DeLorean Workshop Manual – Section C:06:02 – Engine

DeLorean Workshop Manual Index


Clean gasket faces on cylinder heads and cylinder block using paint stripper (protect oil holes) 4 and 5.

Take care not to let any foreign matter enter the oilways which could block the rocker arm jet holes and lead to excessive wear of cam lobes and rocker arm fingers.

Clean inside the cylinder block, particularly the locating flanges for the liner base seals and crankshaft.

Extract the cylinder head locating roll pins (C) and (D).

Fig. 48

Check condition of: oil pump and cylinder heads; check their gasket faces for truth (resurfacing not permitted)

Grind in the valves and re-cut the valve seats.

Change the “liner-piston” assemblies. (Fig. 49)

Fig. 49


Excelnyl liner base seals are used in the engine.

They are available in the following thicknesses:

  • blue tag 0,087 mm (.0034″)
  • white tag 0,102 mm (.004″)
  • red tag ~ 0,122 mm (.0048″)
  • yellow tag 0,147 mm (.0058″)

With liner base seals in position, the amount of liner protrusion above the cylinder block face should be between 0,16 and 0,23 mm (.0063 to .0091″) work as close to 0,23 mm as possible.

The new liners need not oe inserted with an angular reference.

Difference in level liner to liner mav De made by selective insertion.

To select the correct liner base seals, the amount of protrusion of each “liner-piston-connecting rod” assembly, without its seal, must be determined for each block of cylinders.

Check liner protrusions at (A) and !B) using thrust plate, bracket fitted with a clock gauge. J 28856 (Fig. 50)

Fig. 50

Subtract the larger measurement from 0,23 mm to determine the thickness of the seal required. Select a seal whose thickness is equal to, or just less than, the thickness calculated.
