Timestamp | Last 5 of VIN: | Location Country: | Location State/Region: | Location City: | VIN Page: | Full VIN: | Model Year: | Build date: | Odometer: | Engine: | Transmission: | Engine / Transmission notes: | Finish: | Finish Condition: | Finish Notes: | Interior: | Interior Condition: | Interior notes: | Console Clock: | Radio: | Exterior Graphics: | Hood: | Gas Flap: | Hood emblem: | Antenna: | Wheel Casting: | Wheel Color: | Car storage: | License Plate Number: | License Plate State/Country: | Registration Stickers: | Overall Vehicle Status: | Source: | Source Notes: | Date Last Seen: | General Notes / Description: | Owner Contact: | Owner Website: | Current Owner Club Affiliation: | Current Owner Purchase Date: | Owner gender: | Owner age range: | Purchased from: | Purchase notes: | Owner succession: | Owner occupation: | Miles / km driven per year: | How often driven: | Commonly Used Fuel: |
11/3/2019 11:08:07 | 01942 | USA | California | Redondo Beach | www.DeLoreanDirectory.com/deloreans/vin01942 | SCEDT26T1BD001942 | 1981 | JUN 81 | 37,000 | PRV Stage 2 | Automatic | New engine, new transmission in 2016 | Stainless Steel | Good | Only washed once in nine plus years of ownership. Many custom stickers on rear windows, thin reflective strip under rub strip. Reflective DeLorean logo on rear bumper | Black | Good | Custom 'DMC' plate where the clock used to be. LED everything (except the battery light) | No | Other | Other | Grooved | Yes | No | Windshield | Not sure | Silver | Garaged / Inside | AWLDRMD | USA / CA | 05/20 | Good | Owner | Best from what I can recall | 11/5/2019 | Seen in various TV shows and at least one indie movie. Replicated twice in 1/64 scale by Hot Wheels (2012 and 2019) | 1/30/2010 | Male | 40-49 | Other | 4th + owner | Designer | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | 91 octane |
VIN 01942
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