905 | DEC 81 | 32,500 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Wide Black | Flat | No | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 08/18/2017 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/17/2017 14:00:20 | 05200 | Netherlands | Limburg | Baarlo | SCEDT26TXBD005200 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 9,980 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Website | | 08/17/2017 | I do not really understand what is meant by observation date. Car has undergone some personall modifications like added switches and custom keyfob with auto-start and doorlaunchers | 12/01/2006 | Male | 30-39 | Auto mechanic / sales | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 95 RON | ||||||||||||||
8/17/2017 13:25:20 | 02436 | United Kingdom | Lancashire | Carnforth | SCEDT26T2BD002436 | 1981 | 73,800 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Bad | New interior soon due to time spent in Sunny California | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Silver | Garaged / Inside | RKU 227X | UK | Excellent | Website | eBay | 08/17/2017 | 05/10/2017 | Male | 50-59 | Director | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 95 RON | ||||||||||||||
8/17/2017 4:18:48 | 05266 | USA | California | Calabasas | | SCEDT26T7BD005266 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 4,450 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | 1FGT433 | USA / CA | AUG 1987 | Excellent | Website | | 08/16/2017 | This is a 1981 DeLorean that is like new. Looking for only serious qualified buyers for this vehicle. Yes this is the car that was featured in the movie series of ‘Back to the Future.’ 1981 DeLorean DMC-12 CoupeThis is the cleanest 1981 DeLorean that you will find at this price. The car is immaculate for those that want a superb classic and sound investment. This car will sell itself.Silver exterior Gray interior Equipped with a V6Automatic transmissionLeather seats Premium tiresPremium wheelsAMFM radioLocated in MonroviaCAFinancing Nationwide Shipping and Warranties available to qualified buyers | ||||||||||||||||||
8/17/2017 4:03:03 | 00726 | USA | Wisconsin | Eau Claire | | SCEDT26T1BD000726 | 1981 | 22,232 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Grey | Excellent | Website | | 08/16/2017 | COMING SOON… Thank you for your interest in this 1981 DeLorean DMC-12 “Back to the Future” Car that has been beautifully kept, upgraded with the DeLorean Motor Company Approved “Stage 2” Engine Package (+80 Horsepower!), 5-Speed Manual Transmission, Black Interior and it only has 22,231 Miles! It has just arrived at our showroom and has not yet completed our entire pre-sale process. We will have a full description and photos very shortly. If you would like more information or would like to come see the vehicle, please call anytime. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8/16/2017 20:56:01 | 01738 | USA | Florida | Bonita Springs | | SCEDT26T2BD001738 | 1981 | 28,309 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Other | Wide Black | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Excellent | Website | Gulf Coast Motorworks | 06/26/2017 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
8/16/2017 19:48:05 | 04096 | USA | Florida | Melbourne | Custom | Manual | Stock PRV + computer control + Turbo | Stainless Steel | Bad | Being restored | Grey | Bad | Being restored | No | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | DR BROWN | USA / FL | Bad | Owner | 08/16/2017 | Slow restoration from being fully painted red and stored in a barn | ||||||||||||||||||||
8/16/2017 18:35:56 | 04925 | USA | Texas | Houston | SCEDT26T58D004925 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 73,265 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Yes | Other | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | OUTTIME | USA / TX | July 2018 | Good | Owner | 08/16/2017 | 07/10/2015 | Male | 40-49 | Government Employee | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 87 octane | |||||||||||||
8/16/2017 14:52:56 | 02487 | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Heinsberg | SCEDT26T8BD002487 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 14 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Time Machine Conversion | Black | Time Machine Conversion | Yes | ASI | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 08/13/2017 | Male | 50-59 | ||||||||||||||||||||
8/16/2017 13:18:43 | 02993 | USA | Idaho | Boise | | SCEDT26T1BD002993 | 1981 | 22,270 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Silver | Good | Website | eBay | 08/16/2017 | 1981 DeLorean DMC-12 with only 22,270 miles. Now is the time for you to own this unique piece of history. This Delorean is very rare and visibly noticeable because of the placement of the antenna in the front rather than the rear, and the separate fuel cap on the hood, later models needed to lift the entire trunk to access the fuel filler cap. The Stainless Steal panels are in great shape and with the gull wing doors, they make this car a truly iconic and a special experience. The driver’s seat will be recovered upon purchase as well as replacing the shifter boot. This DeLorean recently had an extensive servicing and update to make it run better than when it came out of the factory. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8/16/2017 5:22:24 | 04055 | USA | Virginia | Herndon | SCEDT26T0BD004055 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 17,405 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | reproduction binnacle | Yes | Other | Thin Grey | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 1PT21JW | USA / VA | Excellent | Owner | 08/16/2017 | updating components as needed to retain stock or near stock look, while modernizing and improving handling, reliability, and performance. | Tri-State DeLorean Club | 08/14/2014 | Male | 30-39 | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 91 octane | ||||||||||||
8/16/2017 3:53:48 | 03707 | United Kingdom | England | Nottingham | | SCEDT26T1BD003707 | 1981 | 3,221 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Craig radio | Yes | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Grey | DWU 140W | Excellent | Website | eBay | 03/13/2017 | 1981 Delorean DMC 12 with a very low mileage of only 3300 miles. It’s the desirable 5 speed manual with a black interior, original Craig radio, tool kit, jack, space saver spare wheel, early black door locks and even original tyres! it starts right up no smoke or issues, it drives as it should although if you are going to use it on the road new tyres would be advisable. You can see from the pictures that this is a very clean, low millage, original example of a classic that has been consistently increasing in value. If I was going to be picky… The paint on the front and rear facias is believed to be original and is now showing its age. The dash has a small crack in it, and the instrument binnacle has a couple as well. These can be re covered, or replacement dash pads are available, and inexpensive, however, as the car stands these are original. The radio including lcd screen work, although I have not been able to get it to accept a cassette. The passenger window is not working, and although the air con compressor cuts in and out as it should, I believe it would benefit from a re gas and it think it has been converted to a modern r134 gas. There is a small ding on the passenger side front wing The car has 10 months MOT. Please note that the millage may increase slightly. Please feel free to ask any questions and no, there is no flux capacitor. | |||||||||||||||||||||
8/15/2017 13:07:41 | 01382 | USA | Kansas | Wichita | 4,430 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 08/15/2017 | 04/15/1982 | Male | 60+ | Retired | 89 octane | |||||||||||||||||||||
8/15/2017 10:43:16 | 10920 | USA | Arizona | Casa Grande | SCEDT26T1CD010920 | DEC 81 | 50,160 | Stock PRV | Manual | Custom EFI, intake & exhaust! | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Mostly original grain. | Grey | Excellent | Reupholstered seats. | No | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | NOPAINT | USA / AZ | Good | Owner | 08/16/2017 | Arizona DeLorean Club | 01/02/2002 | Male | 30-39 | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||
8/15/2017 8:21:38 | 04038 | Belgium | Limburg | Eigen-Bilzen | SCEDT26T0BD004038 | 1981 | SEP 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | No | None | Grooved | No | No | Silver | Garaged / Inside | O-AZF-955 | Belgium | Good | Owner | 08/04/2017 | 07/15/2016 | Male | 60+ | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 97/98 RON | |||||||||||||||||||
8/15/2017 7:35:09 | 05456 | USA | California | Corona | | SCEDT26T1BD005456 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 29,086 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Cracked louvers, bad paint on fascias | Grey | Good | Damaged headlight button | Yes | Thin Grey | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Website | Craigslist | 11/01/2015 | Hi up for sale is my 1981 DMC DeLorean Has lots of parts ready for some TLC starts right up just needs a tune up Has original 29K miles all original never been tampered with and have lots of manels and service records asking $22,000 for more info call (909) 452-XXXX thanks ask for Josh | |||||||||||||||||||||
8/15/2017 2:00:24 | 06739 | USA | Indiana | Buxton Plaza | | SCEDT26T7BD006739 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 37,594 | Custom | Manual | Twin IHI RHB5 turbos manufactured by Tom Dieckhoff of Turbo Manifold Co. in Wheatley Heights, NY, new throttle body and exhaust manifolds and mufflers. | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | New stereo | No | Wide Black | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Website | | 08/15/2017 | 1981 DeLorean DMC-12 twin-turbo coupe (VIN: SCEDT26T7BD006739), SS304 brushed stainless steel with light grey leather interior, 37,600 indicated original miles and the desireable 5-spd. manual transmission. Many cars are known from starring roles on TV or in the movies – but few are as well-known as the DeLorean DMC-12 – the car that took Michael J. Fox “Back to the Future” in 3 feature films. Built from 1981-1982, the DMC-12 was the brainchild of former GM executive John Z. De Lorean. It was styled by Italian stylist Giorgetto Giugiaro and the chassis was suspension engineered by Colin Chapman, founder and owner of Lotus Cars. About 9,200 DMC-12s were produced between January 1981 and December 1982. In 2007, about 6,500 DeLorean Motor cars were believed still to exist. This vehicle has a clean CarFax report and has known ownership from 10/22/1991. It is a 3-owner car (the last two owners were physicians, both located in the midwest – Ohio and Indiana). This vehicle was driven sparingly by the most recent owner, and registered for road use every year since 06/20/1998 – the most recent registration renewal was 10/17/2016. Wanting for more power sometime in 1987, the second owner installed a twin-turbo kit manufactured by Tom Dieckhoff of Turbo Manifold Co. in Wheatley Heights, NY. Twin IHI RHB5 turbos, a new throttle body and exhaust manifolds and mufflers, and a list of other parts breathed new life into the underpowered factory Peugeot-Renault-Volvo sourced 2.85L V6. The kit is exceptionally well made and is integrated so well into the engine bay it could easily have been factory designed and installed. This DeLorean just received a complete inspection and service at a cost of over $6,000.00., incl. flush of all fluids and change of all filters, fuel pump relay, complete brake system refurbishment incl. new master cylinder and brake lines, new calipers, new pads and machined rotors. The updated stainless steel coolant reservoir was installed, as well a new water pump and all gaskets for the intake manifold. A fuel system treatment was added to clean injectors, valves, throttle body and intake manifold. New hood and passenger door struts were also installed at this time. It runs and drives very well and the body and interior are in excellent condition, with no signs of accident damage or repair. The DMC-12 was only available with two factory options; a no-cost manual transmission and the choice of a grey or black interior. This example also has some dealer installed options, including floor mats and black textured door accent stripes. It comes with all books and manuals, a workshop manual and service and ownership history. It is rare to find an example in this condition and with the low original mileage – not to mention the increase in performance from the very rare twin-turbo system. During the last few years DeLoreans have experienced a bottoming out of values and now are on the rise as investment grade collectibles! This example is very reasonably priced at $48,500.00 / obo. Call or text Brian @ (812) 760-5513 – Evansville, IN 47715. | |||||||||||||||||||
8/14/2017 8:19:46 | 05482 | USA | Texas | Rowlett | SCEDT26T2BD005482 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 33,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | some dings | Grey | Good | work in progress | Yes | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / TX | None | Good | Owner | 08/13/2017 | Male | 30-39 | Technology | 0m/km – 100m/160km | 89 octane | |||||||||||||||
8/14/2017 7:03:43 | 00702 | Germany | Baden-Wurttemberg | Oberstenfeld | | SCEDT26T9BD000702 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 18,250 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Yes | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | LB-DM 702H | Excellent | Owner | 08/24/2012 | Male | 30-39 | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||||
8/14/2017 5:19:23 | 07075 | Hungary | Gyor-Moson-Sopron | Gyor | | SCEDT26TXBD007075 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 76,008 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | OT4295 | Hungary | Good | Owner | 08/14/2017 | Not concours, but one of the most reliable Deloreans out there. A few thousand miles trip can go with it any time. | DeLorean Club Hungary | 02/12/2008 | Male | 30-39 | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 95 RON | |||||||||||||
8/14/2017 5:13:50 | 17081 | Canada | Ontario | Warren | SCEDT26T9CD017081 | 1982 | SEP 82 | 33,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Dealer installed turbo | Painted | Excellent | Painted red at dealership when new | Grey | Good | Yes | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 07/31/2017 | 07/01/2015 | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||||||
8/14/2017 5:03:10 | 01128 | Manchester | Manchester | Failsworth | SCEDT26T8BD001128 | 1981 | APR 81 | 890,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | SVR209W | 1981 | Excellent | Owner | Friend informed me | 08/14/2017 | Basically the car is the best spec there is: an early 1981, dark grey wheels, bonnet with fuel flap and styling lines, black interior and manual gearbox. I always wanted this exact spec and only looked at these cars. The vin number is 1128. I am the third owner from new. The car was transported to California from Northern Ireland on the second shipment of cars from the factory in early 1981. It was pre-ordered by the first owner in 1979, I have extensive paperwork, etc supporting the cars history. It spent from 1981 until 2000 in California with its first owner and then from 2000 until 2009 in Florida, I imported it myself in April 2009 as the third owner. I have lots of nice paperwork regarding it’s history and it’s original purchase, dealer window stickers, letters, receipts, pre-delivery inspection forms, etc all unique to this car and it’s really nice to have, all of which is in mint condition. I also have original 1981 DMC owners manuals and booklets which are mint. The car was complete, unmolested and in original condition when I bought it, I have kept it this way apart from some choice modifications which were all done to enhance the car and driving experience, the car drives and handles superb. Everything works on this car, there were some electrical issues when I got it, all of which were resolved, it is now very reliable and has never let me down, I would happily take this car anywhere, any time! | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 08/19/2014 | Male | 50-59 | Senior Technician | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 87 octane | ||||||||||||
8/14/2017 3:19:26 | 16583 | United Kingdom | West Sussex | Chichester | | SCEDT26T4DD016583 | 1982 | AUG 82 | 4,011 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | No | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Grey | Garaged / Inside | HBA641Y | UK | Excellent | Owner | 08/14/2017 | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 08/31/2014 | Male | 50-59 | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 95 RON | |||||||||||||||
8/14/2017 3:01:24 | 01138 | USA | New York | Rensselaer | SCEDT26T0BD001138 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 47,450 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Yes | None | Flat | Yes | No | Windshield | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Website | 08/13/2017 | 04/18/2017 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
8/13/2017 21:40:43 | 02995 | USA | Hawaii | Kapolei | | SCEDT26T5BD002995 | 1981 | 39,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Bad | No | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Silver | Website | 08/13/2017 | Great project car, currently does not run due to failed fuel pump. Exterior is borderline excellent! Interiot leather seats in great conditipn but the trim and panels on doors need new plastic pins to hold in place. I have the title and vehicle passed safety inspection back in late 2015 but I never got to drive due to the job. I leave the island soon so my loss is your gain. Seriouse inquiries only. Don’t waste my time with bs offers. Car is priced knowing it doesn’t run. Own a collectible and be turning heads! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/13/2017 20:02:35 | 06210 | Australia | Queensland | Brisbane | SCEDT26T7BD006210 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 30,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Painted | Good | Two Tone Gradiant | Grey | Good | Small tear in driver seat. | Yes | Custom | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | PREFER NOT TO SHARE | N/A | Good | Owner | 08/14/2017 | 05/21/2008 | Male | 30-39 | Computer Tech | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||
8/13/2017 17:42:08 | 01225 | Australia | New South Wales | Sydney | SCEDT26T6BD001225 | 1981 | APR 81 | 38,000 | PRV Stage 2 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Black | Good | No | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 088MPH | NSW / Australia | None | Good | Owner | 09/08/2017 | 02/25/2016 | Male | 40-49 | Chef | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 97/98 RON | ||||||||||||||||
8/13/2017 14:58:07 | 02222 | USA | Texas | Katy | | SCEDT26T5BD002222 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 282,000 | PRV Stage 1 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Dashboard has several small cracks | Yes | None | Flat | No | Yes | Windshield | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 8T8 MPH | USA / TX | 07/18 | Excellent | Website | 05/14/2014 | Texas DeLorean Club | 05/14/2014 | Male | 60+ | Software Engineer | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 89 octane | |||||||||||
8/13/2017 12:20:14 | 06440 | USA | Arizona | Chandler | SCEDT26T2BD006440 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 19,906 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Wide Black | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Other | Garaged / Inside | FLUXING | USA / AZ | Excellent | Owner | 08/13/2017 | Arizona DeLorean Club | Male | 30-39 | 89 octane | |||||||||||||||||||
8/13/2017 9:07:53 | 02292 | United Kingdom | Nottinghamshire | Brinsley, Nottingham | SCEDT26T4BD002292 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 80,606 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Engine suffered block rot Sept 2016, currently a non runner. | Stainless Steel | Good | After market thick side stripes | Black | Good | Binnacle cracked | Yes | Wide Black | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Other | Garaged / Inside | VUR594W | Great Britain | Declared off road with DVLA | Good | Owner | 08/13/2017 | Needs new headliners, chassis refurb and a new engine. Engine will be a 210hp unit from a Peugeot 406, which is the 3.0 24v engine that the PRV evolved into in Europe. Hope to have car back on road late 2018/early 2019. | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 06/22/2017 | Female | 40-49 | Full time mum & housewife | 0m/km – 100m/160km | 95 RON | ||||||||||
8/13/2017 8:02:45 | 04629 | USA | Indiana | Indianapolis | SCEDT26T1BD004629 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 97,460 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Final Drive replaced | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Good/Dvr seat cracking | Yes | Thin Grey | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 08/13/2017 | Purchased in 1991 in Honolulu, Hawaii, shipped to current location | Male | 60+ | Retired | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||||
8/13/2017 5:57:06 | 05987 | United Kingdom | Surrey | Byfleet | | SCEDT26TXBD005987 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 6,195 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Excellent | Yes | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | URM501X | Excellent | Owner | 08/13/2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8/13/2017 3:09:03 | 06050 | Australia | Victoria | Ballarat | SCEDT26T0BD006050 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 21,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 08/13/2017 | Male | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | |||||||||||||||||||||||
8/13/2017 2:41:11 | 03899 | United Arab Emirates | Dubai | SCEDT26T3BD003899 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 10,081 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Wide Black | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | 31856 | UAE | Excellent | Owner | 08/08/2017 | Male | 30-39 | Journalist | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 95 RON | |||||||||||||||||
8/13/2017 1:43:46 | 02259 | New Zealand | Wellington | Wellington | SCEDT26T6BD002259 | 1981 | JUL 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Seats worn | Yes | Grooved | Yes | Garaged / Inside | MEGAN7 | New Zealand | Good | Owner | 08/13/2017 | Male | 50-59 | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||||||||||
8/12/2017 23:29:20 | 16396 | Australia | Queensland | Brisbane | 1982 | AUG 82 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | No | None | Flat | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 8DMC3 | Owner | 08/06/2017 | Male | 40-49 | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 97/98 RON | |||||||||||||||||||||||
8/12/2017 20:06:06 | 05144 | USA | California | San Diego | | SCEDT26T2CD005144 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Concours | Grey | Excellent | Yes | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | IRSHBLT | USA / CA | Excellent | Owner | 04/10/2004 | DeLoreans San Diego | 10/15/2015 | Male | 40-49 | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||||
8/12/2017 19:52:16 | 16360 | USA | Texas | San Antonio | | SCEDT26T6DD016360 | 1982 | AUG 82 | 98,540 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | None | Flat | No | Left-Rear | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 08/12/2017 | Male | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8/12/2017 18:39:02 | 11162 | USA | Indiana | Lebanon | SCEDT26T1CD011162 | 1982 | JAN 82 | 47,762 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | Thin Grey | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Other | Garaged / Inside | INDMC1 | USA / IN | Excellent | Owner | 08/12/2017 | Indiana DeLorean Motor Club | 05/01/2012 | Male | 30-39 | Military | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||
8/12/2017 15:26:47 | 02107 | England | Greater Manchester | Manchester | SCEDT26T5BD002107 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 104,600 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Good | Yes | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Silver | Garaged / Inside | MDT449W | England UK | Excellent | Owner | 08/12/2017 | Fitted with many Stainless upgrade parts, DMC all in one fuel pump system, DMCPartsNW Wings aloft alarm and door launch system. Originally Sold in California to Mike and Marcie Schweitzer of Simi Valley. Imported to U.K. 2006. | 01/13/2007 | Male | 19-29 | University Workshop Technician/Tutor | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||||
8/12/2017 14:00:21 | 05496 | Deutschland | Bayern | Burgau | SCEDT26T2BD005496 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | GZ-FX 81 | Good | Owner | 08/12/2017 | Male | 40-49 | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 95 RON | ||||||||||||||||||||
8/12/2017 13:00:06 | 02139 | England | West Sussex | Lancing | SCEDT26T7BD002139 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 42,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thin fins | Other | Car Port | Good | Owner | 09/20/2015 | This was bought as a red painted, non running car in 2015. It’s now 95% complete in stainless steel with updated cooling, electrical systems, chassis and handling. | 09/20/2015 | Male | ||||||||||||||||||||
8/12/2017 11:25:38 | 10533 | USA | Nevada | Yerington | SCEDT26T5CDO10533 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 28,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Concours | Original interior Concours condition | No | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | STL BREZ | USA / NV | APR 2018 | Excellent | Owner | eBay | 08/12/2017 | Vin: 10533 alive and well in Yerington Nevada. I,m the second owner. 10533 was Originally sold from Hollywood Sports Cars, California in Jan. of 1982. I bought it from a private (The original owner) party in Anaheim Hill’s California in 2006. | Northern California DeLorean Motor Club | 09/19/2006 | Male | 60+ | Retired | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 91 octane | ||||||||||
8/12/2017 10:56:21 | 10907 | USA | Utah | Kearns | | SCEDT26T9CD010907 | DEC 81 | 32,000 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | None | Flat | Yes | Yes | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | IN FLUX | USA / UT | Good | Owner | 08/12/2017 | DeLorean Motor Club – Utah | Female | 40-49 | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||||||
8/12/2017 9:19:24 | 04173 | USA | Florida | Miami | SCEDT26T6BD004173 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 8,230 | PRV Stage 2 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 04/22/2017 | 04/22/2017 | Male | 50-59 | Airline Pilot | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||||
8/12/2017 8:40:15 | 02867 | Germany | Niedersachsen | Oyten | | SCEDT26T7BD002867 | 1981 | AUG 81 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | VER U81H | Germany | Excellent | Owner | 08/12/2017 | Male | 50-59 | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 95 RON | |||||||||||||||||
8/12/2017 8:28:42 | 00967 | USA | Nevada | Las Vegas | | SCEDT26T1BD000967 | 1981 | APR 81 | 39,546 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | Wide Black | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Other | Garaged / Inside | FLUXIN | USA / NV | Excellent | Owner | 08/12/2017 | 08/10/2016 | Male | 30-39 | Club Manager | 5,001m/8,047km – 15,000m/24,140km | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||
8/12/2017 7:10:55 | 05594 | USA | Kansas | Winchester | SCEDT26T2BD005594 | 1981 | 38,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Wide Black | Flat | No | Yes | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / KS | Good | Owner | 08/12/2017 | Male | 50-59 | Auto mechanic / sales | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8/12/2017 6:44:02 | 01408 | USA | Kansas | Winchester | 84,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Grey | Garaged / Inside | USA / KS | Good | Owner | 08/12/2017 | 11/25/2010 | Male | 50-59 | Auto mechanic / sales | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8/12/2017 6:05:39 | 02423 | USA | Illinois | Plainfield | SCEDT26T4BD002423 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 38,000 | PRV Stage 2 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Silver | Garaged / Inside | MCFLY | USA / IL | Good | Owner | 08/12/2017 | DeLorean Midwest Connection | 01/20/2006 | Male | 30-39 | Building Engineer | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||
8/12/2017 5:30:27 | 05457 | USA | Minnesota | Maple Grove | SCEDT26T3BD005457 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 33,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | BCKNTYM | USA / MN | Excellent | Owner | 08/12/2017 | DeLoreans of Minnesota Club | 08/20/2008 | Male | 30-39 | IT | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||
8/12/2017 4:43:24 | 20075 | USA | North Carolina | Whittier | SCEDT26T5DD020075 | 1983 | DEC 82 | 43,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Time Machine Conversion | Grey | Excellent | None | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Garaged / Inside | 1.21 GW! | Time Machine Conversion | Owner | 06/01/2011 | 06/01/2011 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/12/2017 4:16:29 | 06577 | Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | Moenchengladbach | SCEDT26T7BD006577 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 7,500 | Stock PRV | Manual | New engine in 2008 | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Yes | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | MG-DL 81 H | Germany | Excellent | Owner | 08/31/2017 | DeLorean Club Deutschland (Germany) | 03/31/2007 | Male | 30-39 | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||
8/12/2017 2:30:45 | 06692 | Deutschland | Lower Saxony | Nordhorn | | SCEDT26T7BD006692 | 1981 | NOV 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Silver | Garaged / Inside | NOH-CU1H | Deutschland | Excellent | Owner | 06/12/2017 | Hi, I don´t know what was meant with observation date… André | 06/12/2017 | Male | 30-39 | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 95 RON | ||||||||||||||||
8/12/2017 2:00:47 | 01840 | United Kingdom | Staffordshire | Lichfield | SCEDT26T4BD001840 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 10,060 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Yes | None | Grooved | No | No | Windshield | Thick fins | Grey | Car Port | DWU129W | Shropshire UK | Excellent | Owner | 02/06/2015 | 06/02/2015 | Male | Company owner | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 97/98 RON | ||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 21:53:40 | 10590 | USA | California | Napa | SCEDT26T6CD010590 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 79,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | partialy polished stainless | Grey | Bad | sun damaged | None | Flat | No | No | Grey | Outdoors | USA / CA | Parts missing | 08/11/2017 | 08/08/2017 | Master Technician | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 21:18:45 | 10686 | USA | Texas | Rockwall | SCEDT26T8CD010686 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 100,208 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | None | Grooved | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 08/11/2017 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 21:14:09 | 00966 | Australia | Queensland | Brisbane | | SCEDT26TXBD000966 | 1981 | APR 81 | 36,067 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | SCIFI | AU / QLD | Excellent | Owner | 08/12/2017 | According to the previous owner, this was the first DeLorean sold through retail channels in the Pacific NorthWest USA. Right Hand Drive conversion performed by DMC NorthWest in 2011. Regrained by Chris Nicholson in 2017. | 10/30/2010 | Male | 30-39 | Information Technology | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 89 octane | |||||||||||||
8/11/2017 20:40:01 | 06639 | USA | North Carolina | Concord | | SCEDT26T3BD006639 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 58,000 | Custom | Manual | Chevy 4.3L V6 | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Black carpet and headliner | Yes | None | Grooved | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | IGOTTIME | USA / NC | Good | Website | 01/15/2016 | 01/30/2016 | Male | 40-49 | Chainsaw Engineer | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 87 octane | |||||||||||||
8/11/2017 20:38:33 | 06213 | USA | Massachusetts | Lynnfield MA | | SCEDT26T2BD006213 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 32,523 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Grooved | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / MA | Good | Owner | 08/11/2017 | 05/25/2011 | Male | 30-39 | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 20:32:59 | 02347 | USA | Minnesota | Alexandria | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Silver | Garaged / Inside | DOCBRWN | USA / MN | Good | Owner | 08/11/2017 | DeLoreans of Minnesota Club | Male | 19-29 | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 20:17:21 | 00897 | USA | Minnesota | Buffalo | SCEDT26T6BD000897 | 1981 | MAR 81 | 87,500 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Frame and many components have been powdercoated | Black | Excellent | Yes | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Grey | Garaged / Inside | 81 DMC | USA / MN | Collector Plates | Excellent | Owner | Purchase date approximate | 08/11/2017 | DeLoreans of Minnesota Club | 08/01/1988 | Male | 60+ | Project / Product Manager | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 87 octane | ||||||||||||
8/11/2017 20:14:25 | 05510 | USA | Massachusetts | Fall River | | SCEDT26T3BD005510 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 66,500 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Wide Black | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 08/11/2017 | Male | 50-59 | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 89 octane | ||||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 19:16:21 | 17119 | Canada | Ontario | Oshawa | SCEDT26T6DD017119 | 1982 | SEP 82 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | No | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Museum | 08/11/2017 | Canadian Spec Delorean on display at the Canadian Automotive Museum in Oshawa Ontario – | | 0m/km – 100m/160km | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 16:09:40 | 10004 | Canada | Ontario | Niarga falls | SCEDT26T0CD010004 | 1982 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Time Machine Conversion | Not Screen Accurate | Grey | Time Machine Conversion | Not Screen Accurate | None | Grooved | No | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Time Machine Conversion | Museum | 08/11/2017 | Time Machine on display at Louis Tussaud’s Waxworks in Niagara Falls, Ontario | | 0m/km – 100m/160km | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 15:59:23 | 16213 | Canada | Ontario | Scarborough | | SCEDT26T4DD016213 | 1983 | AUG 82 | 70,000 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | No | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | CAN / ONT | Excellent | Owner | 08/11/2017 | Official DeLorean Owners Canada | Male | 19-29 | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 15:09:26 | 06568 | USA | Tennessee | Hendersonville | SCEDT26T6BD006568 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 82,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Yes | Wide Black | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Grey | Garaged / Inside | USA / TN | Good | Owner | 08/11/2017 | 12/23/2014 | Male | 30-39 | Medical Sales | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 14:54:21 | 05094 | USA | Texas | Houston | SCEDT26T4BD005094 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 19,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | None | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | None | Yes | None | Grooved | No | No | Windshield | Grey | Garaged / Inside | BB55RY | USA / TX | APR 2018 | Excellent | Owner | 08/11/2017 | 04/26/2010 | Male | 60+ | Retired | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 91 octane | |||||||||||||
8/11/2017 13:43:21 | 02677 | United Kingdom | London | London | SCEDT26TBD002677 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 65,565 | Stock PRV | Manual | Engine number 7400269146 | Stainless Steel | Concours | Black | Good | Yes | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Front-Right | Silver | Garaged / Inside | DOC 16V | UK | Excellent | Owner | 08/11/2017 | Previous owner mechanically restored over 10 year period. | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 07/27/2017 | Male | 30-39 | Car Designer | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 97/98 RON | |||||||||||||
8/11/2017 13:25:08 | 01495 | USA | Ohio | Carlisle | SCEDT26T2BD001495 | 1981 | MAY 81 | 38,500 | Stock PRV | Manual | UK Exhaust | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Yes | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Silver | Garaged / Inside | MCFLYS | Excellent | Owner | 08/11/2017 | DeLorean Club of Ohio | 09/25/2005 | Male | 30-39 | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 13:22:06 | 10247 | USA | Wisconsin | Milwaukee | | SCEDT26T4CD010247 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 26,893 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | No | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | 124035A | USA / WI | Good | Website | 08/11/2017 | Wisconsin DeLorean since delivery. I’m the 3rd owner and have owned it since 2004. Has grey wheels at original owner’s request. | 05/01/2004 | Male | 30-39 | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 13:08:22 | 05963 | USA | Ohio | Lewis Center | SCEDT26T3DD005963 | 1981 | AUG 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | None | Grooved | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 08/11/2017 | Male | 60+ | Retired | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 12:51:27 | 11769 | Germany | Berlin | Wedding | | SCEDT26T6CD011769 | 1982 | JAN 82 | 8,073 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Painted | Excellent | Color Norfolk Mustard Yellow | Black | Excellent | Flux Capacitor | No | None | Flat | No | No | Front-Right | Thick fins | Other | Garaged / Inside | B-SK3364H | Germany | 04/2019 | Excellent | Owner | | 04/18/2012 | Car belongs to the group of vehicles which was exported to Middle East in the eighties. Here it was painted red. Than the car returned to Europe / Austria, wehere it was stored for almost 27 years. If I purchased the car the Odometer showed orginally 1.500 km driven. I decided than to rebuilt the car back to his stainless steel look, unfortunately it wasn’t as easy than expected and I decided to let the car look unique and failed the decision to paint the car in the Lotus color Norfolk Mustard Yellow. The rims powder coated. The car received the new KW chassis suspension and a modern radio and a new distribution box update. | DeLorean Club Deutschland (Germany) | 06/22/2012 | Male | 50-59 | Commercial Manager | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 97/98 RON | ||||||||
8/11/2017 12:44:30 | 01598 | Norway | Rogaland | Sirevag | | SCEDT26T1BD001598 | 1981 | MAY 81 | 25,776 | Stock PRV | Manual | UK Club Exhaust | Stainless Steel | Good | Under restoration | Black | Good | Yes | Wide Black | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 08/11/2017 | Spax shocks, EU springs, Galvanized frame. | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 06/17/2006 | Male | 30-39 | Collision Repair Manager | 0m/km – 100m/160km | 95 RON | ||||||||||||
8/11/2017 12:13:21 | 10985 | New Zealand | Southland | Invercargill | SCEDT26T7CD010985 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 52,350 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Lots of dents! | Grey | Bad | needs new interior | No | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Grey | Garaged / Inside | New Zealand | none | Bad | Owner | 08/12/2017 | This is my DeLorean that I imported from the USA in 2014. I work on her most weekends depending on part availability. You can see my journey here: | DeLorean Club of New Zealand | 07/18/2014 | Male | 30-39 | Technical Consultant | 0m/km – 100m/160km | 91 octane | ||||||||||||
8/11/2017 12:12:47 | 17082 | Canada | Ontario | London | SCEDT26T9DD017082 | 1982 | SEP 82 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | OOTATIME | CAN / ONT | July 2019 | Good | Owner | 08/11/2017 | Official DeLorean Owners Canada | 03/21/2014 | Male | 30-39 | Controls Technician | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | ||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 11:51:21 | 06295 | USA | Texas | Woodlands | SCEDT26T8BD006295 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 30,000 | PRV Stage 3 | Automatic | Super charger | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Brushed | Grey | Excellent | None | Flat | Yes | Yes | Silver | Garaged / Inside | GWY0427 | USA / TX | 12/16 | Excellent | 09/15/2006 | Super charger gives excellent performance | 09/15/2006 | Male | 60+ | Geologist | 5,001m/8,047km – 15,000m/24,140km | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 11:43:22 | 17152 | Isle of Man | British Isles | Maughold | SCEDT26T6CD017152 | 1982 | AUG 82 | 38,585 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | DeLorean EU Stage2 NOS | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Originally Grey changed prior to my ownership | No | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | MAN-28-P | Isle of Man | Excellent | Owner | 03/10/2010 | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 03/10/2010 | Male | 40-49 | IT | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 97/98 RON | ||||||||||||
8/11/2017 11:31:52 | 03513 | USA | Indiana | Indianapolis | 39,000 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Excellent | Yes | Custom | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Owner | 08/11/2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 11:30:32 | 01141 | USA | Colorado | Aurora | SCEDT26T0BD001141 | 1981 | APR 81 | 98,000 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | Steger custom cams, exhaust | Stainless Steel | Good | custom side stripes below run strip | Custom | Good | two-tone black and grey | Yes | Custom | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | GRT SCT | USA / CO | 8/2020 | Excellent | Owner | 08/11/2017 | 02/15/2013 | Engineer | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | ||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 11:29:29 | 16606 | United Kingdom | England | London | SCEDT26T1DD016606 | 1982 | AUG 82 | 14,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | No | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | HBA 827Y | UK | Good | Owner | Invoice | 06/11/2015 | DeLorean Owners Club UK | 06/11/2015 | Male | 40-49 | IT | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 95 RON | ||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 11:29:14 | 02447 | USA | Massachusetts | Westford | SCEDT26T7BD002447 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 50,073 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Yes | None | Flat | No | No | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 08/11/2017 | 05/31/2005 | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 11:17:48 | 10657 | USA | California | San Rafael | SCEDT26T1DC010657 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 40,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Full Re-Grain by Chris Nicholson i 2016 | Grey | Excellent | No | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | DENSITY | September, 2018 | Excellent | Owner | 08/11/2017 | 08/06/2015 | Male | 30-39 | Moviemaker | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 11:01:19 | 04301 | USA | California | Los Angeles | | SCEDT26T0BD004301 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 10 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Original plastic radiator bottle | Other | Excellent | Gold plated | Black | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Other | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Museum | 04/24/2016 | | |||||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 10:56:02 | 16113 | USA | Texas | Houston | SCEDT26T2CD016113 | 1982 | AUG 82 | 40,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | No | Wide Black | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Grey | Garaged / Inside | TIMELS | USA / TX | Good | Owner | 08/11/2017 | Texas DeLorean Club | Male | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 10:51:19 | 06001 | USA | Ohio | Stow | SCEDT26T9BD006001 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 21,127 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | None | Flat | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | OUT OF TME | USA / OH | Excellent | Owner | 08/11/2017 | Male | 40-49 | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 10:45:47 | 16387 | USA | California | Fallbrook | SCEDT26T4DD016387 | 1982 | AUG 82 | 77,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Unrestored | Grey | Good | Waiting to replace Divers Seat bottom cushion | No | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 83DLREN | USA / CA | 11-2017 | Good | Owner | 08/11/2017 | This particular example is a true Model Year 1983 and is one of the last produced, the assembly having been completed in August of 1982. The car was delivered new over the Thanksgiving weekend of that year and was believed to have been lost or sold in the mid 1990s. It wasn’t seen again until the original owner died in 2007. A month after his passing, an heir (the present owner) received a call from a storage facility in Austin, Texas, regarding a certain unpainted car in one of their units… it was this DeLorean and it had been sitting in the unit, covered in boxes and such for more than 10 years while its owner had been living in Costa Rica as an Ex-patriot, estranged from his family. The heir had the car serviced and prepared for the road and drove the car from Austin to the Silicon Valley where he lived. Last November, the owner moved with his family to Fallbrook, CA where the owner plans to gradually restore the car to its original state. | 11/25/1982 | Male | 50-59 | Technology Consultant | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 91 octane | ||||||||||||
8/11/2017 10:43:09 | 07176 | United Kingdom | London | London | | SCEDT26T5BD007176 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 52,000 | PRV Stage 2 | Manual | B28E Euro-spec | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Grey | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 08/08/2017 | DeLorean Club UK | 11/01/2008 | Male | 30-39 | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 97/98 RON | ||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 10:41:14 | 06624 | England | Cambridgeshire | Huntingdon | SCEDT26T1BD006624 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 45,500 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Charcoal coloured fascias | Grey | Excellent | Yes | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | SVR482W | Great Britain | Excellent | Owner | 08/11/2017 | Charcoal colour painted fascias. | DeLorean Club UK | 04/30/2015 | Male | 30-39 | Engineering Scientist | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 97/98 RON | |||||||||||||
8/11/2017 10:36:01 | 05745 | USA | Virginia | Roanoke | SCEDT26T8BD005745 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 11,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Wide Black | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Excellent | Owner | 08/11/2017 | Car displayed at the Virginia Museum of Transportation | 05/09/2002 | Male | 40-49 | Insurance | 0m/km – 100m/160km | 91 octane | ||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 10:34:34 | 10365 | USA | Arizona | Mesa | SCEDT26TXCD010365 | 1905 | 22,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Formerly painted. Still being restored. | Grey | Bad | Added stainless shift knob, machined Sparco pedals, racing seats. Need new headliners and reassembly. | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Thin fins | Other | Garaged / Inside | CAPT H2 | USA / AZ | Bad | Owner | 08/11/2017 | 10365 was originally a Florida car. I was told that the original owners lived in a gated community and apparently there were other DeLoreans and they wanted their car to be different, so they had it painted white. I have since learned through dismantling 10365, that there was some sort of left front impact that was not fully or properly repaired, which is why it was further dismantled by me and members of the Arizona DeLorean Club. With the help of friends, most of the paint and primer has been removed. There is some fiberglass to be repaired at the site of impact. The roof box is also lifting and will need to be repaired. I am waiting for cooler months to resume work, since my garage is not air conditioned. There is a lot to be done and could use some help. I also own 6477, 1981, grey, manual, 40K+ miles. 6477 sat outside for 19 years in upstate NY while the previous owner (Anthony Ragusa) was in prison for organized crime. I have been told that the original owner was a drummer for John Lennon after John left the Beatles and had a Buddy Holly cover band. 6477 is waiting to be worked on after 10365 is fixed. | Arizona DeLorean Club | Male | 40-49 | Information Technology | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 10:22:19 | 03264 | USA | Florida | Naples | SCEDT26T4BD003264 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 14,890 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Good | Yes | Wide Black | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | Good | Owner | 08/10/2017 | 11/23/1981 | Male | 40-49 | Other | ||||||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 10:03:00 | 03610 | USA | Pennsylvania | Pittsburgh | SCEDT26T8DD003610 | 1981 | SEP 81 | 27,000 | Custom | Manual | Island Twin-Turbos | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Turbo gauge | Yes | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 6HY4 | USA / PA | Excellent | Owner | 01/29/2014 | Pittsburgh Area DeLorean Maintenance Club | 01/29/2014 | Male | 19-29 | Electronics Engineer | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 91 octane | |||||||||||||
8/11/2017 9:58:21 | 05898 | USA | Pennsylvania | Wilkes-Barre | SCEDT26T0BD005898 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 40,000 | Custom | Manual | The motor and trans we’re both swapped out. The car was an automatic. When the transmission failed and the engine continued to have issues both were replaced. With the 3.0 PRV and the stock 5 speed. | Stainless Steel | Destroyed | The car’s completion to the 3.0 upgrade was done at a vendor location. The vendor failed to replace the fuel line on the manifold and it failed after a short time. The failed line resulted in a fire which destroyed the car. | Grey | Destroyed | Yes | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Outdoors | EDP 9835 | USA / PA | N/a | Destroyed | Owner | 06/20/2001 | DeLorean Mid-Atlantic Club | Male | 30-39 | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 9:56:45 | 02607 | Mexico | Guanajuato | Guanajuato | SCEDT26T3BD002607 | 1981 | AUG 81 | 26,670 | Custom | Automatic | Carbureted | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Grey | Garaged / Inside | GUN5930 | Guanajuato | Good | Website | 01/07/2015 | 02/10/2015 | Male | 40-49 | Hotel | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 9:37:13 | 16426 | USA | Ohio | Urbana | | SCEDT26TXDD016426 | 1982 | AUG 82 | 10,253 | Stock PRV | Manual | DPI spec 1 exhaust and DPI spec 1 cams | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | USA / OH | Excellent | Owner | DeLorean Club of Ohio | 08/01/2016 | Male | 30-39 | Driver | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 89 octane | ||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 9:34:01 | 01321 | Canada | Alberta | Edmonton | SCEDT26T2BD001321 | 1981 | MAY 81 | 37,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | Wide Black | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Grey | Garaged / Inside | CPT SLW | Good | Owner | 12/01/2009 | Male | 30-39 | |||||||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 9:21:35 | 15190 | USA | California | Danville | SCEDT26TDD015190 | 1982 | AUG 82 | 7,900 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | No | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Silver | Garaged / Inside | 7AJD066 | Excellent | Owner | Northern California DeLorean Motor Club | 05/01/2013 | Male | 40-49 | Software Engineer | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 9:17:09 | 05292 | USA | Michigan | Ann Arbor | | SCEDT26T8BD005292 | 1981 | OCT 81 | 48,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | GO88MPH | USA / MI | Excellent | Owner | 10/08/2016 | Male | 50-59 | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 9:15:22 | 01121 | USA | Minnesota | Hopkins | SCEDT26T5BD001121 | 1981 | APR 81 | 13,500 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Excellent | Yes | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Grey | Garaged / Inside | IRISH81 | USA / MN | Excellent | Owner | 08/11/2017 | Shared | 40-49 | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 89 octane | ||||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 9:15:00 | 01098 | USA | Florida | Orlando | SCEDT26T3BD001098 | 1981 | APR 81 | 12,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Thick fins | Grey | Garaged / Inside | 81DMC-12 | USA / FL | Excellent | Owner | DeLorean Club of Florida | 08/07/2015 | Male | 40-49 | Auto mechanic / sales | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 9:12:46 | 06631 | USA | Arizona | Mesa | SCEDT26T9BD006631 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 38,000 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | None | Grooved | No | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Garaged / Inside | STNLSS | USA / AZ | Excellent | Owner | Arizona DeLorean Club | 02/03/2015 | |||||||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 9:12:40 | 10115 | USA | Georgia | Alpharetta | SCEDT26T9CD010115 | 1982 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Had suffered from hail damage. | Grey | Excellent | Interior was in very good stock condition. | None | No | Yes | Grey | Garaged / Inside | USA / GA | Owner | I purchased this from the brother of Josh Holloway (he played “Sawyer” on the TV Show Lost). His brother and I worked together at Compaq Computer Corporation in Alpharetta. Josh and his family grew up in Ball Ground, GA. I performed a good bit of maintenance on this vehicle, including upgrading the wiring, installing new PJ Grady accessories (including fans, remote door unlock, etc.). I had also installed a Dakota Digital digital dash. The car was in overall excellent condition when I sold it. It was ultimately totaled by the driver that purchased the car from me (it wasn’t his fault, he was hit by a drunk driver). He reported that the car was bought as scrap and utilized for another DeLorean owner’s goal to create another vehicle. | Male | 19-29 | 87 octane | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 9:12:02 | 00742 | USA | California | Santa Clara | | SCEDT26TXBD000742 | 1981 | APR 81 | 13,000 | PRV Stage 2 | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Yes | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Silver | Car Port | FUTRCAR | USA / CA | Excellent | Owner | I purchased the car from Ron Tonkin Ferrari in Portland Oregon. It was a garage kept beauty with only 6k originla miles. Sdly it non of the recalls or updates and of course had sat for years so it needded a lot of love and parts replced in orde to drive. I soon discovered that the car leaked water everywhere and had and still has fuel sending issues dispite replacing eveything almost in the fuel system. The entire car has been sound proofed with dynamat for both high and low end frequencies, upgraded infinity speakers and I’ve tried to replace eveything I could over to stainless and eveythign electronic. The goal is to keep it looking stock but make it a safer adn mroe reliable car. | Northern California DeLorean Motor Club | 09/01/1998 | Male | 30-39 | 5,001m/8,047km – 15,000m/24,140km | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 9:11:56 | 01880 | USA | Michigan | Harbor Springs | SCEDT26T5BD001880 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 63,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Excellent | Custom vents, touchscreen, door openering buttons, and more. | No | Wide Black | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Other | Silver | Garaged / Inside | PATS DMC | Excellent | Owner | DeLorean Club of Ohio | 06/24/2003 | Male | 30-39 | HR Manager | 501m/805km – 5000m/8,046km | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 8:57:52 | 02181 | USA | California | Modesto | SCEDT26T6BD002181 | 1981 | JUL 81 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | Yes | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Left-Rear | Grey | Garaged / Inside | MARTY | USA / CA | Aug 2018 | Good | Owner | 08/11/2017 | 09/12/2014 | 101m/161km – 500m/804km | 87 octane | |||||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 8:55:19 | 10954 | USA | California | Napa | SCEDT26T7CD010954 | 1982 | DEC 81 | Custom | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Yes | None | Flat | No | Yes | Left-Rear | Other | Garaged / Inside | IANZDMC | USA / CA | Excellent | Owner | Male | Auto mechanic / sales | 91 octane | |||||||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 8:45:23 | 06563 | Germany | Berlin | Berlin | SCEDT26T7BD006563 | 1981 | JUL 81 | PRV Stage 1 | Manual | Painted | Excellent | Red | Grey | Good | Yes | None | No | No | Left-Rear | Other | Garaged / Inside | Owner | Male | 50-59 | 5,001m/8,047km – 15,000m/24,140km | 95 RON | |||||||||||||||||||||||
8/11/2017 7:20:49 | 04005 | USA | Georgia | Dallas | SCEDT26T7BD004005 | 1981 | SEP 81 | Stock PRV | Manual | Original plastic coolant expansion tank | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | Original cargo net | Yes | None | Grooved | No | No | Front-Right | Silver | 1170SF | USA / GA | Oct 2000 | Website | Craigslist | 03/13/2017 | Delorean DMC 12 1981 Great,Summer Project car..! She need,s just a little TLC to get her Back to the Future..! Needs Fuel system Fuel pump replaced ,Have the new Clutch ready to put in..! Motor Runs Great, no problems there,But need,s new fuel pump installed first..! Gas tank has already been cleaned out..! Body and tires are in great shape,,Interior needs some work has new dash and I have a brand new passenger side dash piece still in the box from DMC Texas, Seat need to be redone Witch you can get brand new On E bay or from DMC Texas, Car will have to be towed , for more info Just send me a Text. Car Number 4005 is looking for a new Home….! The new DMC 12 will Run New for about 80 to 100 thousand Dollars, next year,,And refurbished ones run about 38 thousand and up…! asking 12 thousand dollars…Great deal for this American Classic car…! | ||||||||||||||||||||
8/9/2017 10:17:45 | 02118 | USA | California | Bakersfield | | SCEDT26TXBD002118 | 1981 | JUL 81 | 37,000 | Custom | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Black | Good | Yes | None | Grooved | Yes | Left-Rear | Silver | 7RHL205 | USA / CA | Owner | 09/14/2015 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/8/2017 23:56:36 | 03104 | USA | California | Los Angeles | | SCEDT26T4BD003104 | 1981 | 21,540 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Wide Black | Grooved | Yes | Front-Right | Silver | 1DRJ462 | USA / CA | Oct 2016 | Website | eBay | 09/29/2016 | Lovingly maintained, one owner, California car (actually I am the second owner as of 2015). This car has always been garaged. The car has just over 21,500 orginal miles. I have regularly driven the car and have put jost over 450 miles on the car since purchasing it. All maintenance and repairs completed by Delorean Motor Company since new. Has the original Blue California plate that was first issued with the car; if you look closely you will see every yearly registration sticker for the car placed carefully on top of one another (see photo)! The original owner used this car as his secondary means of transporation and purchased it in Northern California where he lived and worked in San Francisco. I have all paperwork for the car including the original window sticker and temporary registration sticker that was placed inside of the windshield. I also have the owners manual, warranty card, spare keys, and The Playboy from May 1981 that has an interview of John and thoughts about his upcoming car’s release. Included with the paperwork are the work orders for mechanical and cosmetic work done by Delorean Motor Company in Hermosa Beach prior to my taking delivery of the car totaling over $7,000.00. Since owning the car the radiator and gas tank sending unit have been replaced. I am selling the car so that I can purchase a late model Porsche to add to my collection. I have many more photographs of the car and the paperwork including a letter from John Delorean that was given to the original owner as a thanks for the purchase of the car. Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8/8/2017 14:08:50 | 01632 | USA | California | West Los Angeles | | SCEDT26T8BD001632 | 1981 | 55,802 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | DMC flux capacitor | None | Grooved | No | 6WQW946 | USA / CA | Aug 2013 | Website | Craigslist | 03/30/2013 | Very rare, Original 1981 DMC Delorean for sale. Only 55k miles and 2 previous owners. What makes this even more rare is that it’s an automatic. There were only ever 9,000 delorean’s made worldwide, 3,000 of them were automatics. There is less than 1,000 of them known to be still in existence WORLDWIDE!! This car is totally stock except for 2 items: I replaced the stereo with a kenwood stereo with Bluetooth and iPod/ aux hookup and I also installed an original flux capacitor (purchased from DMC). This can be removed if desired easily. Repairs have been minimal but this is what has been done: transmission replaced 2012 new battery installed march 2013 new tires 2012 It comes with a car cover, 2 sets of keys, valid registration, brand new and the original floor mats, new leather bucket seats, It even has the original log books and owners manual. Please, no time wasters. If you don’t live delorean’s, don’t enquire. Only selling because I have to move out of the country and cannot take it with me. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/8/2017 0:21:48 | 01425 | USA | Illinois | Chicago | | SCEDT26T3BD001425 | 1981 | 11,253 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Stainless Steel | Good | Black | Good | No radio | Narrow | Grooved | No | Website | 01/09/2016 | VERY LOW MILEAGE AND GREAT CONDITION DELOREAN DMC-12. RARE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION. SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY. WILL SHIP WORLDWIDE. $29,800 obo Dealer Information for North Shore Autosport By Appointment Only 677 N Clark St Chicago, IL 60654 PH: 312-884-1149 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8/7/2017 22:07:39 | 10515 | USA | California | Orange | | SCEDT26T3CD010515 | 1982 | DEC 81 | 23,000 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Small dent in left-rear panel | Grey | Good | Cracks in binnacle, worn carpets | None | Flat | No | 2AWA057 | USA / CA | Aug 1987 | Owner | | Orange County DeLorean Club | 11/06/1974 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8/7/2017 11:15:24 | 04660 | USA | California | Tustin | | SCEDT26T6BD004660 | 1981 | OCT 81 | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Good | None | Grooved | No | 1HOC266 | USA / CA | Aug 2014 | Museum | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3/25/2017 0:00:00 | 05364 | USA | California | Palm Desert | SCEDT26T7BD005364 | Website | 3/25/2017 |