SCEDT26T4DD017149 |
1983, California, Census, DeLoreans, Good, Manual, Owner, Stainless Steel, USA

VIN 17149

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TimestampLast 5 of VIN:Location Country:Location State/Region:Location City:VIN Page:Full VIN:Model Year:Build date:Odometer:Engine:Transmission:Engine / Transmission notes:Finish:Finish Condition:Finish Notes:Interior:Interior Condition:Interior notes:Console Clock:Radio:Exterior Graphics:Hood:Gas Flap:Hood emblem:Antenna:Wheel Casting:Wheel Color:Car storage:License Plate Number:License Plate State/Country:Registration Stickers:Overall Vehicle Status:Source:Source Notes:Date Last Seen:General Notes / Description:Owner Contact:Owner Website:Current Owner Club Affiliation:Current Owner Purchase Date:Owner gender:Owner age range:Purchased from:Purchase notes:Owner succession:Owner occupation:Miles / km driven per year:How often driven:Commonly Used Fuel:
9/27/2020 0:01:1817149USACaliforniaCovinaSCEDT26T4DD0171491983SEP 81PRV Stage 2ManualRebuildStainless SteelGoodGreyGoodNeeds new dash and seat covers.NoOtherNoneFlatNoYesLeft-RearThick finsSilverOutdoorsDMC XIIUSA/CA07/83ExcellentOwner9/26/2020Rebuilt engine and engine bayJustin Trabue ( County DeLorean Club9/25/2018Male30-39Advertisement (paper / online)Purchased from the original owner1st owner5,001m to 15,000m / 8,047km to 24,140kmDaily87 octane
5/16/2019 82PRV Stage 2ManualThis is the Second engine for this car. 000007723Stainless SteelGoodSome damage to the hood and fascia’sGreyGoodNormal wear on the seats and dash. Steering wheel was cut and removed from the top center and capped off for an airplane wheel style.NoOtherNoneFlatNoYesLeft-RearThick finsSilverOutdoorsDMC XIIUSA / CAJuly. Early 90sExcellentOwner5/11/2019Justin Trabue ( County DeLorean Club10/25/2018Male30-39Advertisement (paper / online)Found online at Carguru.com2nd ownerRoute logistics at US Foods15001m or more / 24141km or moreDaily87 octane