A collection of DeLorean-related dates. If you have a date to add, submit it here.
DeLorean Timeline
The first Gold DeLorean was completed. Sources: “Celebrating the Impossible”, page 373
First official sale of a DeLorean in the United Kingdom, at the Culloden Hotel, Northern Ireland. Sources: “Celebrating the Impossible”, page 406
The terms of receivership are announced. Source: “Celebrating the Impossible”, page 388
Source: NY Times
8,580 DeLoreans produced as Receivership is announced. Source: “John Z, the DeLorean, and Me”, page 185
1100 DeLorean employees (out of 2600) are declared ‘redundant’, and layoffs follow. Source: “Celebrating the Impossible”, page 386
Source: “Celebrating the Impossible”, page 385
Legend Twin Turbo purchase order increased to 7,500. Sources: “Celebrating the Impossible”, page 348
1000th DeLorean rolled off the production line Sources: “Celebrating the Impossible”, page 335
Third shipment of DeLoreans loaded at Belfast Harbour Sources: “Celebrating the Impossible”, page 310