SCEDT26T5BD002186 |
1981, Automatic, California, Census, DeLoreans, Excellent, Owner, Stainless Steel, USA

VIN 02186

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TimestampLast 5 of VIN:Location Country:Location State/Region:Location City:VIN Page:Full VIN:Model Year:Build date:Odometer:Engine:Transmission:Engine / Transmission notes:Finish:Finish Condition:Finish Notes:Interior:Interior Condition:Interior notes:Console Clock:Radio:Exterior Graphics:Hood:Gas Flap:Hood emblem:Antenna:Wheel Casting:Wheel Color:Car storage:License Plate Number:License Plate State/Country:Registration Stickers:Overall Vehicle Status:Source:Source Notes:Date Last Seen:General Notes / Description:Owner Contact:Owner Website:Current Owner Club Affiliation:Current Owner Purchase Date:Owner gender:Owner age range:Purchased from:Purchase notes:Owner succession:Owner occupation:Miles / km driven per year:How often driven:Commonly Used Fuel:
3/12/2020 19:43:2202186USAVirginiaFort BelvoirSCEDT26T5BD0021861981JUL 8118,000Stock PRVAutomaticDPI's SPEC1 exhaust installedStainless SteelExcellentBlackExcellentTwo-toned deat covers, two-toned steering wheel wrapping, Craig radio Bluetooth, subwoofer, amp, LED cargo shelf and footweel lighting, backup cameraYesCraigWide Black StripeGroovedYesYesOtherNot sureSilverGaraged / InsideCONTRA 4USA / CA03/21ExcellentOwner3/12/2020Have hidden lots of NES related and Contra videogame characters throughout the carBrian Paone ( (paper / online)Bought from Traverse City, MI through an ad on DMCTalk4th + ownerAuthor501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046kmDaily91 octane
5/21/2019 8117,515Stock PRVAutomaticStainless SteelExcellentBlackExcellentYesOtherWide Black StripeGroovedYesYesOtherGaraged / InsideUSA / CAExcellentOwner5/21/2019Brian Paone ( (paper / online)Traverse City, MI4th + ownerAuthor501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046kmMonthly97/98 RON
4/4/2019 0:37:4602186USACaliforniaMontereySCEDT26T5BD0021861981JUL 8117,505Stock PRVAutomaticEngine number: #001528Stainless SteelExcellentBlackExcellentYesCraigWide Black StripeGroovedYesNoOtherSilverGaraged / InsideUSA / CAExcellentOwner4/4/2019Brian Paone ( (paper / online)Purchased for $20,500 from Traverse City, MI4th + ownerAuthor