Timestamp | Last 5 of VIN: | Location Country: | Location State/Region: | Location City: | VIN Page: | Full VIN: | Model Year: | Build date: | Odometer: | Engine: | Transmission: | Engine / Transmission notes: | Finish: | Finish Condition: | Finish Notes: | Interior: | Interior Condition: | Interior notes: | Console Clock: | Radio: | Exterior Graphics: | Hood: | Gas Flap: | Hood emblem: | Antenna: | Wheel Casting: | Wheel Color: | Car storage: | License Plate Number: | License Plate State/Country: | Registration Stickers: | Overall Vehicle Status: | Source: | Source Notes: | Date Last Seen: | General Notes / Description: | Owner Contact: | Owner Website: | Current Owner Club Affiliation: | Current Owner Purchase Date: | Owner gender: | Owner age range: | Purchased from: | Purchase notes: | Owner succession: | Owner occupation: | Miles / km driven per year: | How often driven: | Commonly Used Fuel: |
4/13/2020 9:04:16 | 06451 | Hungary | Budapest | SCEDT26T7BD006451 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 15,009 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Excellent | Grey | Excellent | Dark green carpets | Yes | Craig | None | Flat | No | No | Left-Rear | Grey | Garaged / Inside | 05/2025 | Excellent | Owner | 4/13/2020 | Bought from 2nd owner from Orange CA in January 2020 and shipped to Hungary. Lots of upgrades done: brakes, clutch, fuel lines, fuel system were upgraded. The car had great owners who took good care of the exterior and interior, but hasn't run a mile since the end of the 90's. After the upgrades, now it runs and drives great, brought back to life. | (kema1@oldtimertrezor.hu) | www.oldtimertrezor.hu | DeLorean Club Hungary | 1/22/2020 | Male | 19-29 | Advertisement (paper / online) | Shipped by AmeriCarGo, Hungary | 3rd owner | 501m to 5000m / 805km to 8,046km | Monthly | Other | |||||||||
12/31/2018 2:10:00 | 06451 | USA | California | Orange | www.DeLoreanDirectory.com/deloreans/vin06451 | SCEDT26T7BD006451 | 1981 | NOV 81 | 14,988 | Stock PRV | Manual | Stainless Steel | Good | Grey | Excellent | Yes | Craig | None | Flat | No | No | Other | Garaged / Inside | 1F0Y611 | USA / CA | 10/14 | Good | Observed in person | 12/31/2018 |
VIN 06451
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